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12 Zodiac Signs Ranked: Who’s The Most Brutally Honest And Who’s The Most Deceptive?

12 Zodiac Signs Ranked: Who’s The Most Brutally Honest And Who’s The Most Deceptive?

Honesty is a virtue but when it comes to the zodiac signs, everyone has a different approach to the truth—some tell it like it is, while others prefer to keep things a bit more under wraps.

Have you ever wondered where you fall on the honesty spectrum?

Are you someone who values brutal truth above all else, or do you believe in adding a little “creativity” to your stories for the sake of sparing feelings—or perhaps for your own gain? 

Astrology has long been a fun and insightful way to understand personality traits, and when it comes to honesty, each zodiac sign has its unique style of expressing (or bending) the truth.

Here’s the ranking of all 12 zodiac signs, from the most brutally honest to the most likely to bend the truth.

No matter where your sign lands, remember that honesty, like everything else, exists on a spectrum. Ready to find out how the stars influence your truth-telling tendencies?

1. Sagittarius

If anyone is brutally honest, it’s Sagittarius. You just cannot lie. Even if you want to, it goes against your nature. For you, honesty isn’t just a choice—it’s a way of life.

Telling the truth is a great quality, but sometimes it can turn around and bite you in the ass.

You’re the kind of person who speaks their mind, no matter the situation, because you believe the truth is always better than a lie.

Not everyone enjoys hearing the truth, and when you tell someone something they don’t want to hear, they often get mad.

They think of you as cold and harsh when, in reality, by being honest, you’re doing them a favor. You don’t sugarcoat your words because you value authenticity, and you expect the same from others.

You dislike lies in any form and can’t stand being lied to yourself. While your brutal honesty may alienate some people, those who appreciate your candor know they can always trust you.

Too bad that many people cannot handle the truth. But for you, being straightforward is non-negotiable—because lies, no matter how small, just don’t sit well with your adventurous and free spirit.

2. Aries

Aries tells the truth, always, under all circumstances. You can’t stand hiding what’s clearly logical and out there.

Honesty is a core part of your fiery personality, and you’ll deliver the truth even when it stings. You value directness and clarity, and you’re not afraid to ruffle a few feathers in the process.

If someone asks you something you don’t like, like why you wore that top with those jeans, you’ll go after them with everything you’ve got.

You’re not just being brutally honest; you’re standing up for yourself in the process.

The intensity of your honesty is fueled by your passionate nature, and when someone challenges you, you’re ready to unleash the truth—unfiltered and bold.

You have no problem getting into a fight with someone because you are brutally honest. You just don’t back down, and frankly, if you’re right, you shouldn’t.

People know that with you, they’ll get the truth, even if it’s not what they want to hear.

While your directness can sometimes lead to heated moments, it also earns you respect for your courage and authenticity. For Aries, the truth is a battle worth fighting, no matter the cost.

3. Leo

Leos tell the truth but only when asked for it. You are the type of person who will never lie to someone’s face.

Honesty is an important part of who you are, but it’s not something you throw around carelessly. You know when to stay quiet and when to speak up, and when you do, you hold nothing back.

You may be quiet when no one asks you anything, but when asked, you go for it and say every little thing that’s on your mind, no matter how harsh it is.

Your confidence and pride make it impossible for you to lie, as you want to be known as someone who stands by their word.

At the end of the day, people regret asking you anything in the first place. But even if they don’t always like your honesty, they respect it.

You want to be a person people trust. You want to be a leader and leave the impression of a truthful person who keeps their promises.

You care about how people perceive you, and being seen as a liar is not an option for you. For Leos, honesty is power, and you wield it with pride and precision.

4. Cancer

Cancers tell the truth, but they make it as painless as possible. Such an emotional person as you is not that brutally honest.

While you value honesty, you also understand the impact of your words and do your best to protect others’ feelings.

You are honest, but when you tell someone the truth, you keep in mind to do so as gently as possible.

You believe that honesty is the key to every successful relationship, and you’re right. You balance truth and compassion better than most, ensuring that your words don’t cause unnecessary pain.

Actually, you do it the best out of all the zodiac signs. You’re honest, but you’re not hurtful.

Your empathetic nature allows you to connect with people on a deeper level, which makes your honesty even more effective.

People trust you because they know that even when the truth is hard to hear, you deliver it with care and love. For Cancer, honesty is about strengthening bonds, not breaking them.

Your ability to balance truth with kindness makes you a rare gem among the zodiac signs.

5. Virgo

Virgos sometimes tell the truth, but sometimes they lie. You are somewhere in-between.

Your analytical nature allows you to assess each situation carefully, deciding whether the truth or a little white lie is the better choice.

You value honesty, but you also value harmony, and sometimes those two don’t go hand in hand.

Sometimes you tell the truth and end up being brutal, but sometimes you tell white lies so as not to hurt the people you love.

It’s not your intention to hurt anyone, so when faced with an extraordinary situation, you might choose to tell a small lie if it feels justified.

You’re not a habitual liar, but you understand that some situations require a bit of finesse. At your core, you are a thoughtful and considerate person who doesn’t take honesty lightly.

For Virgo, the goal is to navigate the delicate balance between truth and tact, ensuring that your words bring clarity without causing unnecessary harm.

6. Taurus

Taurus tells lies to avoid conflict. You are not comfortable with confronting people, so you would rather choose to lie than tell the truth if the truth might provoke a negative reaction.

For you, peace and comfort are priorities, and sometimes a little dishonesty feels like a small price to pay to keep calm.

When you are in an uncomfortable situation, you’re going to lie your way out and do pretty much anything to save yourself.

