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6. They are independent

These women know how to be by themselves. Let’s make one thing clear, men enjoy being needed, I mean who doesn’t? But that neediness has to stop at some point.

You have to draw the line where that neediness becomes obsessiveness.

Men fall for women who do everything by themselves but are not afraid to ask their help when they need it.

These women will include a man in their life but they cling on to theirs.

So, before you’ve talked about commitment, you have to show him that you can manage perfectly by yourself, that you don’t need a man to take care of you.

Men find this extremely sexy. It’s a bit contradictory since they want to have someone to take care of but if you become just that, a person who needs to be taken care of, they will lose interest in you instantly. Neediness is not an attractive trait but independence is.