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10 Steps To Becoming A Submissive Wife

10 Steps To Becoming A Submissive Wife

What does it mean to be a submissive wife ? How to be a submissive wife and what are the benefits of becoming submissive in marriage?

When you say the word submissive, it evokes the connotation of being weak, dependent, indecisive, and perhaps unhappy.

But, the truth is, the meaning of a submissive wife is completely twisted, and it has nothing to do with being weak or dependent.

Instead, being submissive means being strong enough to overcome all the challenges and making an effort to establish a happy marriage . And it takes a strong woman to be on top of everything and able to adapt or accept the things as they are.

Submissive wife – Bible meaning

In order to understand it better, we should refer to the Bible where in a biblical Christian marriage, the Christian wife is depicted as the helper of her husband.

God says that Christian women are to be support to their husbands in terms of giving them counsel.

Summarized, biblical submission suggests doing what is best for your partner and your marriage in a lifestyle of Jesus -like love.

The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. (Proverbs 31:11)

While submitting to their husbands, Christian women believe that God is capable and willing to influence their husbands for good.

When a Christian wife submits to her husband, she becomes his navigator and support with all of her body and soul, which will result in a happy marriage .

Yet, this doesn’t mean that a woman can’t be the head of the household .

On the contrary, by submitting to her husband, she becomes a spiritual navigator of the house, which is equal to being the head of the household , but in a different, spiritual way.

Now that we’ve made that clear, it’s time to check some of the benefits of becoming a submissive wife !


• Embracing traditional values

• Bringing harmony to your marriage

• Your husband will treat you like his queen

• Very low chance of divorce and infidelity

• Ability to be your feminine self

Embracing traditional values

A marriage with a submissive wife is one of a kind. It is based on traditional values that are more than welcome in today’s modern world in which real values are being replaced with artificial ones.

Being submissive means being your husband’s passionate lover, great supporter, and selfless helper.

We all remember how in the past, women were told that their place is in the kitchen while men were hunter-gatherers.

Women were supposed to take care of the children, cook, clean, and do all the other chores and tasks regarding the household, her husband, and her children.

We forget that being a mother is the toughest job in the world.

Bringing harmony to your marriage

It takes a great woman to be in control of everything. Yes. It takes a brave and strong woman to be a wife, a mother, a consultant, a nurse, and all of the other roles necessary for a stable marriage.

There’s nothing wrong with the fact that a woman being a housewife is dealing with the most difficult job in the world.

On the contrary, in today’s world, this has become A MUST if you want your marriage to prosper and function properly.

But if you don’t have the privilege of becoming a housewife, there are also other ways to support your husband and nourish your marriage (which will be mentioned later).

By being submissive , you will bring harmony to your marriage and your husband, and your children will be the happiest sons and daughters in the whole world.

Your husband will treat you like his queen

Another benefit of becoming a submissive wife is that for the first time in your life, your husband will treat you like his queen.

When he sees that you’re giving all of yourself to your marriage and for your children, he will treat you with ultimate respect.

Your husband will appreciate your efforts and sacrifice and will never miss a chance to acknowledge it.

He will always find new ways of surprising you and making you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. Because to him – you are.

He will see you as his goddess and biggest support when he’s feeling down. He will not only tell you that he loves you, he will prove it with his actions.

It is really hard to achieve such perfect harmony in marriage and that is why becoming a submissive wife will be the best bet.

Very low chance of divorce and infidelity

Believe it or not, by deciding to submit to your husband, you will significantly decrease chances of divorce and any types of infidelity.

Now, the question is: why? And we’re again back to the above-mentioned harmony.

When you have perfectly shaped roles as a wife and husband, your marriage becomes protected and almost impossible to destroy.

Once the balance is established, there will be no room for cheating, fighting, or the like. Your marriage becomes a sanctuary where those evil forces are simply unable to penetrate it.

Your love and mutual effort in your marriage outshine every form of malice and, therefore, decrease the chances of potential divorce or infidelity .

Ability to be your feminine self

When you’re not sure of the roles in your marriage, it is really hard to discover the feminine side within you.

Becoming a submissive wife means revealing your true self and discovering your feminine traits that modern marriages tend to neglect.

