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50 Awesome Reasons Why I Love My Dad

There are so many badass reasons why I love my dad that I decided to put them all in writing. Why? Because why wait for Father’s Day to tell your dad how you feel?

I truly do have the best dad ever, and since dads don’t get near enough credit that they deserve, it’s all the more reason to shout it from the rooftops!

My dad is the first person to make every single family member laugh until we cry. Whatever my sisters and I need, he’s there to provide it no matter what.

Whatever he’s going through, we are always his number one priority. He is the most selfless, generous man I’ve ever known, and being his daughter is one of my favorite things in the world.

Ever since I was a little girl, he’s been like my best friend. I see so much of myself in him and honestly, nothing makes me happier.

My dad is truly one in a million, and here is an abundance of reasons why!

He is the epitome of FUN

I don’t know how many people have a dad who’s the only person to make them laugh in difficult times. But I can honestly say that I do!

He is fun, loud, loves to crack jokes, and almost never stops talking (almost to a fault). He’s the first one to break into a song with me and just enjoy the moment singing and laughing.

Everybody who knows him will tell you that he’s the coolest, funkiest, and funniest person you could ever know. His sense of humor is the coolest, truly.

And no matter what I’m going through, I know that he’ll be able to get me to crack a smile. I love my mom to the moon and back, but when it comes to fun, my dad’s the go-to guy.

He’s strong, resilient, and hopeful

He’s been through his fair share of difficult times (still does), but regardless of all that, his spirit, strength, and resilience are astounding.

He’ll never show it when he’s feeling unwell. He gets up every time life knocks him down. Whenever he’s told bad news, he handles it like a champ.

Honestly, I admire that more than probably anything else. He’ll never be one to complain and take life’s beating. He lives his life exactly the way he did at a young age and nothing can stop him.

That’s one of the cool things about him. You could never tell that he’s had it hard because he’d never let it show!

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He is the biggest music fan I know

One of the many reasons why I love my dad is his deep adoration of music! The passion he holds for it is inspiring.

And he transferred it all onto me.

When we are together, you can bet your bottom dollar that we’ll be having a jam session, each one louder than the other. He used to sing in a band, and he’s really good actually!

Due to unfortunate circumstances, he’s kind of lost his voice now, but he still goes at it full throttle.

And with him, there will always be the coolest atmosphere because he’s just that kind of person. His life wouldn’t be complete without music, and luckily, I am exactly the same.

He is such a good husband

I love the way he is with my mom. He would do anything for that lady. He makes her dinner when he knows she’ll come home late and tired from work.

He watches TV shows that she likes, even though he’s not a fan, just so they can spend time together.

When it’s her birthday, he puts so much thought into gift ideas, and he makes sure to write the most beautiful note, and not just give a generic card with the typical happy birthday line.

He makes her smoothies when she comes home from the gym and buys her ice-cream when she’s in a bad mood.

Anything you’d hope for in a husband, he’s that and more.

He kills spiders for me

I know that this is so silly, but is it really? I have this weird fear of spiders (and other bugs) and whenever I stumble upon one, I know who to call.

He’ll just laugh at me, get rid of the thing, and make fun of me for being so dramatic. With him, you can be sure that he’ll find the light side to every situation.

So yeah, one of the silliest reasons why I love my dad is that he kills spiders, bugs, and cockroaches for me. Not many people would do that, you know?

He loves adventures

My dad loves to have a good time. Just because he’s a certain age, does not mean he’s done having fun. He loves to go to festivals and catch his favorite bands.

He loves going on vacation with my mom all around the globe. He’ll never just turn into a couch potato and not leave the house just because he feels he’s too old or something.

To him, age is truly just a number. And seeing him so happy and proactive, even today, makes me want to be more adventurous as well.

At this point, he goes out more than I do. And we can’t have that, now, can we?

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He knows the value of hard work

Right, he’s retired, but up until the last day, he worked so hard, without ever complaining. He was a cop, and he worked insane shifts.

I really admired his work ethic and how dedicated he always was to his profession. There are so many life lessons he has taught me, but the value of hard work trumps them all.

Because of him, I am who I am today, and in a way, I owe it all to him. He’s always pushed his boundaries and found a solution no matter the problem.

There are tons of reasons why my sisters and I love Dad so much, but this is one of the biggest ones.

He gives the best hugs

Who doesn’t like a long, reassuring hug from their dad, right? My dad truly does give the best hugs.

No matter what I’m going through, he’ll just look at me, give me a slight smile, and bear hug me, washing all of my worries away.

And I know that anyone can hug you, really. But it’s not about the hug per se, it’s about the person, don’t you think?

And when it comes from my dad, it just means that much more. Because I feel all the love with that single ten-second embrace.

He always texts me for no reason

My dad is one of my favorite texting buddies, which is something I never thought I’d say. He’ll just hit me up asking whether I’ve seen a certain new movie.

Actually, almost nobody texts me as much as he does. We talk about music, TV series, movies, and current events.

He is up-to-speed on literally everything going on in the world, and he’ll always be the first to tell me about any news I may have missed.

Isn’t that so cool? Ever since he got the hang of his new smartphone, he’s really making an effort to always keep in touch.

He is so protective of me

Dads, in general, are really protective of their daughters and I think it’s so great. I cannot wait to have a husband who’ll be as protective of our kids the way my dad is over my sisters and me.

I just know that he’ll always make sure I’m safe. If he hears about anyone mistreating me in any minor way, let’s just say: pity the fool.

