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12 Zodiac Signs And How Likely They Are To Chase You

12 Zodiac Signs And How Likely They Are To Chase You

Do you think that special guy would go the extra mile to win your heart, or is he more of a “let it come to me” kind of person? His zodiac sign might hold the answer! Each sign has a unique way of showing interest and pursuing someone they’re drawn to.

While some are natural-born chasers who thrive on the thrill of the pursuit, others take a more subtle approach, letting fate (or the other person) lead the way.

Understanding his zodiac tendencies can give you a better insight into his romantic style and what it takes to win his heart—or keep him chasing you. Let’s see how each sign approaches the chase, from those who dive headfirst into love to those who patiently wait for the perfect match.

1. Aries

This sign likes the chase more than anything. They will chase you, but once they catch you, they will start losing interest in you.

The harder you play to get, the more enthusiastic they will be about chasing you.

They believe in themselves, and they know that they can get whomever they want.

Actually, they won’t stop chasing you until you give them a chance to get to know you better.

The only problem might occur if they start becoming disinterested because you didn’t fulfill their expectations.

In those situations, they can even break up a relationship because they feel that they should be satisfied in a relationship.

They feel that everything has to be perfect, and if it is not like that, they will move on because you are obviously not their soulmate.

Aries loves a challenge, so if you show them you’re just as bold and confident as they are, they’ll stay intrigued for longer.

Keep them guessing without playing mind games—they appreciate directness and authenticity but also enjoy someone who keeps them on their toes.

To keep their interest beyond the initial chase, continue being spontaneous and adventurous.

Aries thrives in relationships filled with excitement and unpredictability, so surprise them with creative dates or daring ideas that match their high-energy personality.

2. Taurus

When a Taurus chases you, it won’t be so obvious like in the example of an Aries.

They like to chase, but yet, they are trying to make a balance since they don’t want to come off as stalkers.

They will chase you but will never go as far as some other signs.

It is because they don’t want to push anything but to leave things to go their own way.

They make great partners but only if you respect their rules.

If not, they won’t make so much effort for you because they don’t want to be the only ones trying.

Their game is soft, sensible, and loving, and every minute they spend with you, they will try to make you feel good.

They always put their partners first even if that means that they will get their hearts broken.

Taurus cherishes meaningful gestures and moments of intimacy, so if you reciprocate their efforts with genuine care, they’ll be completely devoted.

Show them that you value their thoughtfulness by paying attention to the little things that make them happy.

To truly win a Taurus over, display loyalty and patience. They take their time building trust, but once they feel secure, their love is unwavering. Be steady and consistent, and they’ll be all in for the long haul.

3. Gemini

This sign likes to chase, but they don’t know how far they want to go.

One day they want to go all in while the next one they simply want to give up on everything.

They are pretty indecisive about romantic relationships, and in most situations, their partners blame them for that.

But they always get away with their charm and playfulness which are their most common characteristics.

When they chase, they go all in, and when they don’t want to do that, they give up on all the effort they made the previous day.

All in all, if you have enough time to play and have fun with them, we suggest you spend more time so you could get to know them better.

Just know that once they fall in love with you, you will never be able to get rid of them.

To keep a Gemini engaged, stimulate their mind with witty conversations and intriguing ideas. They’re attracted to intellectual curiosity and a sharp sense of humor, so keep the dialogue lively and fresh.

They also love spontaneity, so mix things up with unplanned adventures or by introducing them to new experiences. A relationship with a Gemini thrives on variety and excitement.

4. Cancer

This is one of the most emotional zodiac signs, and they always have their hearts on their sleeves.

They don’t like the game of chase so much but they believe in destiny and feel that the right one will come into their lives when the time comes.

They are not totally uninterested in the chasing game.

They know that they are the ones who need to make the first move sometimes, but they don’t want to push anything.

Instead, they will wait longer than usual, but they know that they will be satisfied in the end and that they will end up with their soulmates.

They believe that the people they like might freak out if they start chasing them all of a sudden.

That would mean losing someone because they were pushy, and that is the last thing they want to do.

