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7 Ways To Remind Your Partner That You Love Him

7 Ways To Remind Your Partner That You Love Him

Whether we admit it or not, we all need attention and we all want to feel loved. It doesn’t matter whether the two of you are in a long-term relationship or you’re a new couple, you should never stop reminding your partner that you love him.

It is in men’s nature not to seek attention and that is why women often forget to remind their partner how much they appreciate them with small gestures and some cute notes that will melt their heart.

Even though men are thought to be tough and masculine, that doesn’t mean they don’t like cute things just like women do.

Also, you shouldn’t forget that men are, most of the time, insecure about themselves and your feelings and that is why they need a constant reminder of your affection (even though they will not admit it to you, so that they don’t appear weak in front of you).

By showing him appreciation and affection, you will make him the happiest man in the world and this is how you’ll do it.

Admire him

Men like to be admired and complimented, just like women do. They want you to notice when they are being strong around you, lifting something really heavy (you would never think of doing it alone), they want you to notice when they fix something in your house and so on.

When he does something like this, admire his strength and compliment him on how smart he is. He will instantly feel like he did a really great job and that you appreciate him for what he is capable of doing.

Surprise him with dinner

‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. And it truly is. Don’t forget that men like to be taken care of because it reminds them of their mother and the warmth of their childhood home.

If you surprise him with dinner by preparing his favorite food, he will feel like a baby that has just gotten his favorite toy. He will appreciate your efforts to do something special for him and he won’t be able to resist you.

Make a homemade gift for him

The easiest thing you can do is to go to a store and buy him something expensive or less expensive but if you decide to make him a homemade gift, this will be the most valuable and heartwarming gesture.

You can make a chunky arm-knit blanket, a picture frame, you can engrave a mug with a special pen, or you can try drawing something artistic (if you’re into that stuff).

There are billions of ways to make a DIY gift that will make his heart beat faster. Homemade gifts have that special warmth and when you give him one, he will envisage how you smiled while you were making it and that determination to make him happy is the ultimate sign of your love for him.

Leave him notes

Another way of reminding your partner how much you love him is to leave him random notes all over your place.

You can write some compliments, funny notes or a simple ‘I love you’ and this will instantly make him smile and appreciate having such a wonderful and witty woman in his life.

Visit some places the two of you have been to before

Surprise him by blindfolding him and then driving him to some of the places you’ve been before but haven’t visited in a while. You can drive him to the place of your first kiss, or to the place of your long romantic walks or similar.

If you don’t have that one special place, you can always improvise and find something intriguing that you always wanted to visit but somehow you didn’t yet.

This feeling of newness and strangeness will bond you even more and it will make him appreciate your intentions of surprising him.

Call him just to say you love him

There is something really powerful about calling your man just to remind him that you love him and then hanging up, leaving him to contemplate what you’ve just said.

He might be at work or somewhere else, not expecting this in his wildest dreams and that is what will intrigue him.

He will think that it’s just a random call of yours (that perhaps you need something of him or something happened) but when he realizes that you called him just to say that you love him, it will instantly melt his heart and remind him of the love the two of you share.

Send him provocative pics

This one is similar to the previous one but in a more sexual way. You can try wearing a provocative outfit and sending him a selfie. When he opens the message, his jaw will drop and he will be unable to focus himself on what he has been doing.

This will remind him of what a beautiful and sexy lady he has and he will be grateful to you for surprising him when he least expects it. Just be creative and think of the things he likes and he will appreciate the cute reminders of your love toward him.