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If He’s Doing These Things, He Wants To Break Up With You

If He’s Doing These Things, He Wants To Break Up With You

If you ever found yourself clutching your phone anxiously while waiting for his text, I get you. Every little sound gives you hope thinking he finally answered, but it’s just another boring notification from some random FB page you once followed.

Then overthinking starts. Is he busy at work? Maybe he’s out with his friends. Or the worst possibility ever – he’s planning that “we need to talk” moment.

Now, hold your horses. Don’t panic right away. From my experience, I can tell you that no texts or dry responses are sometimes totally fine! We all have our moments when our social battery runs out. 

However, some red flags should raise your concerns and give you subtle hints that he’s done with you. I’ve dealt with it in the past so now I can smell a breakup from a mile away! Here’s what usually tells me that the relationship is coming to an end.

1. You’re suddenly the one to blame for everything

Ever felt like it’s all your fault? Whatever happens, he blames you, even if he made a mistake. Yeah, it’s a pretty bad feeling to have. It makes you question yourself and if he’s really right. 

If this sounds familiar, darling, you’re in a relationship with a professional manipulator. He’s putting everything on you, so he can justify himself from leaving.

2. Confronting him only makes things worse

We all know that open communication is worth its weight in gold. It can resolve all the issues and prevent arguments in the future. So, if he doesn’t want to speak to you calmly and honestly, what does it tell you? 

By shutting down this universal solution for almost everything, he knows it will only get worse. That’s exactly why he’s doing it – he wants more reasons for a breakup. Also, it’s possible he just doesn’t want to take accountability for anything.

3. His promises are just empty words

This one just breaks your heart. It’s like telling you that you’ll see the world together and then giving you a plastic globe to look at. 

This just shows he doesn’t care and won’t take responsibility for his words. And you know our girls’ golden rule – if he wanted to he would. And it really does be like that!

My ex promised me the whole universe but the only things I got were trust issues and depression! It’s a totally different story with my boyfriend now. He really goes out of his way to provide everything for me just to make me happy!

4. You’re not his priority anymore

You are bored, scrolling through your social media, and you bump into his story. He’s having the time of his life with his friends while one hour ago he said he’s too busy to hang out with you!

You slowly start to notice he’s losing interest and always has more time for others. He’s shifting his energy somewhere else, while he should be all over you! Girl, it’s crystal clear, open your eyes! He’s just not that into you!

5. He doesn’t hide flirting with others

This one just stings like a bee! Flirting with others behind your back is horribly wrong, but doing it in front of you? Now, that’s what I call disrespect. 

It’s like he doesn’t care anymore about hurting your feelings! He’s inconsiderate and not afraid to show it. He might do this to test the waters for the future but also to piss you off and make you jealous. 

This can only lead to one thing – an ugly fight. And we all know what comes after that. Don’t even bother staying with him!

6. Talks about the future are off the table

You daydream about your future together and starting a family but it seems like he’s not on the same page. Just when you think it’s the right time to make some plans, you hit a wall and realize you can’t even make plans for the next day!

Men happily engage in these conversations when they’re sure you’re the one. If he just brushes you off whenever you mention your future together, it can tell you a lot.

Maybe he even says something along the lines of it not being important or the right time to discuss it. Either way, he doesn’t want to commit to you in the long run.

7. Dry or no responses to your texts

Ohh, those days when he would text you nonstop. His every message and call would make you giggle and blush like a schoolgirl who saw her crush.

Nowadays he responds to your texts hours later, giving you some lame excuse. Even when it’s your lucky day and he finally answers you, his responses are dryer than Sahara!

I always wondered how my ex never responded on time but didn’t leave his phone for a minute when we were together. Whenever someone called him he would answer in a heartbeat! Well, now I understand, and let me tell you the harsh truth, he’s not interested anymore.

8. He’s cold and distant

You always loved spending time together and couldn’t wait to see each other, but recently something’s different. He doesn’t even bother to initiate dates with you.

When you’re together and you’re telling him about your days or problems, it’s like he just zones out. He doesn’t even listen to what you’re saying or gives you bland responses just so it doesn’t turn out he’s completely ignoring you.

Sometimes they don’t even realize the way they behave but other times they’re doing it on purpose so you’d get a hint. Basically, they secretly hope you’ll get tired and break up before them.

9. Making an elephant out of a fly

All of a sudden everything is a problem and a big one! You can’t discuss anything without him being the drama queen.

He exaggerates every situation and creates an issue where there isn’t one. There is just no way to handle anything calmly and act like grown-ups. I’ve been there and when I finally couldn’t take it anymore, I just snapped and left him.

When they’re not serious about you, they’ll push you away and give you reasons for a breakup. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, then give him what he wants! It’ll be better for everyone. 

Just remember that some men don’t want to take accountability for their actions, and also love to be the victim. They’re often not brave enough to initiate a breakup and will therefore do these crappy things so you’d get a hint. 

So yeah, next time a man gives you enough reasons to leave him, don’t hesitate to take action. Nine times out of ten, you’ll be better off without him anyway.