They will rather wait patiently because they know that good things don’t happen overnight.

Cancer men also love to nurture and be nurtured in return. Show them that you value their emotional depth by being vulnerable and authentic with your feelings. This builds a deep, lasting bond.

Their ideal partner is someone who feels like home, so creating a safe, loving environment with lots of affection will make them open up and commit wholeheartedly.

RELATED: How To Make A Guy Chase You Using Male Psychology? 24 Ways To Success

5. Leo

Oh boy, how this sign loves to chase! In fact, the game of chasing is in their DNA. They like it, and it is always all about them.

It doesn’t matter if the other person doesn’t like it—they will do it anyway. The bad thing about them is that once they get the person they chased, they will probably move on to another one.

They won’t have two partners at the same time, but keeping their options open is what they like because it makes them feel safe.

Also, when they chase, they make their blood circulate faster, and that is what turns them on.

They will never give up on chasing even if it will be just innocent flirting with some girls.

That feeling is making them feel alive. If they know that they can still play the game, they will feel desirable and attractive.

That’s why they will never give up on chasing, and they will always be a little bit wicked.

To capture a Leo’s heart for the long term, show them you’re just as radiant and confident as they are. They admire people who shine brightly and aren’t afraid to take center stage when needed.

Celebrate their successes and share yours proudly—it’s a partnership of equals that truly excites them.

Leos also crave admiration and loyalty. By being their biggest fan and offering unwavering support, you’ll make them feel secure and cherished.

Keep the romance alive with grand gestures or meaningful surprises that appeal to their dramatic nature.

6. Virgo

Virgo is someone who will never chase because they don’t see any sense in doing it. They think that if someone is destined for them, that person will come into their lives sooner or later.

They believe that by chasing people, you will actually lose more than you get and that chasing is only for someone who knows how to play that game well.

And Virgo is definitely not the right person to do that, and they are not afraid to admit it.

They don’t like to be chased as well, but instead, they prefer when things go with their natural flow.

They will never be with someone just to prevent themselves from being alone, and they would rather wait longer to get the right person than to waste their time with someone who doesn’t deserve them.

Virgos are attracted to kindness and authenticity. They notice small details about others, so showing genuine thoughtfulness and sincerity will leave a lasting impression on them.

Little acts of care—like remembering their preferences or helping them with something important—mean the world to a Virgo.

They also value stability and personal growth.

Demonstrating that you’re goal-oriented, organized, and striving to improve yourself will make them view you as a perfect match for their practical yet tender-hearted nature.

7. Libra

Libra is a sign which will chase if they feel good about it.

They will never do it for fun but because they feel that they will do the right thing if they try something.

In the case that they chase, they do it so sweetly and cutely, and they always take care of other people’s emotions.

They don’t want to hurt anyone because they are pretty emotional themselves. They always put others first, and they take care of them.

What they feel is not so important because they always find ways to make themselves feel better no matter what happens to them.

Their chasing might not look like chasing to someone who is watching it all, but that is their style, and they simply stick to it.

They will never do something that would break their principles, and they strongly stick to their beliefs.

They are led by their hearts and their emotions because they know that they can never be wrong.

Libra thrives on harmony and mutual respect. Showing them that you value fairness and balance in the relationship will make them feel at ease and appreciated.

Avoid unnecessary drama, as Libras seek peaceful and supportive partnerships.

Additionally, Libras are romantics at heart. Thoughtful gestures, beautiful settings, or deep, meaningful conversations will make them feel special.

They love when their partner puts effort into making the relationship feel magical.

8. Scorpio

This zodiac sign is someone who doesn’t show what they feel so much.

They need to spend a lot of time with you to get to know you, and then maybe they can try something.

The catch is that they are not sure of their performance, and they believe that they won’t play the game well and that they will only embarrass themselves.

That’s why they rarely try something, and if they do, they must have drunk something, and they can’t think straight.

They don’t have enough courage to do things that could change their lives, so they don’t do anything about that.

They strongly believe in real love, and they will patiently wait for the right one to come into their lives rather than chase them.

