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10. He doesn’t put you first

Another obvious sign that a guy is playing you (which many girls sadly overlook) is the fact that you have to beg for this man’s love and attention.

It is a fact that you feel like his second choice and that he never gave you the place you deserve in his life.

For someone like him, everything and everyone is more important than you.

He is always too busy to see you and doesn’t mind bailing out on you when someone else calls him to hang out.

You’re not the one with whom he will ever plan a vacation together (or even a weekend getaway), not the one he’ll run to help when you’re in trouble, and not the one he’ll cancel plans for.

You’re not the one whose texts he’ll reply to first and not the one whose phone call he never fails to return.

In fact, you’re this guy’s last resort, a safety net, and the only times he calls you are when he needs you.

You are the one who will always wait for him and the one who has spent numerous nights with her phone in her hand, hoping until the last minute that he will come as he promised.

It is like he feels you’re not going anywhere, no matter what he does and as if he doesn’t have to put the minimum effort in keeping you around.

You’re the one he calls when he doesn’t have anything better to do and when everyone else stands him up at the last minute.

You’re not his priority and will never become one. Instead, you’re just a girl who keeps waiting for him to show up as if nothing happened.