It’s not that you enjoy lying, but confrontation feels like too much of a hassle, and avoiding it is your ultimate goal. This habit often leads to small, harmless white lies.

But there’s a softer side to your dishonesty. You also lie to lift someone’s spirits when they feel down and to ease your own conscience.

Your lies are rarely malicious; they’re usually motivated by your desire to protect others or to keep life running smoothly.

Still, it’s important to remember that sometimes the truth, while uncomfortable, is the better choice in the long run.

For Taurus, lying isn’t about manipulation—it’s about maintaining the tranquility you value so deeply.

7. Scorpio

Scorpios lie to make themselves feel better. When you’re feeling low, you have no problem targeting someone and lying to their face to make them feel crappy, all while boosting your own mood.

Your intense emotions often drive your dishonesty, and you tend to use lies as a way to regain a sense of power or control when life feels chaotic.

You also use lying as a tool to tell a story in a dramatic way. You love being mysterious and intriguing, and sometimes adding a little “extra” to your stories makes them more captivating.

You want to present yourself as interesting, so you use all kinds of tactics, and one of them is lying.

However, when you are in a relationship and truly trust someone, your behavior changes.

You become an honest and trustworthy person, proving that your lying tendencies often stem from insecurity rather than malice.

When a Scorpio feels safe and secure, honesty becomes a natural part of who they are.

While you may struggle with being truthful at times, your deep loyalty to those you love ensures that honesty is never completely out of reach.

8. Capricorn

Capricorns don’t necessarily lie; they just try to avoid having to trust others.

You’re a private person who prefers to keep your personal life to yourself, and sometimes dishonesty feels like the easiest way to maintain that privacy.

Rather than outright lying, you often rely on sarcasm or deflection to avoid answering questions you’d rather not address.

You have found yourself on more than one occasion in a situation where someone demanded that you tell the truth, but instead of being direct, you chose to sidestep the issue with humor or evasiveness.

You’re not trying to deceive anyone—you just don’t see the need to share more than you’re comfortable with.

When it comes to those closest to you, however, you are honest and straightforward. Your loyalty to your inner circle ensures that they always get the real version of you, even if others don’t.

For Capricorn, honesty is a privilege reserved for those who have earned your trust. While you may seem reserved or even guarded, your integrity shines through in the relationships that truly matter.

9. Aquarius

Aquarius tells the truth when they feel someone needs to hear it.

You’re not the most honest person out there, but you tend to speak the truth most of the time, and people seem to think of you as a trustworthy individual.

Your approach to honesty is thoughtful and deliberate, balancing your natural desire for harmony with your understanding of when the truth is necessary.

When you lie, it’s rarely for selfish reasons. Most of the time, your dishonesty stems from a desire to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or creating unnecessary conflict.

You value peace and would rather keep things smooth than risk upsetting the balance with harsh truths.

However, when you feel that someone needs a reality check, you’re going to be absolutely, brutally honest. In those moments, your words are sharp and brutally honest, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

While your truth-telling might catch people off guard, it’s always delivered with the intention of helping them grow.

For Aquarius, honesty is a tool to inspire change, and you wield it wisely—knowing exactly when to tell the truth and when to bend it for the greater good.

10. Pisces

Pisces has almost mastered the craft of lying. You are such a good liar that sometimes you even manage to make yourself believe in the lies you’ve told.

But your dishonesty isn’t malicious; it stems from a deep desire to protect others from pain or discomfort. For you, lying is often an act of compassion rather than deception.

You cannot stand criticism, and when someone is out to get you, you’ll gladly lie your way out of it.

You’re sensitive and emotional, and lying often feels like a way to shield yourself from the harshness of the world.

At the same time, you use lies to spare others’ feelings, even when it means sacrificing your own sense of authenticity.

Your creativity plays a significant role in your ability to bend the truth. With your vivid imagination, you can weave elaborate stories that sound almost too good to be false.

While this skill can get you out of sticky situations, it’s important to remember that honesty builds stronger, more meaningful connections.

For Pisces, lying may come easily, but the truth is where true growth and trust lie.

11. Libra

Librans lie to get something from someone. The only person you’re consistently honest with is yourself.

Your charm and charisma make it easy for you to bend the truth without raising suspicion, and you often use this skill to navigate tricky social situations or to get what you want from others.

You also lie when someone tries to prove you wrong. You can’t stand being outsmarted or outdone, so you’ll twist the truth just enough to maintain the upper hand.

This tendency might seem manipulative, but it’s rarely done with malicious intent—it’s more about preserving your image and avoiding conflict.

What you truly want is a good reputation. You lie to make a positive impression and to ensure that people see you in the best possible light.

While your dishonesty may serve a purpose in the short term, it’s worth considering the long-term impact on your relationships.

For Libra, honesty might be harder to achieve, but it’s the key to earning the genuine admiration you crave.

12. Gemini

And finally, here they are: Geminis, the absolute masters of lying. You are ready to completely invent stories and events that never happened.

Your imagination runs wild, and you have an uncanny ability to make your lies sound not just believable but entertaining.

Maybe you should try writing screenplays or scripts because it’s like a movie in your head. Your creativity is endless, and you use it to weave tales that captivate everyone around you.

However, this tendency to embellish or fabricate can sometimes undermine your credibility, as people begin to question what’s real and what’s not.

People know that almost everything you say is a lie, and they don’t take your words too seriously because there’s always a 50/50 chance that what you’ve said is false.

While your lying habits may seem like second nature, it’s worth considering how much stronger your connections could be if you embraced the truth more often.

For Gemini, honesty might not come naturally, but it’s a skill worth cultivating to build deeper, more authentic relationships.