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I Never Thought I’d Be Grateful To You For Letting Me Go

I Never Thought I’d Be Grateful To You For Letting Me Go

Who would’ve thought I’d feel this thankful for you and the way you let me go? After all the sleepless nights and tears, it almost seemed impossible, but here we are.

It doesn’t matter, now I see the reason why it had to happen. Thank you!

Thank you for making me strong. When you left, I was shattered and in pieces. I had no confidence and thought that I was useless and unworthy.

Nothing and no one could help me. So, I helped myself. I stopped giving other people power over me. I learned how it feels to think of myself as being enough.

When you know you’re enough – nothing can move you. You’re determined and capable of accepting all your parts – your tough side, and your soft side.

I stopped seeing myself as someone who should be perfect and instead, I let myself just be what I am – and the world didn’t stop.

Now I know what it means to stand up for yourself. I’m not as naive as I was before. I learned that people can say they love you and lie to your face, say they care for you and then leave you.

I felt ashamed but now I know it can happen to anyone; it was you, not me. No one should feel ashamed for being open and trusting.

Thank you for letting me go because I never really wanted someone who wouldn’t fight for me. Every day, I’m grateful for not being stuck in an unloving and fake relationship.

Who wants a half-assed love anyway?! Not me!I’d rather be by myself and sleep peacefully knowing I hadn’t strung anyone along. I wasn’t the selfish and attention-seeking one. I wasn’t lying to feed my ego.

You taught me that nothing is irreparable – I can make a mistake and then go back again and turn it into something valuable.

Making a mistake is not the end of the world even if it seems like it.

You taught me that no matter how good, beautiful, smart, funny, or loving I am – for some, it won’t be good enough. Now I don’t care – I look good for myself and I enjoy being good, funny, and smart and that’s all that matters.

Through you, I learned it’s impossible to change another person. The best you can do is love them and sometimes love isn’t enough.

After being manipulated and lied to, I didn’t give up. I pushed through the hardest times all by myself.

Without you, I realized what I want from my life and what kind of love I need. It was like an epiphany.

I finally stopped wasting my energy on useless things and the wrong people. Instead of that, I started doing things that made me feel happy and alive.

There’s a life ahead of me and I’m thankful because now I know how to spot people like you. It’s definitely one of the most useful things I know.

You made me realize how precious and rare I am.

Thank you for letting me go because now I can find someone that’s perfect for me because I know what I’m looking for.

You showed me the importance of fighting for love by never doing it. I made a promise to myself that I will never make anyone feel that unimportant.

When you let me go, you gave me a chance; a chance to improve everything in my life. A chance for true love and being with someone who accepts me as I am.

But the most important thing you gave me is the chance to fall in love with myself again.

If it wasn’t for you, I would never have said to myself “you’re enough” and learned to love myself as I am.