Buckle Up For The Highway To Happiness
We live in a world filled with demands and expectations—what’s right and wrong, good and bad, what will show success and not a failure. There …
We live in a world filled with demands and expectations—what’s right and wrong, good and bad, what will show success and not a failure. There …
Failures and disappointments are a part of our life but it is important how people deal with them. Some people just ignore the problems they …
I have a friend named Lauren. Lauren is inspiring to me in so many ways, but in particular I am in awe of her steadfast …
Beside their shyness and the way they love cats more than people, introverts have so many more loveable traits about themselves. They are the thinkers, …
People who suffer from depression encounter difficulties in their life from day to day. Without even realising it, I’ve managed to make my depression less …
Accepting that we’re in an abusive relationship is harder than leaving one, because we are ashamed to admit that we stayed in such a relationship. …
Rebuilding yourself after abuse takes time and it can seem scary once you’re free from such a relationship, but always remember that you’re not alone. …
Even if he used words instead of fists, it was still abuse. Maybe he never hit you but his words hurt you more than any …
Throughout your life you may encounter people who take advantage of your insecurities so they make them bigger, never allowing you to have self-confidence or …
As much as we would like to ignore it, domestic abuse is real and it’s happening every day. We could be victims without even knowing …