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12. He’s got a bad reputation

You’re a girl who doesn’t pay attention to other people’s opinions and someone who doesn’t give a damn about what others are saying.

You know people aren’t always honest, and you don’t believe everything you hear.

Even though this is a great thing and a sign of your strong attitudes, when a man has a reputation of being a fuckboy, maybe it’s time to look it up and check it out.

You see, when a guy played and hurt many girls in the past, you’ll probably hear about it, and it is not something you should ignore.

If everyone around you (including your best friends who definitely mean you well) are advising you against being with him and telling you to stay away from this jerk, maybe you should listen to them.

If people keep telling you that he has a reputation of using girls as booty calls and of jumping from one bed to another, there is probably something more in that.

Don’t fool yourself by thinking that he’ll be different when it comes to you because he won’t.

Don’t lie to yourself that you are something special and that you’ll change him because you’ll probably end up heartbroken, just as all those other girls before you.