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14 Most Unromantic Signs You’ve Found The One

14 Most Unromantic Signs You’ve Found The One

1. You can be weird together.

You can talk about anything without feeling embarrassed. You are not afraid that he will judge or make you feel uncomfortable. You can be yourself when you are with him.


2. You don’t have to dress to impress.

Casual clothes are your thing. You like spending time in his oversized T-shirt. He likes spending time in his boxer shorts. Or you both wear sweat suits. Clothes are not really important—the important thing is you don’t have to watch what you wear all the time.

3. You don’t like flowers but he finds the alternative.

He remembers you like that coconut chocolate the best. Or he brings you some cheap book from the stand. Just to let you know he was thinking about you.

4. He makes you laugh all the time.

He is funny. You also have some inside jokes that make you laugh even when you are all alone and remember them. He just draws a smile on your face.

5. You can just be there and breathe.

Silence is more than welcome at times. Especially when one or both of you are tired. You just like each other’s presence and there is no need to talk all the time. It feels nice.

6. You grab some beers and talk.

So, simple so good. Sometimes, you grab one beer too many and that’s also good. He will carry you home.

7. You order takeout.

You go out sometimes, too. But, there’s no need to eat out all the time. You are over the moon when he remembers your favorite Chinese food. You can also eat from the hot dog stand or some other fast food place—as long as you are together, everything is delicious.

8. No need for fancy places.

Building’s rooftop, a couple of beers and a sandwich can top any fancy five-star restaurant for you. You prefer to keep things casual. This kind of rooftop dinner is actually pretty romantic.

9. You have similar interests.

You can go hiking together. Or you can stay home and lay in bed all day. It depends on preferences. You enjoy any activity as long as you are together.

10. You watch the same TV series ( or Netflix) then discuss it later.

Or better yet, you watch it together. But no talking during the series. You always discuss it after.

11. You are making fun of each other.

But in a cute way. You never joke in a way that gets somebody offended. You push those limits, but you never cross them. You have fun in teasing not insulting.



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12. You have weird nicknames for each other.

You are way past sweetie, honey, and babe. You are more in terms of Monster, Chunky Rabbit, Pork Chop or anything that sounds unromantic but has a special meaning to the two of you.

13. You can snore. It sounds crazy.

But, it’s cute, especially at first. All aspects of sleeping together are cute. But if you have trouble sleeping later on, you can always get earplugs.

14. You can fart in front of one another.

This is a normal bodily function. You can’t help but have it. And it feels so good to know that you feel so relaxed and comfortable with each other, you can even do this.


Romance is not always about flowers and writing poems. Some people like that and it’s a part of who they are. But if you are dating a unromantic guy or you are unromantic yourself, you realized by now that there are more ways to show love. It doesn’t have to be some grand gesture.

It’s the little things that matter. The unromantic romantic things. The small thoughtful signs of attention. Those are the ones that show you he was listening, he is attentive and he cares. He is the one you can be yourself with more than when you are alone. He is a keeper. He is the one.