It’s really reassuring having a dad so involved and who cares so much. Sure, sometimes dads can go overboard, but it’s all out of pure love. They don’t know any other way!

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Some More Quirky & Sweet Reasons Why My Dad Rocks

Here are some more endearing, funky, and unique reasons why I love my dad so much.

11. He always has an upbeat attitude no matter what. If you’re looking for someone to distract you from your worries, he’s your guy!

12. He loves to cook more than anything. Every time I come home, I know I’ll find him in the kitchen making his famous dishes while blasting his favorite tunes.

13. He loves my mom’s mom. He is so kind, respectful, and attentive toward her. He loves having her around, and they always have a good chat about the most random things.

14. He always pushes my sisters and me to go to a singing talent show. I’m not even joking. We all LOVE to sing, and every chance he gets, he tries to get one of us to give it a shot.

15. He loves meeting new people. He just loves the idea of talking and sharing experiences with people of all ages. He’s so outgoing and getting along with him is so easy.

16. He is so loyal. To my mom and to our family. You can just tell by looking at him how much he values us all.

17. He is the best listener! I can talk to him about anything and everything for hours on end. He is literally like a best friend, and he never gets tired of me. So admirable.

18. He can watch the same movie ten times. That’s one of my favorite reasons why I love my dad. I am the exact same!

19. We share the same love for music, which makes him my go-to person for anything and everything related to it. How badass is that?

20. He never shuts up when we’re watching a movie. He has to make sense of everything that happens, plus he always yells at characters when they do idiotic things (which is all the time).

21. He never forgets birthdays and anniversaries. Whether it’s my mom, my sisters, myself, or our grandma, he remembers every single important date!

22. He is really, really smart. I’m serious! Every time we watch The Chase or Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, he almost always knows the answers. His knowledge of so many topics is inspiring.

23. He supports me no matter what I do. And trust me, I’ve had some questionable decisions, but he’s never made me feel bad or rushed me in any way. He’s just there.

24. We can make fun of Mom together. My mom is the coolest, but when it comes to technology, she’s not the best, and my dad and I make sure to give her some trouble whenever we get a chance.

25. He’s such an avid sports fan. Football is his favorite sport. When his team is playing, that’s all that matters.

26. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks other than his nearest and dearest.

27. He’ll just burst into song spontaneously, even in public (just like myself).

28. He doesn’t believe in excuses. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

29. He loves my friends. Even though he mixes up their names sometimes (don’t all dads do that?) he always asks about them and genuinely cares.

30. He loves our dog. Even though he was against having a pet at first, within seconds of meeting our dog Zara, he instantly fell in love. Today, she is his favorite thing ever. I swear.

31. He is always interested in my life. He cares how I am, where I am, and what I’m up to.

32. He talks way too much. But truly, that’s one of the weirdest reasons why I love my dad so much. I know I’m the same way, so how can I be mad?

33. He’ll take any chance he gets to embarrass me. He’s your typical dad who enjoys cheesy dad jokes, but I love him for it.

34. He loves beer. And guess who else does too? This girl right here. And what I love even more is having a beer with my dad.

35. He’s the best chef. He makes so many of my favorite meals, and he enjoys it almost more than I do.

36. He LOVES to read. You will always find him reading. Our home is like a library, as both he and my mom are avid readers.

37. He doesn’t mind watching Disney with me.

38. He always used to give me piggyback rides when I was little.

39. He doesn’t have a Facebook page. In a day and age where even your grandma has social media accounts, I think it’s kind of cool my dad doesn’t feel the need for it.

40. One of the reasons why I love my dad is because he’ll always be the one to pick me up from the bus station.

41. He is an excellent friend. He has a few really close friends that he sees on a regular basis. Seeing him spend quality time with his long-standing best friend makes my heart so happy.

42. He always pushes people to be better and do better.

43. He is never judgmental. And I think that is such a rarity. People can be so narrow-minded these days, and I really love how his perspective is so wide.

44. He genuinely cares about my opinions and ideas. I think that’s really awesome, as we often bounce ideas off each other.

45. He’d sacrifice anything for the well-being of our family. He is so dedicated to all of us, and it’s so inspiring how deeply he cares.

46. He is always brutally honest. So when everyone else is sugarcoating things, I know he’ll tell me the truth, no matter how unpleasant.

47. He loves learning. He is constantly watching documentaries about the history of the world, along with a bunch of other topics. His thirst for knowledge is beyond admirable.

48. He cannot wait to be a grandfather. And honestly, I can’t wait to make him one!

49. His heart is so full and genuine. There isn’t one malicious thought in his mind. He is kind, supportive, and always gives everyone a second chance.

50. I love you, Dad, because despite being unwell for so long, all you ever want is for us all to be together as much as possible. That is your ultimate favorite thing in the world.

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And Finally…

So yeah. These are all the amazing reasons why I love my dad so much. And honestly, I could just keep going for hours on end.

Having a world-class dad makes me feel so lucky. And I want to make sure that he knows it. So if you have a dad who loves you, cares for you, and makes sure you’re okay – reciprocate it!

Wish him happy Father’s Days, but also every other day in between. Because you really don’t need an excuse to tell your dad I love you. Him just being there is all the reason you need.

Let’s give dads the credit that they deserve and stop waiting for the right time to show them our love. Shoot him a text, give him a call, or FaceTime him out of the blue.

Hearing from you unexpectedly will be the best part of his day. And being the reason for his smile is one of the purest, most genuine things you can get.

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