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12 Zodiac Signs Ranked From Good To Average Boyfriends In Terms Of Intimacy

12 Zodiac Signs Ranked From Good To Average Boyfriends In Terms Of Intimacy

So, who’s good and who’s average when we talk about the moments when you two get physical? Read on to find out!

1. Libra

A Libra man has it all covered, from vanilla sensuality to your wildest fantasies coming true.  

He is all about mutual pleasure, and he will be just if not even more concentrated on yours than on his own.

Libras are creative by nature, and they transfer that same creativity to the bedroom.

There is always something new and exciting waiting to happen upon your next encounter.

They are extremely patient, and they will never rush things. They know that the best things in life happen spontaneously.

One of their best traits is that they live for the here and now, and when it comes to intimacy, you can genuinely feel that it’s just him and you.

Nothing else can touch you or spoil that perfect moment of physical closeness.

2. Leo

If you want to be treated like a queen, spend time with a king. Leos will concentrate on your pleasure.

They want to make a good impression and leave their partner craving for more.

They love to be the best at everything they do. Physical intimacy is included and at the top of their priority list.

Leo men who aren’s skilled at intimacy are rare, and you can’t judge the whole pride of lions by just one bad kitten.

Leos are dominant, passionate, and dedicated. Now imagine all those traits directed to your pleasure only. There’s no way he can fail.

3. Scorpio

Scorpios are the most passionate zodiac sign. They are as passionate in life as they are with you.

They don’t like mediocre things. That’s why they will be all in while they are with you.

They have a freakishly high drive, and they will never pass up an opportunity for intimate moments.

They are loyal and devoted by nature. That’s why most of them prefer a genuine connection over something casual.

They are well aware that practice makes perfect which is why they will concentrate on making their significant other completely happy instead of exploring the territory.

4. Taurus

Who would have thought that there was so much warmth hidden behind Taurus’ tough exterior?

He is a very tender and always up for a good cuddling session.

If you prefer a man for life rather than a man for a night, Taurus is your guy.

Taureans connection to Venus makes them crave stability and love, and they are generally more interested in things being meaningful than just getting it done.

That’s why they put their body, heart, and soul all in during intimate moments with their significant other.

Instead of obsessing with their own needs and desires Taureans listen to what you have to say, and they do their best to make it happen.

Their listening skills are the very thing that make them magnificent boyfriends.

5. Aquarius

An Aquarian is like a breath of fresh air. He is open-minded and by default, open to new ideas.

He is innovative, and you never know what new steamy idea he has up his sleeve.

As if that wasn’t enough, Aquarius is truly a selfless boyfriend, and he will be focused on your joy only.

He is intelligent and perceptive and therefore able to sense your every desire.

Just by monitoring your movements and subtle hints you are giving him, he will know all the things you want him to do, and he will follow them like a map.

6. Sagittarius

For a Sag, the physical intimacy begins with a conversation. He will really talk the talk and have you yearning for him before he even lays a hand on you.

He believes that building tension will make the whole situation more heated, and if you play along, you will find out soon enough that he is right.

Sagittarians have an impeccable sense of humor, and it’s not just their seduction tool.

They can joke their way out of an embarrassing situation which is a handy tool that will make you both feel more comfortable and relaxed around each other and bring you closer.

7. Aries

Arians are one of the most dominant zodiac signs, and if you don’t mind being bossed around, they are a perfect match for you.

If you are dominant yourself, then you won’t be compatible unless you are able to make him think he is in charge and make his every desire come true.

An Aries man loves to feel desirable and wanted, and if you send a few compliments his way, he will just crave you more.

8. Pisces

Pisces prioritize friendship and romance to physical intimacy.

They will put a lot more effort into emotional rather than into physical intimacy which is not bad if they are coupled up with someone with a similar drive.

He likes a woman who is daring enough to take the initiative.

He will hardly ever be up to that task because he is a bit insecure, and he needs the other side to make the extra effort.

He needs time to feel comfortable, and he might be a bit reserved at the beginning, but as  things progress, he will start to open up and show the playful side he is hiding.

9. Gemini

A Gemini man can be the best you ever had or the worse you ever had, and it will depend on his mood.

His dual personality is shifty, so it will all depend on whether he feels like a boyfriend or observer at a given moment.

If he is an observer, then he is an extremely selfish, and he will only be interested in all the ways in which you can please him without being mindful of your needs.

If he is a boyfriend, he will be all in, and he will put his A game on when it comes to making your desires come true.

He will be engaging and won’t restrict a game to the bedroom alone.

Once his imagination starts working, the sky is the limit, and you will find yourself with him in the oddest of places.

10. Cancer

The reason why a Cancer man is so down in this list is his overthinking nature.

He is passionate and creative enough to provoke fireworks in your head, but once he drifts away in his mind, he is practically useless.

He can’t switch his overthinking, and he looks too deeply into things.

He also can’t leave all his troubles aside and live in the moment if he is burdened by something, so intimacy won’t be on the table until he solves it.

11. Capricorn

Eternally busy, Capricorn hardly has any time for good old intimacy, and what puts him this low on the list is his inability to make time for his partner and the sweeter things in life.

He has desires just as any other man, but he can spend large gaps of time without being physically intimate.

If you are dating a Capricorn, remind him to loosen up a bit.

His work won’t flee but the finer things in life just might, so he might as well enjoy them while there’s time.

12. Virgo

Prone to deep analysis and criticism, a Virgo man can take away the fun from physical intimacy.

His desire to be perfect and find a perfect partner can really be a burden on the entire relationship.

He is also rational, and in his mind, intimacy is only 30% of a relationship, and a lot of women would disagree with that. He won’t put a lot of thought into the whole thing.

He doesn’t take intimacy loosely, and he is scared of diseases, so don’t be surprised if he asks you to get tested before getting intimate.

Don’t hold it against him. He is thinking soberly, and he is not allowing love to cloud his judgment.