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6. The badass alpha female

This type of girl is like a poison for all men. She is fearless and she has her own rules.

She can’t stand injustice and if you want to win her over you will have to have more than just good looks. She has worked her ass off to get where she is now and she cherishes that.

Guys are crazy about her because she won’t settle for less than she’s worth and she is willing to show it to any guy she dates.

She looks good, is intelligent, and always puts herself first. That is why she has so much integrity over guys and why they respect her.

Some guys are even intimidated by her behavior and don’t want to date her, thinking she will dominate over them.

That is what every man fears the most. He is terrified that a woman will take away their manhood and that she will make the big decisions.

But if you treat her like your equal, she will never do something to downplay your manhood.

If you’re lucky enough to win over a woman like this, just know that she will be the best thing that ever happened to you.