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She’s Not TRULY Yours FOREVER Unless She Does These 12 ‘Clingy’ Things

She’s Not TRULY Yours FOREVER Unless She Does These 12 ‘Clingy’ Things

 1. She doesn’t tolerate bad treatment

She expects you to treat her the way you want to be treated. You are in this thing together and you have to act like equals. So, when she gets mad over some little thing, ask yourself: Would you react the same way?

2. She wants to be by your side, always

She is always trying to get you involved in everything she does. Maybe she found a nice little bistro and she wants the two of you to go there are make some lifelong memories. She is not being pushy. She just loves you and she wants to make sure you’ll be by her side forever.

3. She wants you to define your relationship

She is not satisfied with an indefinite relationship status. That doesn’t make her clingy. She only wants you to define your status so you can start your time together.

4. She’s always texting you

Most men find this suffocating when actually, they should be happy. You have to feel good about this. Your girlfriend is trying to stay in contact with you when you’re not around. She does this because she likes you and she likes spending time with you.

5. She ‘brags’ about you on social media

Posting statuses and photos about the two of you is her way of showing the world how much she likes you. She is proud of having you as a boyfriend and you should be flattered.

6. She wants to know where you are

Imagine if you went out and she didn’t ask you anything. Would you feel a bit left out? If she asks a lot of questions, it’s because she cares about where are you going and what are you doing. It makes her feel calmer just to know that you are ok.

7. She is planning your future together

If she’s talking about your future together, it means she genuinely likes you and she sees herself with you for the long run. Don’t be scared of this because if you really love her, you’ll end up together. She’s just brave enough to say it out loud.

8. She can’t get her hands off of you

This means that she is head-over-heels in love with you. You should be glad it’s this way and not the other. This means she is attracted to you and she likes the physical proof that you are going to be by her side forever.

9. She can get a bit jealous

Jealousy is a normal and natural feeling. Everyone is jealous in one way or another. If she objects because you’re talking to other girls, she’s probably doing that with a reason. You can’t act single if you are in a committed relationship.

10. She makes sure you know she loves you

It’s as simple as this—she is brave enough to come clean and admit all her feelings about you. She is not ashamed that she loves you for who you are. She won’t play any kind of games and act uninterested so you have to chase her. No—she is simple and she is honest.

11. She always has time for you

She is not some lame submissive girl. She is a woman who values your time together and she puts you at the top of the list. She is willing to rearrange her whole schedule just to see you and you should appreciate that. This shows you she will sacrifice almost anything just to be with you.

12. She wants to meet your family

If you are planning to stay together, she has to meet your parents and your friends. She wants to get to know the people who mean that much to you and she wants to fully become a part of your life.

If your girl is like this, you hold on to her, you lucky bastard.

See also: This Is Why She’s Worth The Risk