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7 Tips To Make Girl On Top Sex So Much Hotter

7 Tips To Make Girl On Top Sex So Much Hotter

To be honest, this is every woman’s favorite position. Why? It’s simple—it helps us reach orgasm faster.

But being on top is not an easy thing. It is a lot of work and you need to do a lot of things to make it enjoyable and fun for the both of you.

Has it ever happened to you that once you were on top, you had no idea what to do?

In addition to jumping up and down, you probably feel like an idiot up there and you don’t know what to do with yourself to look hotter and feel hotter.

Actually, to give him the best sex he has ever had while you’re at it.

To help you look sexier, look at these tips on how to use the cowgirl position and make your sex the hottest ever!

Play with your hair

Make the time on top be as fun as possible for you and for him.

So while you’re at it, play with your hair because men usually think of woman’s hair as sexy as hell.

Play with it and toss it around as you enjoy yourself and he won’t be able to help but be even hornier than he already is.

Use your hands

You don’t have to touch him all the time. You have free hands when you’re on top, so feel free to use them the way you like.

You can use them to make him feel better but you can do a favor to yourself as well.

Either way, it will put a twist on things and make your girl on top sex hot as hell.

Put your legs in the right position

When you’re on top, it doesn’t mean that you just have to sit on him and that’s it. You have to know exactly how to position your legs.

Not only will it be good for you but it will drive him crazy, too.

Clutch your legs together because that squeezes your pelvic muscles and arouses the parts that need to be aroused.

Never mimic porn

You’re not always going to nail it and you’re not always going to do it right, that’s just the way it is but if you try to do it that perfectly, you’re only going to embarrass yourself and give a lousy performance.

Do it your style and do what feels natural at that moment, and of course with the help of these tips to make it even better.

Change the rhythm

Sex is not a race and you don’t have to race him to finish first. Take your time and do it the way you feel it.

Start slow, then bring up the pace and then slow it down again.

Be creative and play with him a bit. It will drive him crazy and he will beg for more.

Use your whole body

You have your whole body open for exploration. You can literally do whatever you want.

You can touch him wherever you want and you can touch yourself where you feel like touching. After all, you know best with what you want and need.

You will orgasm easier and your partner will enjoy watching you.

Lie on top of him

While you’re on top, one of the hottest things you can do is lie on him, so he can feel the whole of you.

Rubbing against each other will increase the passion.

And besides that, the angle you’re in will stimulate your clitoris in a completely different and thrilling way.