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Wait Until You Find A Man Who Won’t Give Up On You

Wait Until You Find A Man Who Won’t Give Up On You

I don’t know why but people nowadays rush from one bad relationship to the next. It makes it look like they feel bad when single but to be honest I don’t see any sense in that.

Isn’t it better to be alone than in bad company? Isn’t it better to be satisfied with who you are than with a man who transforms you into something that you don’t want to be?

I mean, the world is already a cruel place and you really don’t need the love of your life to treat you like shit. So, stay single until you find a man who won’t give up on you.

I know that he won’t come today or tomorrow but once he does, you will see that he was worth the wait.

So, be patient and wait for someone who won’t complete you but who will accept you completely.

Wait for the man who will accept all your flaws and be proud to have a woman like you. You should wait for someone who would kill for you if you asked him to do so.

Wait for the man who thinks that your happiness is more important than his.

Wait for the man who kisses you while you are sleeping, telling you how beautiful you are and that he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else than in your hug.

Stay single until you find a man who will love you even in your baggy PJ’s, with shaggy hair and with no makeup on your face. Because if he can’t love you at your worst edition, he definitely doesn’t deserve you at your best one.

Be with someone who is willing to try to solve problems with you and not someone who will run away in front of the first bump in the road.

Because that is what makes a good partner—a desire to work things out and to fix what can be fixed.

Don’t settle for someone who you will need to fight to get his attention. Because you deserve to be a priority and not an option. Otherwise, it doesn’t make any sense.

Wait for someone who is proud of you and of the things you do to improve your life.

And it is not important if he can’t help you to reach your goals, because you will make it if he believes in you. That is all that you need.

Wait for someone who shows up when he says he will and the one who texts first to say good morning. Wait for the man who has butterflies in his stomach every time that he sees you.

Wait for the one who treats you like you deserve. Stay single until you find a man who actually gives a damn about you because, believe it or not, that is what real love is about.

He doesn’t need to say that he loves you but when you go out and he says to take care, that means more than the biggest, “I love you!” He shows his love to you in so many different ways and you just need to watch carefully and reciprocate it in the same way.

Don’t be with someone just because he looks amazing. Bear in mind that looks can deceive but heart and soul are things that last forever.  

So, instead of falling in love with his looks, fall in love with his heart and his soul. In this way, you won’t be thirsty for love.

In the end, I just want to tell you that you will sometimes feel lonely and you will probably ask yourself if you are doing the right thing by being alone.

Trust me that you are, it just needs time for amazing things to happen and I am sure that you will find the love of your life when you least expect it.

So, don’t settle for less than you deserve and wait for the man who will never give up on you.

Because waiting for anyone else is simply a waste of your time!