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Rimanete aggiornati con questi termini moderni per gli incontri che dovete conoscere

Stay Up To Date With These Modern Dating Terms You Need To Know

Each year dating scene gets kind of more complicated. With new slang words popping out every year it can be hard to stay up to date on your dating game.

You get on dating apps and it feels like you’re reading some totally different language, but no you’re not, you’re just lacking behind a new dictionary Gen Z came up with. 

Days when you didn’t understand what “cringe” e “ghosting” meant are long gone. Welcome to 2024 with new terms expanding the dating dictionary! Honestly, some of these perfectly describe some dating situations and people in a really creative way.

And trust me, you don’t want to be caught off guard when your friends talk about their love life and you’re trying to decode what they’re saying. 

So, no worries, I got you! I’ve gathered the most popular dating terms in 2024 you can’t miss out on!

1. Stay aware of “breadcrumbing”

This one is not really fun to experience and the word itself doesn’t sound exciting, does it? 

Have you ever felt you’re getting bits and pieces of attention from someone, just enough to keep you hooked on and interested? If yes, you’ve been the victim of “breadcrumbing”.

It’s basically a form of manipulation where someone just leads you on but the breadcrumbs never lead you to the full loaf. Don’t let someone always leave you hungry for more.

2. Try out a “dry dating” trend

Feeling a bit bored of meeting your dates at clubs and bars? Then “dry dating” might be a perfect solution for you!

This is probably the healthiest trend in a long time. It’s all about being completely sober on your dates and focusing on genuine connections and good conversations rather than hiding your anxiety with a few drinks.

I’ve tried this out and so far it’s been great! I feel I get to know the person better and I have no more hangovers the next day so that’s a plus!

3. Have you ever gone “boy sober”?

Now, after being sober on your dates, you might think about going completely “boy sober”, especially if the dates were disappointing!

It’s a term that describes taking a break from dating to recharge your batteries. This is a great opportunity to focus on yourself and something better than those disappointing dates. 

I think it’s a really good trend to hop on when you get tired of dating so you can return to the scene feeling better after your little vacation.

4. Is “seeding” an ultimate hack?

No, we’re not seeding any plants, but with this hack, we could harvest some good results. Think of it as planting interesting thoughts or hints in the mind of your crush.

Con “seeding” you can check if your crush is interested in you. For example, try mentioning a cool place you know to see if they would go out with you. 

The key is to plant these seeds subtly so they don’t even realize you’re doing it. And you get to test out the waters before rushing with anything.

5.“Knotting” or “cuffing” season

I bet you found yourself wanting someone to keep you warm during winter days or maybe hop on fun adventures during the summer at least once. Come on, just admit it!

Bene, “knotting season” is basically like an updated term for summer fling. It’s a little adventure during summer that ends by the autumn. You loosely tie the knot with someone just for the sake of having them be your company on holidays, festivals, etc.

Al contrario, “cuffing season” is more for those who prefer cuddling and having fun with someone during those cold, winter days. 

6. Your crush might be “orbiting” you on socials

When someone is orbiting it usually happens on social media. They like your posts and stories but never engage in anything more like texting you.

It’s a sneaky way to remind someone of your presence if your intentions with them aren’t clear or you don’t even want to pursue them.

Sometimes someone is “orbiting” when they’re shy or trying to play it cool but they secretly like you and just want to see your reaction. If you give them the same attention, they might even slide into your DMs!

7. Do you have “rizz”?

“Rizz” is something universal we’re all attracted to. Wonder what it might be?

It’s charisma – a quality that gives you the ability to effortlessly attract people and engage with them. I bet someone came to your mind as soon as you read this.

Se non avete “rizz” you should definitely learn how to be charismatic because it comes really handy on the dating scene. Just be yourself, shine with confidence, and show your humor! Fake it ‘till you make it!

8. Be careful not to give someone “ick”

You probably got an “ick” from someone by now and didn’t even know it. Don’t worry it’s nothing serious though.

If you ever met someone and they did or said something that almost made you crawl under a rock (or as Gen Z would say, it was extremely cringe), then, my friend, you got an ick. 

It’s anything that makes you instantly less attracted to someone else, from the way they act, speak, dress, or even do something random like walk. You would be surprised what things commonly give an “ick” to others!

9. “Soft guy” is exactly what it sounds like

This might be the nightmare of a lot of women. With the rise of feminism and guys becoming more sassy than ever, the term “soft guy” appeared on the dating scene.

Some would say this term describes men who want to be treated like princesses and taken care of by their other half. “Soft guys” often think men shouldn’t be the sole providers in a relationship.

Others praise them saying they are just more in touch with their feminine side which they show through their appearance, clothes, and behavior. So you decide for yourself what definition you prefer more!

10. ”Eclipsing” has nothing to do with the universe

Although you might think of celestial bodies and astronomy when you hear this one, forget all about it!

“Eclipsing” descrive acting the same way as your crush to gain their approval. It’s when you start pursuing the same interests and hobbies as them, suddenly have the same opinions and everything!

As you might imagine, this isn’t a healthy trait as it leads to gradually losing ourselves and becoming someone’s copy. 

With this one, we conclude the 2024 dictionary of modern dating terms! You successfully learned all the terms that will help you navigate your dating scene a bit more easily.

And the next time your friends start talking about their love lives, you’ll know exactly what they mean when you hear them say they’re going “boy sober” or looking for someone for “knotting season”!