Once you devote yourself to your husband and children in full, you will experience the ultimate blessing and discover those hidden parts of your feminine self.

By giving your selfless love and full-time devotion, your soul will be blessed with warmth and feminine tenderness that not many women have the chance of experiencing.

Now that we’ve discussed all the benefits of submitting to your husband, it’s high time we dive into the following steps that will help you submit to your husband and become your family’s guardian angel!


1. A submissive wife makes sure that everything’s under control in her household

2. Sex is a mutually-shared endeavor

3. She supports her husband

4. She leans to a healthy lifestyle

5. A submissive wife sets boundaries subtly

6. She surrounds herself with positive people

7. A submissive wife always gives her husband some space

8. She lets her husband lead the way, but she’s the one to redirect if need be

9. She cries instead of yells

10. A submissive wife lets her husband be her hero

1. A submissive wife makes sure that everything’s under control in her household

A submissive wife ’s goal is to create an oasis that will be the most comfortable place for her and her family.

Do you know that feeling of warmth when you enter someone’s house?

That feeling is someone’s effort and positive energy that is filling the entire house.

Grocery shopping, making lunch, tidying the house, preparing lunch boxes for her husband and children – these are all beautiful and at the same time challenging tasks, and it takes a strong woman to make decisions for her family.

By taking care of food and the entire household, she is improving the quality of their lives.

She is the reason for her child and husband’s happiness today because they are blessed to have her.

You have to understand that every single chore plays an enormous role in your together life.

And if your husband is at work, that doesn’t make you less dominant. On the contrary, your job in the house is more challenging than any other job.

In order to have everything under control, you have to be organized and adaptable; you need to know how to improvise, knowing where their favorite T-shirt is at any time of the day, and so on.

2. Sex is a mutually-shared endeavor

When it comes to sexual intimacy, a lot of people think that submissive wives do everything that their partner wants of them. No.

A submissive wife simply know how to indulge in pleasures and share love with her husband. She trusts him wholeheartedly, and it helps her to experience intimacy more intensely.

Sex is not just another chore as is the case with some modern marriages. A submissive woman is confident in her husband’s affection, which helps her to see the bigger picture.

She doesn’t instantly reject her husband’s wishes, she will try to understand them and act accordingly. But, this doesn’t mean that she will accept whatever he proposes.

No. A submissive wife is open to new experience because she knows their bond will become even stronger with compromise and acceptance.

She submits to her husband because she is confident in herself and knows the true worth of sharing intimacy .

3. She supports her husband

A submissive woman supports her husband because she’s strong enough to lift him up when he needs it most and show him when he’s wrong.

You should never judge your husband no matter what he does because it will create a huge gap in your marriage that will be hard to fix.

However, you don’t have to support him when you think he’s not right.

But, you don’t have to yell at him either. A submissive woman knows when to talk and when to remain silent.

If something trivial happens, there’s no need for you to yell and destroy everything you’ve built so far. The wisest decision is to let it be because with yelling, you cannot fix anything.

But, if you feel like he’s doing something wrong, you should always acknowledge it to him.

A submissive wife supports her husband when he’s doing something right, but she also redirects her husband when he starts going in the wrong direction.

4. She leans to a healthy lifestyle

A submissive wife knows what’s best for her family. She knows that modern life can greatly interfere with quality time spent with her husband.

That is why she refuses to constantly be texting someone or spending time on social networks.

She cherishes her time with her husband, and she wants to spend it in the most quality way possible.

A submissive wife will plan regular trips to nature and long walks in order to improve their health and to gather new strength for the challenges that are about to come.

A submissive wife doesn’t let anyone complain about how unhappy they are because she always finds a way to cheer others up, along with herself. And that is the beauty of her.

She will always give 100% to find a solution and help you overcome your biggest fears and troubles.

5. A submissive wife sets boundaries subtly

Again, being submissive doesn’t mean you do everything you’re told. No.

A submissive wife sets her own boundaries, and the major difference is that with these boundaries, she is not trying to protect only herself, but her husband, too.

If her husband insists on something, but she thinks it’s wrong, she will explain to him why she thinks the way she does and help him understand her opinions.

