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10. Make him a part of your life – not your whole life

When we’re in the honeymoon phase, we just can’t get enough of each other and that’s completely normal.

But once the honeymoon phase is over, being together all the time and making him your life is neither normal nor healthy.

Make him part of your life but not your entire life!

Keep on pursuing your dreams and following your passions and ask him to come along with you and for him to be your company on the way. You two are best friends, lovers, and soulmates.

But this doesn’t mean that the rest of the world stops existing just because you two fell in love with each other.

Enjoy your life to the fullest and enjoy it both with him and your friends and family. Enjoy it with yourself first, because alone time is incredibly important for you to be happy and healthy as well.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, so take care of yourself first.

Don’t be afraid or ashamed to spoil yourself with long bubble baths, drinking your favorite cocktails, re-reading your favorite books, or watching your favorite TV show alone or with your best friends.

You deserve to be happy and nurtured from the inside out too!