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Hear Me Out, These Are 10 Most Important Things Men Want In A Relationship

Hear Me Out, These Are 10 Most Important Things Men Want In A Relationship

My sister got really upset after her boyfriend told her she had no idea how to be in a relationship. She couldn’t understand why he would say something like that. Was she doing something wrong?

She came to me in tears, pondering the age-old question:What do men desire in a relationship?”

Let’s get real, forget the stereotypes and clichés, we’re talking about the genuine stuff that makes a relationship work. 

As a guy, I’m gonna prove men are not as complicated as you may think.

Here are the 10 things I (and most men) crave for in a relationship. Ready? 

1. Spend a good time with me

Life gets busy, but making time for each other is key. It’s not just about being in the same room, it’s about really BEING together. 

We’re having fun together, like a real dream team. Whether it’s a cozy night in, a walk in the park, or trying new things together, quality time is gold. 

2. Talk to me

Communication is another biggie. Chatting is great but the real talk – sharing thoughts and feelings openly is super important.

If something upsets you, tell me. You need to put it in words, I’m not a mind reader. I don’t wanna walk on eggshells around you, either. I NEED a real open talk! 

Don’t forget the non-verbal cues – body language and eye contact matter just as much!

3. Be my rock

Yep, guys need the support too!

Life throws curveballs, and being there for me during difficult times is invaluable. Show empathy, lend a listening ear, and be a rock when I need it most. 

Forget the stereotype of the always-tough guy. Men appreciate having someone they can open up to and who’ll support them through ups and downs. It’s a game-changer.

4. Show me respect and appreciation!

I want to feel valued and recognized for who I am and what I do. Please, listen to what I say, value my opinions, respect my choices, and be aware of my boundaries.

Let me tell you about appreciation – it’s the foundation of any healthy relationship.

Showing gratitude when I make you a coffee or when I’m a great listener, trust me, it does wonders. Whether it’s a simple “thank you” or a shout-out for something I’ve done, it goes a long way.

5. You just need to trust me

Trust, trust, trust. It’s the glue in every relationship. Consistency and honesty are absolutely essential to build a relationship based on trust.

I don’t want to be interrogated like a usual suspect. I need to feel you believe me and to believe in me. Trust is a solid foundation for an awesome relationship.

6. Want me, touch me

I’m talking about those little gestures that show your love and affection. Holding hands, hugs, or a little gentle touch can speak volumes and strengthen our connection.

Ah, and feeling desired. It’s not just a one-way street, you know. I want to feel your desire. Speak the love language. 

7. Give me some space

Balance is key. While spending time together is important, so is respecting each other’s need for personal space.

I need to see my boys, you need to have a girl’s night out. Sometimes I need to have my alone time. Sometimes I want to join a web design or a UX course. I need to have space.

That’s how we keep our relationship happy. 

8. Let’s laugh together

Tell me a joke! Tell me I’m funny. Share some silly moments from your childhood. Laugh at me and let me laugh at you.

Sharing moments of joy and fun can significantly boost our relationship. Find activities we’ll both enjoy and laugh with me.

Create an atmosphere where we are playful, enjoy little things, and laugh easily.

9. Be there for me

I wanna feel like you have my back and you’re there for me.

You’re there helping me to overcome challenges and obstacles, and we grow together stronger and more close.

I need to know I can depend on you. That’s how you keep us safe and stable.

10. Celebrate me

Applaud my achievements!

It’s not only about encouraging me, you need to help me attain new heights. Care about my goals, share ideas, and help me find resources. Give me a feeling we’re a team. 

Having a partner who supports my dreams is the best. Show interest in my goals, offer help, and celebrate my success. Being each other’s cheerleader can turn a good relationship into a great one.

Understanding what men want in a relationship doesn’t have to be brain surgery. Show me some appreciation, keep those communication lines open, build trust, and keep the fire alive, you’re well on your way to relationship bliss. 

Cheers to that!