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These 22 Bad Tattoos That Went Horribly Wrong Will Instantly Crack You Up

These 22 Bad Tattoos That Went Horribly Wrong Will Instantly Crack You Up

Some mistakes can be corrected, and then there are also some that are permanent, like tattoos. If you ever end up regretting a tattoo, you have two choices. You can either go through the pain of laser removal or live with the shame for the rest of your life.

However, if there’s anything positive about this, a bad tattoo is definitely a good conversation starter! I would love to know a story or thought process behind each one of these!

So join me for a crazy journey through questionable tattoo designs that won’t fail to make you laugh!

1. Maybe He Shouldn’t Have Done It

I’m sure he wanted to just do it and get it done with, but maybe, just maybe, he should have checked the previous work of this tattoo “artist”. At least the spelling is right, I guess.

2. Hardcore Bon Jovi Fan

The font is definitely questionable, but it wouldn’t be as bad if it was at least written correctly. I get that people mostly end up with bad tattoos when they’re drunk, but in this case, it seems a tattoo artist was drunk as well!

3. Identical Marilyn Monroe Portrait

I mean just look at these impressive skills! You have to really stare at this to figure out which one is a tattoo!

4. Crazy Artistic Skills

Another masterpiece that deserves to be in an art gallery! The lines, shading, colors…it’s beyond impressive, right?!

5. Flowers Tattoo…I Guess?

I’m not sure what this was supposed to be, but I’m guessing the person wanted some floral pattern. All I know is that this piece would be incredibly hard to cover up!

6. Deformed Tiger Tattoo

Tigers are symbols of power, strength, and loyalty, but this tiger? I’m not so sure about that.

7. Good Intention Gone Bad

This girl just wanted to remind people of the importance of recycling, bless her. I think she won’t be wearing her hair up that often.

8. Always Remember To…

Let this be a reminder to always check the script you’re about to get tattooed. You don’t want to look at a mistake like this one for the rest of your life, do you?

9. “It’s Supposed To Be A Galaxy”

I don’t know what kind of a galaxy this was supposed to look like, but it definitely doesn’t look like anything! It seems like splashes of random color or clown’s vomit!

10. When Logic Takes A Break

Damn, not only does this make no sense when you look at it at first, but the font is also horrendous! However, the tattoo may be bad, but it is what is it, right?

11. This Tattoo Wasn’t “Wroth” It

Whatever trauma happened to them, this tattoo may be worse. I always wonder whether the tattoo artist notices the mistake or just blindly tattoos whatever the client gives them.

12. Die Hard American

People with OCD may get triggered by these red lines not aligning at all! This man is surely a patriot and loves America with his whole heart!

13. Bad, Cringe, Or Both?

This is a reminder to never tattoo something that is trending because in a few years, it will only look cringe. And it’s not even that cringe design is the only problem, but terrible and unprecise linework and a smudged feather as well!

14. Tattoo Nightmare

I’m not even sure what to say about this tattoo. I just imagine the terror of the people sitting behind this guy somewhere, but at least he can cover it up with his hair!

15. Baby Portrait

Portraits are incredibly hard to recreate so always make sure to find the best possible tattoo artist! After all, nobody wants to carry a picture of their child like this one forever on their skin and mind.

16. Scary Wolf Tattoo

I’m pretty much certain the person wanted some scary, powerful design of a wolf but ended up with this. It looks like the tattoo artist got tired after doing the first half of the design and just tattooed whatever after that since one part seems to be more detailed. However, detailed or not, it all looks questionable.

17. Legendary Tupac Portrait

I think Tupac has seen some better days…By far, you’ve probably learned to stay away from portrait tattoos if you can.

18. Bad Idea, Bad Execution

I wonder what the person who got this was thinking when they decided it was a good idea to tattoo their ear. I can’t even blame the tattoo artist that much for this poor execution and sad-looking flowers.

19. Family Portrait

If you ever decide to tattoo your family portrait but aren’t sure if the tattoo artist has the required skills, maybe think twice before doing that! Nowadays, outline portraits are popular because you can’t go wrong with them.

20. Scribble Tattoo

At first, I tried to justify this piece and thought that maybe dad wanted a tattoo of his kid’s scribble but it turns out this is actually “artwork” of a real tattoo artist! Also, people pay so much to have designs like this one tattooed on them.

21. Only Judge Can God Me

Okay, this one is a classic many people saw but we can’t forget about this gem! Besides a poorly worded famous quote, I wonder what’s happening with the design below as well.

22. One Word Tattoo Fail

This tattoo artist had one simple job, just one! He had to tattoo a simple word, but he somehow managed to fail at that task. However, maybe this person is a nurse and really loves their patients, who knows?!

After these 22 failed tattoos, I’m sure you’ll think twice before changing your body forever with ink, but also choose a professional tattoo artist.

What do you think, which one of these deserves first place when it comes to worst tattoos ever?