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5. Always choose to be honest and transparent

Personally, I’ve never really understood the urge to hide the truth and make yourself appear as someone you’re not. What’s the point of that?

The guy is going to figure it out sooner rather than later, especially if you keep seeing each other after the first date.

Why would you make him see you as somebody you’re not and risk him falling for a person who is clearly not you?

Don’t do that. Keep true to who you are and be honest about what you like or dislike.

Men like women who keep to their word and who they can trust. Don’t give him a reason to doubt you.

Whichever lie you decide to serve him, no matter how small it may seem, it’s going to bite you in the ass at some point down the road.

This is how you can implement honesty, even when it may be tricky:

• Know that if he’s the right man for you, he can handle your truth without making you feel bad.

• If he asks about something you’re too uncomfortable discussing right now, ask him to circle back to it at a later time.

• Tell him how much you appreciate honesty and let him know that’s what you expect from him.