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12 Zodiacs: How Each Sign Deals With Breakups

12 Zodiacs: How Each Sign Deals With Breakups

Your destiny is written in the stars: what type of personality you are drawn to, how you react to various situations life throws at you, why you are anxious, depressed, or happy, what goes around in the darkest parts of your mind, etc.

But, what happens when you break up with someone? Are you predestined to act in a certain way? Is it written somewhere how each person deals with the crumbling pain that is heartbreak?

Of course, it is. People have certain patterns of behavior which are not accidental. All human beings are pre-dispositioned to act and react in given ways and the Zodiac is the best proof that is the truth.

If you’ve just come out of a breakup or you suspect it could be on the horizon, check out your Zodiac sign and see how to deal with it.

Maybe that will help you go through that period less painfully or completely painlessly.

Keep reading and find out your answer!

1. Aries


If you are bored in a relationship, you’ve got nothing to worry about. As soon as you get tired of your partner, you will break up with them and move on to a more thrilling adventure—Next, please! But, if someone breaks your heart for no particular reason (as far as you are concerned), you will seek revenge.

Nevertheless, that revenge mode won’t keep you busy for a long time. You have the ability to bounce back and get over the fact you were dumped in the blink of an eye. Your motto is: “Life goes on.” Aries don’t believe in dwelling on the past, and after a short burst of fiery frustration, they’ll quickly shift their focus toward new goals, new people, and new adventures.

To cope, you’ll likely throw yourself into action—hitting the gym, taking up a new challenge, or diving headfirst into spontaneous outings. You refuse to let a breakup define you. While others may cry over lost love, you prefer to prove to yourself and the world that you are stronger than ever. Moving on isn’t a process for you—it’s a decision.

2. Taurus


The most famous trait of your personality is stubbornness. The same goes when it comes to relationships. First of all, you won’t admit defeat in a relationship in which chances for survival are zero to none. Second of all, when your relationship has finally come to an end, you still won’t accept it—you are delusional.

But, when you do reconcile with the fact that the two of you are done, there is no way your partner will ever win you back. That is how stubborn you are, which is actually good because you will think twice before making the same mistake. You take love seriously, and your loyalty keeps you holding onto relationships longer than you should. But once you realize the damage is irreparable, you become an impenetrable fortress of self-respect.

Your healing process is slow and steady. Taurus will seek comfort in routine, delicious food, and indulging in self-care. You may also focus on material security—shopping, decorating, or working harder to ensure stability in your life. While you won’t rush into anything new, once you’ve truly moved on, there’s no turning back.

3. Gemini


You can come across as heartless when actually, that is not the case at all. While being in a relationship, you can change your mind at any moment—today, you are head-over-heels in love, and tomorrow, you couldn’t care less.

You can handle breakups very easily because you are not a fan of long-term relationships. But, if you do end up in a serious relationship, a breakup will hit you hard. Your coping mechanism is usually work, work, work. However, distraction is your favorite form of self-preservation.

Instead of allowing yourself to dwell on emotions, you’ll fill your schedule with social events, new hobbies, and intellectual stimulation. You’ll talk about it endlessly to your closest friends, analyzing every detail until you convince yourself you never cared that much in the first place. But deep down, the emotional weight may still linger—only surfacing in moments of quiet solitude.

4. Cancer


You are known to be the most emotional sign of the Zodiac. When you are in a relationship, you put your heart and soul into it. You can and will love your partner truly and deeply. When and if you break up with someone, you will cry your eyes out, in the privacy of your own home.

From the outside, you will look as if nothing has happened. It is not likely that you will display your pain to other people. Once you’re done with crying and when you accept the fact it’s over, there’s no chance your partner will win you back. Cancer is sentimental, and you’ll replay every memory, every loving moment, and every mistake, holding onto the emotional connection long after the breakup.

Your healing process is slow, but it’s necessary. You will seek comfort in nostalgia, family, or close friends. Eventually, you’ll channel your emotions into creativity or nurturing others, finding strength in giving love where it is truly reciprocated. When you finally move on, it’s with a heart that has been carefully healed, ready to love again.

See also: These Are The 6 Zodiac Signs Who Suck At Breaking Up

5. Leo


Your main trait is your pride. When you are in a relationship, you are devoted to your partner. But, as soon as you realize that your pride has been hurt, you will roar out of anger. You think that you are right all the time. That is the reason most of your relationships end in the first place.

When your relationship is finally over, you are convinced your partner will come crawling back because you are the best thing that has ever happened to him or her. However, underneath that confident exterior, you are struggling to maintain control over your emotions. While you put on a brave face in public, in private, you might replay every conversation, every fight, and every tender moment, wondering what went wrong.

To cope, you throw yourself into social events and activities where you can shine. The more admiration you receive from others, the better you feel. But deep down, you secretly crave closure and may even wait for your ex to validate your worth one last time. If they don’t, you’ll convince yourself that they were never worthy of you anyway, using your unshakable self-belief as a shield to move forward.

6. Virgo


As a true perfectionist, when in a relationship, you expect your partner to be as perfect as you are, so admitting defeat (imperfection) doesn’t come easily to you. Other than that, when you do realize things have come to an end, you will take it as a ‘big boy/girl’. The one thing you will be concerned with is how the people around you are going to take it.

Virgo processes breakups in the most meticulous way possible—analyzing every detail, re-reading old messages, and overthinking every possible mistake. You’ll run through every scenario in your head, wondering how things could have been different, all while maintaining a calm and composed exterior. You don’t like showing vulnerability, so you’ll keep your emotions locked away, preferring to deal with your heartbreak in private.

