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1. The Femme Fatale

This type of girl is every man’s dream. She has it all to make a guy happy – and she knows it.

She has style, taste, good looks, and intellect. She is strong to the bone and she never settles for less than she deserves.

She invests in herself, knowing that something like that will never fail, and she is proud of that.

She is open-minded yet very careful about to whom she will give her heart. A woman like this doesn’t put up with any bullshit and she handles every situation in an easy way.

To some extent, she comes off as intimidating, which, in most cases, is a turn-on to guys.

She is not the type of girl you can pick up easily. If you want to be with her, you’ll have to go the extra mile to make her yours.

But once she is, she will transform your life into the most beautiful love story.