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7. You have an avoidant-attachment style

If your parent-child relationship wasn’t healthy, you would become a legit candidate for developing an avoidant-attachment style during adulthood. Here’s how the psychology of avoidant-attachment style is explained by Insider:

“When our needs aren’t met consistently by our primary caregivers, we form the belief that they won’t be met by any significant other, [and] that we can’t ever rely on others.”

If you feel like you can’t rely on your potential partner, you’ll avoid investing in them emotionally to protect yourself. Sometimes, you’ll avoid relationships altogether.

Emotional unavailability might take its toll and block you from forming a healthy and meaningful relationship with others. Even if the person is right for you, you’ll still find a way to justify your refusal or inability to commit.

You’ll do all this out of fear that you’ll be hurt like you were hurt by your parent(s).