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16 Effective Ways To Know If Your Ex Is Over You

16 Effective Ways To Know If Your Ex Is Over You

When you end a love relationship, the worst thing is knowing that the person who was so recently the center of your world is just a stranger now. You don’t tell him your secrets anymore and you don’t call him when something nice happens to you. The thing is that he is not your person anymore and no matter how bad you feel about your break-up, you are aware of the fact that you won’t be with him again. Maybe it has been a long period of time since the two of you have talked to each other and you feel like he has been moving on with his life.

But if you want to know if your ex is over you for sure, you should pay attention to some things that can help you find out what is happening in his life. Here is a list of the most common ways that can help you see whether your ex still has feelings for you or if he moved on with his life a long time ago.

1. He has a new partner

One of the most obvious signs that your ex is over you is when you see him with another woman. It means that he ended things with you and that he doesn’t want to have anything with you anymore. He thinks that the two of you are incompatible and that he can’t be happy with you. That’s why he found another woman and he will do anything to make her happy and satisfied. He simply needed a new start and he wants to leave the past where it belongs.

2. He avoids you

If you catch him avoiding you, you can be sure that your ex doesn’t want to have any contact with you. He feels bad in your company and your presence reminds him of the awful relationship the two of you had. He simply wants to move on with his life and he doesn’t want you to be a part of his new life. If he tries to avoid you, don’t be pushy and don’t try to talk to him because he doesn’t want that. The best thing that you can do is to leave him alone. If he decides to get back with you, he will do it only if his heart tells him to.

3. He returned your stuff

While the two of you were dating, there were some of your things at your ex’s house and at first when you broke up, he wanted to keep your things. However, he doesn’t want to have them in his home anymore because they remind him of you and that probably hurts him and he doesn’t feel good about it. So, if your ex brings all of your stuff back to you, that is an obvious sign that he is over you and that he wants to leave the past where it belongs.

4. He cut off contact with you on social media sites

If you see that your ex unfriended you on social media sites, the situation might be worse than you think. He doesn’t even want to know what you are doing or what is happening in your life anymore. Maybe he wouldn’t be comfortable seeing photos of you with another man or that you are having fun when he is not around. The thing is that he doesn’t want to have any contact with you and that he wants to start a new chapter of his life, but this time without you.

5. He stopped contacting you

Maybe your ex is using the no contact rule to get you back but if this takes more than 3 months, you can be positive that he doesn’t want you back but instead he has actually moved on with his life. If he doesn’t contact you anymore, it is an obvious sign that he doesn’t miss you and that he doesn’t crave you like before. You don’t have hope that he will contact you anymore because he can’t see a bright future with you.

6. He told you that he doesn’t want to be with you

This is one of the most obvious signs that your ex is over you. If he is honest with you and tells you that he doesn’t want to be with you and that he is not interested in you as a girlfriend, you don’t have to even bother to try to win him back. A man like this doesn’t feel anything for you anymore so it is better to let him go and to start living your life with someone new. That is a good way to forget about him and to be happy with someone who will make you feel special and good.

7. He has new hobbies

Maybe your ex didn’t have time for his hobbies while he was in the relationship with you, so he wants to continue with them now. Or maybe he just felt suffocated in the relationship with you, so he couldn’t do what he wanted to do. Anyway, if you see him doing things that he didn’t do while he was with you, you should know that he missed them and that he feels good now that everything is over with you. He feels free again and he certainly doesn’t want to try something romantic with you again. This is, unfortunately, a sure-fire sign that your ex is over you and that he isn’t planning to get back with you.

8. He is rude when you talk to him

One of the most obvious signs that your ex is over you is when he is acting all mean and rude when you talk to him. He tries to tell you that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with you and that he is moving on with his life. He doesn’t want you to have any contact with his friends and family and he doesn’t want you to ask about him. If your ex behaves like this, it means that he has been hurt and he doesn’t want to be with you anymore since he feels that the past will repeat itself again.

9. He told you that you should move on, just like him

This is a sign that he still has some positive feelings for you and that he doesn’t want the two of you to argue. If he says something like this, it means that he doesn’t want to be with you but that he also doesn’t want you to suffer. Instead, he wishes you all the luck and in that way he accepts the fact that the two of you couldn’t make something real. If your man says something like this, it is a sign that he is over you or soon will be but that he is not ready to try again with you.

10. He doesn’t flirt with you anymore

When you date someone for a long time, it is normal that there will be some intimacy and maybe even just in your touches. But if your ex doesn’t want to touch you when you meet or if you feel that he doesn’t look at you like he used to, you can be sure that he is over you and that he is not planning to get back with you. He simply wants to move on with his life and he needs to find the peace he craves so much after the turbulent relationship that he had with you.

11. He never answers your messages or calls

If your ex stopped answering your calls and texts, it is a sign that he doesn’t want to have contact with you. Maybe he just needs his own space to go through all the stages of grief after you broke up with him or maybe he has someone new in his life. But whatever the reason is, it is not nice when someone who was the center of your world doesn’t even answer your texts or your phone calls anymore. The best thing that you can do is to just let everything go and try to focus on different things.

12. He doesn’t want to reconcile

Even if you try to talk to your ex about what the two of you had and try to convince him to reconcile, he won’t do that. He has been hurt and he doesn’t want to go through everything bad that happened to him again. If your ex does something similar, you can be sure that nothing you do could make him stay with you. He has already made up his mind obviously and he wants to move on with his life once and for all. And trust me, if his feelings are as strong as he shows them to be, chances are that you will never be with him again.

13. He tells you that he needs space

If your ex says that he is tired of everything and that he needs some space to make up his mind, it is a sign that he is not thinking about getting back with you. He wants a new life with someone else and asking you to give him some time is just an excuse. If you ever had a situation like this, you already know that a relationship like that was doomed and it is not worth fixing something that is broken into a million pieces. The best thing that you can do is to give him space and if the two of you are meant to be together, nothing will be able to stop that.

14. He gets irritated when he sees you

Can you imagine that a man who was the center of your world doesn’t want to see you again? Well, this is possible when two people fight over things they can’t solve. If you had a nasty break-up with your ex, he definitely won’t be happy when you show up out of nowhere. In fact, he will be so irritated that he will start to swear and tell you to stay away from him. A man like this is probably hurt and he doesn’t want to be with you again since he is afraid that he will get his heart broken again.

15. He puts photos with him and other women on social media

If your ex is over you, he will do something like this to simply show you that he is over you and that he is having a good time hanging out with other women. So, if you see some photos from parties on his social media sites, don’t be surprised if he hugs another woman or more of them at the same time. He wants to enjoy his single life and he has no intention of explaining to you why he does things like this. This is one of the most obvious signs that your ex is over you and that he doesn’t want to reconcile with you.

16. He seems happy with his life

You know that all couples who fight and break up don’t look so happy and confident with their lives. But if your ex seems like someone who is truly happy with the life he has now, it can only mean one thing—he is over you and he doesn’t even feel anything romantic for you anymore. He realized that single life makes him happier and that he doesn’t want to sacrifice it for anyone, including you. Trust me, it would be in vain if you tried to push him to be with you because a man like this will never give you the love that you deserve. Instead, live your life to the fullest and true love will come when you least expect it!

If you just ended a love relationship and you need help to get over it, here is something that might help you:

Get over that relationship and move on with your life