That way, she is setting boundaries because she doesn’t let him impose his beliefs on her. He will always know her boundaries and opinions on something, and he will respect them.

A submissive wife knows that being cold and reserved will not prove anything. She knows that no one will take you seriously if you’re acting childish.

That is why she always takes the opportunity to tell her opinion on something without being intrusive.

With this, she protects herself , and she preserves the happiness of their marriage.

6. She surrounds herself with positive people

A submissive wife knows that friends have an important role in her marriage.

Being encircled with positive people will benefit both herself and her husband. She will not let any toxic behavior enter their house because she takes great care of herself and her husband.

If she’s feeling down, she will call her best friend to help her understand the issue and make her feel better.

Or she will wait to talk to her husband and explain to him in a calm manner what is bothering her.

And if she has to let it all out in front of her husband, she will burst into tears because she knows that tears are the best natural cleansers for her soul.

She will never yell and spread negative energy towards her husband. Positivity and happiness are the number one priority, and she’ll always make sure not to forget that.

She avoids stressful situations, always tends to keep company with positive people, and expresses her emotions in a healthy way.

7. A submissive wife always gives her husband some space

She will always make sure to give her husband some space because she understands that everyone needs some time for themselves in order to recharge.

That is why she will never blame her husband if he decides to have a guy’s night with his friends.

She understands his need to drink beer, eat chips, and boast about men stuff with his buddies, and she will never try to change it.

A submissive wife doesn’t feel less worthy if her husband chooses to spend a night with his friends instead of her.

Instead, she knows that this is the only way for a healthy marriage to function.

She knows that giving her husband some space is an ultimate sign of her love and affection for him. And he will give his best to show how much he appreciates her for that.

8. She lets her husband lead the way, but she’s the one to redirect if need be

A submissive wife will always let her husband lead the way or pick something because that way it is less stressful.

When two people are extremely stubborn, even the most trivial thing will seem impossible to solve.

A submissive wife knows that if she lets her husband first make decisions and lead the way, she will decrease the chance of constantly getting into fights over something.

She knows that the quality of her marriage depends on themselves alone, and they have to find a way for it to function.

This doesn’t mean that she will remain silent if she sees that things are going in the wrong direction. Nope.

She may be letting her husband lead the way, but she will always redirect him if the need arises – that is the real beauty of marriage and true love .

9. She cries instead of yells

When something bothers her, she never yells at her husband because she knows that yelling will only make things worse.

Instead, she uses her tears to soften the situation and tell her husband that everything will be fine.

Again, she’s the one who finds the perfect balance in tough moments and saves the marriage from unnecessary conflict.

By doing this, she succeeds in dissipating the hard emotion and making some room for positive ones.

But, if you find yourself having difficulties crying in front of your husband at that moment, excusing yourself and leaving the premises will do the job as well.

Just keep in mind that yelling will not bring anything good, and cleansing the energy with your tears or in other ways is a must if you want to achieve the ultimate goal: getting rid of all the negativity.

10. A submissive wife lets her husband be her hero

If you want to become a true, submissive wife in every sense of it, you need to remember to let your husband be your hero.

Given that all men by nature want to be our heroes, a woman should give her man some room to prove himself and take care of her.

In order to fully submit to your husband, you need to let him protect you, hold you in his arms, and never stop fighting for your happiness.

When you’re feeling down, you need to let him lift your spirits up because a submissive wife accepts her man’s bravery and commitment with open arms.

She knows that her husband loves her and will do anything for her and his family, and she welcomes and embraces that.

She gives him a chance to prove his masculinity and heroism; that is the only way to reach balance and establish a happy and healthy marriage .

Final Thoughts

If you follow all of the above steps, you will succeed in making your husband feel special and your marriage will flourish.

You will become the navigator and the biggest support to your husband and children, and as a result, your husband will make the best decisions that will greatly benefit your marriage and family.

Also, if you don’t feel one hundred percent comfortable and ready to completely submit to your husband, you don’t have to.

For a start, you can choose some of the aspects of your marriage and start practising your submissive wife role on them until you become ready to fully submit to your husband.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. (Ephesians 5:22-24)