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If You Relate To These 5 Things, You’re Extremely Attractive

If You Relate To These 5 Things, You’re Extremely Attractive

If there’s some topic people will never stop talking about, then it must be what makes someone beautiful and how to know if people find us attractive.

One thing people don’t realize is that being attractive is not all sunshine and rainbows. While you might think they have everything easy just because of their looks, you’re actually wrong.

Even research has shown that finding true love is much harder for attractive people. This is exactly because others want to be with them solely because they are attracted to their physical look and don’t care about what’s underneath the surface.

Dating coach Jacob Lucas confirms that being attractive is not so easy, but hey, someone’s gotta do it, right? All jokes aside, attractive people actually have 5 common things they share, see if you relate to any of them.

1. You don’t have many friends of the same gender

Lucas starts his video by saying how attractive people often find it hard to make friends of the same gender.

Credit: TikTok

If you ever noticed you hang out with many people of the opposite gender but have none or few friends of the same gender as you, it might be a good sign you’re attractive. Jacob says:

“This is because a lot of people are jealous of you because of your good looks and they see you as competition.”

Opinions are divided on this one. Some people agree with him because it makes sense others are sometimes intimidated by your qualities and they can’t stand someone else is better than them.

However, others say they are actually more eager to be friends with someone attractive. I think this is the case but only if you’re also confident in your looks so you don’t have a problem being around other beautiful people. 

2. Others often want to make you insecure

You’ve been bullied many times throughout your life? People use jokes to hide the fact they’re actually insulting you? Yeah, you probably have something they don’t have.

Credit: TikTok

Jacob explains this by saying:

“This is because your good looks makes them feel insecure and they wanna make you feel the same way.”

When people are mean to you, especially if they’re commenting something negative about your looks, they’re probably just reflecting their insecurities onto you. 

This is definitely true because a truly happy person who is satisfied with themselves would never waste their time and energy on making others feel bad. Instead, they want to uplift them, not drag them down.

3. Being with you boosted your ex’s ego

I have one friend who is extremely beautiful and attractive. Everyone wants to be with her or at least around her. When she broke up with her boyfriend, he suddenly became so full of himself because he knew he was with the baddie everyone desires.

Credit: TikTok

As the dating coach says:

“This is because once before they managed to get you and it makes them think there’s something special about them. When in reality they were just in the right place at the right time and got lucky that you picked them.”

Oof, this might be hard to hear for some people… But yeah, when you’re really attractive everyone will feel flattered they know you or once had a chance to be with you. 

4. People try hard to impress you

Are people going out of their way by bragging all the time whenever they are around you?

Credit: TikTok

Jacob says:

“This is because they are trying to impress you so you feel more attracted to them.”

That just proves they want to show you they’re worthy of you. They’re trying to gain your attention and make you think you’re on the same level as them so you’re compatible. 

If they only knew that being authentic and genuine could get them further than bragging about their money, clothes, or accomplishments maybe they would actually end up with someone even if they’re out of their league.

5. Everyone’s surprised you’re single

Last but not least, if you literally shock others every time you mention you’re single, then be sure you’re attractive! 

Credit: TikTok

People often assume that if you’re super pretty, smart, and have all the qualities everyone searches for, you must be taken. Of course, they’re surprised when that’s not the case. You would also pick the most beautiful flower from the garden, wouldn’t you?

People were pretty honest in the comments, although I’m not sure about modest. A lot of people said they had experienced all 5 things and everyone’s jealous of them. Some were enlightened and realized that maybe they are attractive after all. 

Others were more humorous or pessimistic and said they didn’t relate to any of these signs. A top comment with the most likes under this video was:

“I have 0 friends. I must be extremely gorgeous.”

What about you? Have you ever dealt with these problems? Do you think this is an accurate test of attractiveness or it’s more complicated than this?