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7 Signs Your Relationship Will Last

7 Signs Your Relationship Will Last

Finding someone who suits you enough for a relationship is difficult. But, what is even more difficult is maintaining the successful and a healthy, long lasting relationship we all strive for.

Love is sometimes not enough and you need other things to work in your relationship for it to be a successful one. Although every relationship is unique, there are some clues that can help you tell whether it will be a casual fling or a long-term relationship.

So, if you are in a relationship, but you are sceptical about its future, here are 7 signs it will last.

1. You two accept each other

One of the first signs that a relationship will be a long-lasting one is the fact that you and your partner accept each other for who you are. That means that you can be your true self in front of this guy and that you don’t have to pretend to be someone you are not just to impress him.

You both know that neither of you is perfect, but you accept each other’s flaws and imperfections. If you and your partner motivate one another to become better people without trying to change each other, it is probable that your relationship will last.

2. You understand each other

Sometimes, it is difficult for us to understand ourselves, let alone the other person. But, if you want your relationship to last, mutual understanding has to be one of the first things you and your partner need to work on.

It is normal for couples to fight and to disagree about some things. But, it is important for you and your partner to always be patient and to understand each other’s point of view. That will help you improve the quality of your relationship to an unimaginable extent.

3. You are compatible

No matter how much love you share with your romantic partner, if the two of you are not compatible, it is not likely that you’ll have a relationship that will last.

If you are compatible with your partner, it means that the two of you know how to fight, that you share similar common interests, you share the same sense of humor and you live your lives at similar tempos.

If you plan on having a long-term relationship, the two of you should share similar points of view and your personalities should match at least to some extent. If the two of you cannot agree about anything, passion and love will not be enough to have a quality relationship.

4. You can imagine a future together

When you think whether your relationship will be a long-lasting one, ask yourself if you can picture a relationship with this guy. Do the two of you have similar goals and ambitions?

Do you both have the same standings about marriage, children and money? If the answers to all of these questions are affirmative, can the two of you imagine growing old together?

No matter how attracted you are by someone, if you don’t think you can share a life with them, it is unlikely that the relationship will last when the passion and the physical attraction fade away.But, if you and your partner can easily imagine a future with each other, it is one of the signs your relationship will last. 

5. There is mutual respect

Many think that love is the only precondition for a happy, long-lasting relationship. Of course, love is crucial, but it goes hand in hand with respect. Remember: love cannot exist without respect and if your boyfriend doesn’t respect you, he doesn’t love you.

If you and your partner respect each other in all situations, no matter what, that is a firm basis for a long-term relationship. It means both of you appreciate everything that the other person does for the relationship and you always respect each other’s integrity and independence.

Trust me, when you lose respect, you lose everything.

6. You are friends

When you are in a relationship with someone, the two of you have to be partners in the real sense of that word. That means that you are not just lovers—you are also friends and family.

So, if your boyfriend is also your best friend, it is quite likely you’ll have a long-lasting relationship. This means that this is somebody who knows everything about you, who understands you the best and whose advice you’ll always cherish. This is the person who has seen you at your worst, but loves you anyway.

This is the first person you want to call when things go wrong and the first person you go to when you are just feeling lost. If you can say this about your boyfriend, it is a sure sign the two of you will last.

7. The two of you know how to compromise

Compromise is crucial for every relationship, especially for the romantic ones. One of the most important things in every relationship is the ability to find common ground. If you or your partner are selfish and never think about the other person’s needs, you don’t have a chance.

For a relationship to succeed, you both need to be ready to meet each other halfway. A long-lasting relationship demands sacrifices and you both have to be ready to make them from time to time.