Also, they believe that chasing is only a game and that you really can’t meet your soulmate like that.

To win over a Scorpio, demonstrate unwavering loyalty and emotional depth. They crave intense and meaningful connections, so let them see that you’re invested in building something profound and lasting.

Show them that you can handle their mysterious and complex nature. Scorpios appreciate people who can peel back their layers and meet them on an emotional and intellectual level without fear.

9. Sagittarius

This zodiac sign won’t chase you as you want. They have mild natures, and they will probably wait for you to chase them.

They are very sensitive, and they never say what they think—maybe that is why they sometimes get misunderstood.

Maybe they won’t be so pushy, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t love you as they have never loved before.

In fact, this sign has a giant heart, and they always give themselves all in to every relationship without regrets.

They believe chasing is a game where you have to be a real player, and that’s why they think it is not for them.

They would rather stay single until the right one comes. The most important thing about them is that they easily get over breakups.

So, if you hurt a Sag, they won’t sweat the small stuff and get over you as if you never dated.

Sagittarius values freedom and honesty above all else. To capture their interest, be adventurous and willing to explore the world alongside them.

Share their love of discovery and show that you’re open-minded and curious.

They also admire candid communication. Be straightforward about your intentions and feelings, as they despise deception or emotional games. A transparent, vibrant connection is the key to their heart.

10. Capricorn

This sign is someone which chooses the means to get what they want. So, if they need to be players to get someone they like, they will do it.

They will use all the tricks and tips that are needed for a quality chasing game.

They hate to lose, so they will never give up on the person they like. When they chase, they do it like it is in their blood.

They know what kind of compliments they have to say, how to act, and how to pretend to get what they want.

And even if someone might think that they are cold-blooded, in fact, they are extremely warm people who would do it all for the person they love.

So, if you fall in love with a Capricorn, just know that you will be chased, loved, taken care of, and respected.

Capricorns also value ambition and dedication in a partner. Show them that you’re just as goal-oriented and hardworking as they are, and they’ll admire your drive and persistence.

Their love is steady and dependable, so reciprocate with acts of loyalty and trust. They seek long-term commitment and want someone who will stand by them through life’s ups and downs

11. Aquarius

If you thought that this sign is going to chase you, you are so wrong. You see, what they hate the most is making someone be theirs.

Even if they like you a lot, they will never admit it, and they will play hard to get.

If you think you would be a perfect match with them, you will change your opinion very soon because their behavior toward you will be bad.

They will never chase you but will want you to chase them because they enjoy that game.

They like to be pursued and treated like the apple of someone’s eye. That is something they feel great about, and they like that feeling the most.

So, if you think they are worth the chase, just bring it on.

While Aquarius may not actively chase, they value deep, intellectual connections above all else. To win their heart, show them you can engage their mind with meaningful conversations and shared passions.

They’re drawn to people who are innovative, unique, and willing to think outside the box.

Aquarians also treasure independence and freedom. Demonstrating that you’re secure in your individuality and respect their need for space will draw them closer to you.

They don’t want to feel smothered—they want a partner who can match their adventurous and progressive spirit.

12. Pisces

This sign will never chase you because they don’t like it.

They believe that there is the perfect match for every one of us and that they shouldn’t chase someone who isn’t supposed to be theirs at all.

This sign is emotional, and they believe in real love. That’s why they will never do something they are not okay with.

They would rather wait longer and during that time make a good career than to waste time with someone who they will break up eventually.

They always think two steps ahead, and that’s why they don’t have so many problems in love relationships.

When they find the right person, they are willing to do anything for their happiness.

They are willing to go the extra mile because for them, love is a force that moves the world, and to them, it is actually the most important thing because, without love, nothing has a purpose.

Pisces are dreamers and romantics, so they’re drawn to deep emotional connections.

To attract a Pisces, show your sensitivity and empathy, as they gravitate toward people who understand their emotional depth and reciprocate it.

They also value creativity and imagination in a partner.

Sharing your artistic side, whether through music, writing, or other creative pursuits, will spark their interest and create a bond that feels magical and profound.