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6. He refuses to label things

What makes a guy a player? A trait that is common for most guys who play games is that they have trouble making things official.

Some of them tell you that they don’t believe in serious relationships as such.

Some of them avoid the topic, and some of them lie that they’re still not ready to label things.

If your man refuses to call you his girlfriend and if he uses vague terms about your relationship, things are pretty obvious.

However, at the same time, he isn’t leaving you, he is just keeping you on standby. This way, he wants to avoid all the new relationship drama.

Also, he doesn’t want to give you any rights you would normally have as his girlfriend but at the same time, he wants to keep you around.

After all, you two are not in a committed relationship yet and that gives him the chance to continue his life as a bachelor and have complete freedom to do whatever the hell he wants.

You’re not his girlfriend, so technically, you don’t have the right to call him out on his actions or to flat out ask him where everything is going.

You don’t have the right to ask him where he spent the night and whether he will hook up with other girls (instead you have to investigate his Instagram and Snapchat stories in the hope of finding out what he’s been up to).

You don’t have the right to demand that he puts you first, to nag about him not giving you enough attention or to get angry when he disappears for days.

Most importantly, when your relationship isn’t official, he doesn’t have a duty to remain faithful.

In fact, this gives him the liberty to talk to (or even hook up with) other girls without it being called cheating and without you being entitled to say anything.

The worst part is that you really did sign up for this. You really did accept this status quo, and you really did settle for not having a title.

And this is something he never fails to remind you of whenever you try complaining about his behavior.