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Stay Single Until Your Heart Melts For Someone Exactly Like This

Stay Single Until Your Heart Melts For Someone Exactly Like This

Stay single until you meet a guy who’ll take away all your insecurities like using a magic wand.

Stay single until you meet a man who’ll take your hand and show you off to the world. A man who’ll shout your name from the rooftops. A man who loves you more than the world itself.

Stay single until your heart melts for someone who’ll kiss you all of a sudden without any reason, other than he really wants to.

Stay single until you meet someone who’ll show up at your door in the middle of the night just to say he misses you and he loves you. A man who’ll use all of his free time just to be with you.

Stay single until your heart melts for someone who’ll intentionally embarrass himself just to get the negative attention off of you. A man who’ll always put you first and stand by your side in any situation.

Stay single until you meet a man who’ll take you by your hand and move you from the edge of the curb on a rainy day, so you don’t get splashed by a car. A man who’ll stop you from bumping into strangers on the road because your mind is somewhere else.

Stay single until you meet a man who’ll sneak up on you and kiss you while you’re sleeping. A man who’ll whisper soft words into your ear while he’s stroking your hair and comforting you when everything seems blue.

The one who’ll tell his mom all about you.

The one who’ll introduce you to his friends the second day he meets you.

Stay single until you meet someone who’ll love and cherish you for who you are. A man who will accept you with flaws and all. A man who will never dream of changing you because you’re perfect just the way you are.

Stay single until you meet someone who’ll constantly talk about you and your accomplishments. Someone who is proud to be your boyfriend.

Stay single until your heart melts for a man who’ll give you butterflies every time your phone buzzes and his name pops up on the screen.

Stay single until you meet a man who’ll be the last thing you think of before you go to bed and the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning. A man who’ll send you a good morning text every single day just to make your day.

Stay single until your heart melts for a man who’ll call just to say he misses you.

This man will lure a smile onto your face even when smiling is the last thing you want to do. He will be your ray of light  even when everything around you seems so dark.

Stay single until you meet a man who’ll sacrifice his time to be there for you when you need him. A man who is selfless and has a ton of love to give to you.

Wait for a man who’ll encourage you in your dreams and make you even more empowered than you already are. A man who’ll never allow you to lose yourself or change just for the sake of love.

Stay single until your heart melts for a man who’ll always speak his mind and tell you when you’ve made a mistake. A man who’ll listen carefully to what you’ve got to say even if he knows you are wrong. He will let you finish and give you a mature response. No screaming, no yelling. He is a man and not a boy.

Stay single until you find a movie kind of love. It’s not a cliché—it’s real and it exists. You just have to be patient and be able to recognize it in time because sometimes true love is so close to you it practically hits you in the face, but you are too blind to see it.

Stay single until you meet a man who’ll respect you and treat you as his equal—just the way you deserve.

A man who’ll never make a promise he can’t keep.

Stay single until your heart melts for a man who’ll be brave enough to admit when he was wrong.

He is not a mama’s boy. He is a real man and saying ‘I’m sorry’ is something he will never hesitate to say.

He knows if he acts immaturely, he’ll lose you and that is the last thing he wants to do.

Stay single until your heart melts for a man who’ll help you become the best version of yourself. A man who’ll make you a better person.

Stay single until you meet a man who sees his future only with you.

He knows it was fucking hard to catch you.

He knows it’s even harder to keep you around him, so he tries. Every single day he keeps trying. Not because he has to but because he loves you.

Stay single until you meet a guy who’ll make you feel like the most beautiful person just by standing next to him.

Stay single until you meet a guy who’ll make you safe. A man who will make you want him and no one else. A man who knows you’ll love him for the rest of his life.

Until then. Wait. Stay single.