My past is full of moments when I thought I wouldn’t make it.
Moments when I was convinced that nothing and nobody could save me and that I was doomed to fail.
Moments when I felt like I’d reached my breaking point and when I had no hope for a better tomorrow.
However, somehow, I would always get out of it. Somehow, I always managed to find a way and to find the light in the darkness.
As soon as I thought that I had reached rock bottom, some divine force would pull me above the surface, not allowing me to drown.
Now, I know that it was God all along. It was He who kept sending me his blessings and He who never allowed me to reach a point where there was no going back.
After many obstacles and challenges, it hit me—God always had and will have a way, even if I don’t.
God always gives us the strength we need when we least expect it and He always makes things right for us.

So, I’ve stopped worrying. Yes, me, the queen of overthinking, finally realized that there exist some things which are beyond my comprehension and beyond my reach. Things I don’t have any impact on whatsoever.
Sometimes, I can only pray to God to give me what’s best for me, even if I don’t know it.
To lead me through life and to show me the way, even when I don’t see it.
Someone might call me weak but yes, this is me admitting that I can’t make it on my own.
That I need His guidance and that I need Him to hold my hand through good and bad days.
So, dear God, I’m counting on You. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring for me, I don’t know what awaits me but I have hope because I do know one thing—that You will never let me down.
I don’t know what kind of people will cross my path but I count on You that they’ll all have a purpose in my life.
That they’ll be the right ones for me and if they happen to be wrong, that they will at least help teach me all the right lessons.
I don’t know what obstacles I will have to overcome but I count on You that you’ll give me the strength to walk over them with confidence and the inner power I need.
That they’ll help me grow and become the best possible version of myself.
Dear God, I’m counting on You because I know that You have a plan for me and for every living creature in this world.
Because I know You will never send me more than I can handle and that You’ll always give me a hand to drag me out of all life’s difficulties.
I’m counting on You because I know that nothing is accidental and that You have a bigger cause for everything.
I know that You do everything for my greater good and because You know better than me.
I’m counting on You because You do everything at exactly the right time. I’m counting that You’ll send me the people and the things I need and not just the ones I want.
I am going to stop thinking about the future and place my fate into your hands. I will be OK with not knowing what the future holds because I’m ready for my life to change. I am ready for a new and better chapter.
Dear God, I’m counting on Your blessings, on Your miracles and on Your mercy.
I’m counting that You’ll put all the odds in my favor. That You’ll make me wiser and more importantly—happier.