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4. Keep a positive attitude around him

Rewind back to your last few dates. Think about the guys and their general attitude and outlook on life.

Were they high on life, seeing things through rose-colored glasses or were they total downers with a bunch of negative things to say about pretty much anything?

And now think about how it affected you and their perception of them.

It’s totally normal (and expected really) to be attracted to somebody who exudes positivity and good vibes.

We as human beings feel more comfortable around somebody who is likely to make us feel positive and safe rather than gloomy and jaded.

I myself can say with complete certainty that a positive attitude in a person will appeal to me much faster than the way they look or what they wear.

If they don’t make me feel relaxed and comfortable, I’m out the door.

Here are a few tips to let your beautiful personality traits do the talking for you:

• Resist the urge to share your gloomy outlook on any topic that comes up. Instead, try to put a positive spin on it.

• Do not talk about your ex for at least a few dates, because it may bring out some unresolved issues within.

• If he mentions something negative, suggest to move away from that topic to something more light and appropriate.