Instead of wallowing in sadness, you focus on self-improvement. You might revamp your routine, take on a new project, or even dive into therapy—anything that makes you feel like you’re still in control. While healing may take time, once you’ve fully processed the breakup, you will have learned your lesson and move forward stronger than before, determined never to make the same mistake twice.

7. Libra


When you are in a serious relationship, like a test, you ace it. There is almost no chance that someone will break up with you. If, for some reason, that happens, you will approach the matter very seriously. It’s important to you that things remain fair for both sides.

Nevertheless, you won’t give up the fight so easily. You will do anything in your power to win your partner’s heart back—time for some serious romance stuff! Your natural charm and diplomatic skills come into play, as you carefully craft heartfelt messages, orchestrate grand romantic gestures, or even enlist mutual friends to help patch things up. You truly believe that if there’s love left, it’s worth saving.

However, if your efforts fail and the relationship is beyond repair, you will gracefully accept the reality of the breakup. Still, moving on is never immediate for you. Libras crave balance, and losing a significant relationship can throw you into emotional turmoil. To cope, you will surround yourself with friends, dive into social events, and keep yourself constantly engaged—anything to avoid sitting alone with your feelings for too long.

8. Scorpio


Due to the fact you are very passionate, you don’t handle breakups very well. You are very private when it comes to your relationship and you won’t show your feelings in public. But, when someone breaks up with you, the fact that you are passionate may cause you to get revenge on your partner, or even react violently.

You don’t take betrayal lightly, and if you feel wronged, you’ll go to great lengths to make sure your ex regrets it. Whether through calculated silence or subtle acts of revenge, you make sure they know that breaking up with you was a mistake. Scorpio is the master of keeping emotions buried beneath the surface, but inside, you feel everything intensely.

Despite the initial storm of emotions, once you’ve processed the breakup, you undergo a powerful transformation. Scorpios have an uncanny ability to rise from the ashes, emerging stronger, wiser, and more alluring than ever. While you may hold onto a grudge for longer than most, when you finally let go, you do so completely, never looking back.

9. Sagittarius


You are not an easy fish to catch. You are not a fan of long-term relationships, but if it happens to be you’re in one, you will go in “for the long haul.” So, when it comes to a breakup, you won’t take it well. You will be mean to your partner and you will say anything that comes to your mind, without even thinking about it.

Your bluntness makes you unpredictable in the moment—one second, you might lash out with cruel words, and the next, you might crack a joke to mask your pain. You don’t like being tied down, yet the loss of someone significant can make you feel unexpectedly vulnerable. At first, you’ll likely avoid dealing with your emotions, choosing instead to distract yourself with spontaneous adventures, travel, or new experiences.

But once the dust settles, you’ll remember who you are—free-spirited, independent, and always looking forward. A breakup might sting, but you quickly find the silver lining. To you, every ending is just the beginning of a new journey, and you embrace the future with open arms, ready for the next exciting chapter.

10. Capricorn


You are known as the most ambitious sign of them all. So, when it comes to breakups, you won’t take “no” for an answer. You will do anything possible to save your relationship except when your partner is not as ambitious as you are.

If you break up with someone who won’t follow in your successful footsteps, you will get over them easily. But, if you break up with someone who shares your ambition, you will continue setting up crazy-high goals (as usual), to which you will dedicate your time and life—to keep yourself safe from hurting.

Capricorns treat love as they do their careers—with dedication, patience, and the belief that hard work can fix anything. However, when a breakup is inevitable, you handle it with practicality. Instead of allowing yourself to drown in emotions, you focus on productivity. Work, fitness, finances—anything that keeps your mind occupied.

Underneath your disciplined exterior, though, the pain lingers. You might not show it to others, but you analyze what went wrong, taking mental notes to ensure you never make the same mistakes again. While moving on takes time, once you’ve accepted the reality, you use the breakup as fuel for personal growth, emerging stronger and more determined than before.

11. Aquarius


You just appear to be emotionless when actually, you are very sensitive. Because of that, you may appear to be cold and distant but you are not. The reason why that seems to be the case is that you are very logical.

So, every time your relationship ends, you use logic to spare yourself heartbreak. You are intelligent enough to realize that ending a relationship is not the end of the world—life goes on.

Aquarians detach themselves from emotions as a defense mechanism, preferring to analyze the situation rather than wallow in feelings. Your first instinct after a breakup is to focus on innovation, new ideas, or creative projects. You throw yourself into work, humanitarian causes, or anything that makes you feel like you’re progressing.

However, despite your outward calmness, deep down you reflect on the emotional connection you’ve lost. It may take you a long time to truly process the breakup, and even longer to trust someone new. But once you’ve moved on, you rarely look back, channeling your energy into the future and the endless possibilities ahead.

12. Pisces


You are very dedicated when it comes to relationships. It is almost impossible to break up with you. But, when one succeeds in doing that, you will play the victim and make your partner feel bad for dumping you. This will be an Oscar-worthy presentation.

If all that fails, you will distance yourself from the rest of the world and suffer deeply. Also, it takes you much longer to heal than any other Zodiac sign.

Pisces experience love on a soul-deep level, so when a relationship ends, it feels like the loss of a part of themselves. The emotional weight of the breakup can be overwhelming, and you may retreat into solitude, finding solace in music, poetry, or nostalgic memories. You crave emotional release, and sometimes, you may even idealize your ex, struggling to fully let go.

However, once you’ve given yourself the time to grieve, your healing process begins through creativity and spirituality. You find ways to channel your pain into something meaningful—art, writing, or meditation. While it takes time, once you’ve truly healed, you emerge with a greater understanding of love and yourself, ready to open your heart once again.