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16 Reasons Quirky People Make The Best Partners

16 Reasons Quirky People Make The Best Partners

Quirky people make the best partners because they are unique, exciting to be with, and loyal to the core. There are many other reasons why you should date a quirky person and you’ll find them all below.

Let’s face it. No one wants to be with someone who is boring or doesn’t have anything specific about his personality that will distinguish him from others.

After all, these quirks and flaws are what make us, in a way, perfect. Our imperfections become perfections in the eye of the beholder, and someone who likes us will like us for what we truly are.

Different personality traits are what make people fall in love with you, and the more comfortable you are in your skin, the more you will radiate and attract others.

Summarized, the more comfy you are with your flaws and quirks, the more attractive you will be to others.

What Is A Quirky Person Like?

Being quirky means being weird but in a good way. People with quirky personalities are most often called eccentric, unusual, strange, and even bizarre, but the truth is that they are missing the bigger picture.

People with quirky personalities are interesting and intriguing. They have a unique way of thinking and solving problems. They are not afraid to play weird instruments, wear different clothes, have some unusual hobbies, or say what they mean.

These people are not afraid to be what they really are, and that is HOT. Quirky is the new hot. Period.

What Is An Example Of Quirky?

If you look around yourself, you’ll find multiple examples of quirkiness and not just one. Here are a few worthy examples:

  • Pretending that you’re foreigners in your own city
  • Having questionably weird conversations (my personal favorite)
  • Having outrageous dress codes
  • Having a quirky laugh, etc.

Some famous people who exhibit quirky behavior include Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, Zooey Deschanel, Charlie Sheen, Frank Chu, etc.

Quirky behavior is about applying quirkiness to some or all aspects of one’s life. It’s about having a unique sense of style and expressing yourself without fearing what others will think of you.

When it comes to dating and relationships, quirky people make the best partners. Period.

This Is Why Quirky People Make The Best Partners

Quirky people introduce you to new things

Quirky people live for the feeling of trying new things and exploring the world.

That is why they will always bring something new to the table and engage you in different types of fun couple activities that you’ll most definitely enjoy.

Also, they will not take ‘no’ for an answer because if you didn’t try, you cannot say that you don’t like it. They will always bring you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to show your moves.

Quirky people are people who don’t satisfy themselves by only watching the snow falling, rather they will jump into the snow and take you with them.

Also, you’ll always learn something new about them even though you think that there’s nothing more to tell.

Their weird habits make them unique

They might have different OCD’s like an excessive need to wash their hands or different habits like compulsively eating their favorite candy or putting things in the specific order as they’ve envisaged it, but all of these are what make them unique.

Each time they do some of their ‘rituals’, it will make your heart beat faster. Their weird habits turn into the cutest things you’ve ever seen someone doing, and it is really hard to resist their wildish spirit when it comes to this.

They will never pretend to be something they’re not only to fit the definition of ‘normal’.

They are exciting to be with

Quirky people turn everything into fun and every second spent with them is beyond worthy.

Those trivial activities like going to the store will never have the same meaning after you experience it with them.

They will always make your day, regardless of the activities and other factors that may influence your time spent together.

Quirky people don’t take themselves seriously, and that is really an awesome trait one could ever possess.

They go ‘chill’ through life, and they are not afraid of what tomorrow will bring to them because quirky people have the ability to easily adapt to almost anything. And that is what makes them really exciting to be with.

Your conversations are enjoyable

Quirky people will never just nod to whatever you say to them. They will always make sure to say what they mean and to contradict you if needed.

You can forget about those trivial, boring conversations because with them you will have the time of your life—even if you’re just discussing the colors of your T-shirt, movies on Netflix, or something more serious like mental health issues.

They prefer face-to-face conversations (rather than phone or text). They know when it’s time for meaningful conversations, and they also understand when you need your time alone.

They will not be pushy or needy because quirky people always have something to do. They seem forever busy because they devote their passion to a lot of different activities.

Their weirdness is what makes them so HOT

A quirky girl or a quirky guy will show their weird side in everything they do, including bed.

They’ll show you a birthmark on the most unusual place when you least expect it, they’ll introduce you to the weirdest TV shows and they will never stop impressing you with their nerdy point of view.

They have their unique approach to everything, and you will realize this when you find yourself doing things you’ve never imagined doing.

They will force you to push your limits and become the best version of yourself.

If you play truth or dare with them, be sure that they will fulfill what you have asked of them because they simply live for this.

They live for the excitement of waiting for you to come home and showing you their newest invention.

They live for the smell of the rain. They live to make you happy with their cute gestures and unique way of thinking and perceiving things.

They have a mischievous sense of humor

No matter how hard and exhausting your day is, they will always find a way to make you smile with their unique sense of humor.

And they will do it even without trying because their appearance is something that will make you smile, even when you’re least capable of doing so.

For example, they will wear gloves in the middle of summer just because their hands are cold. They will always find unusual ways of dealing with problems which will always brighten up your day.

The way they talk, dress, and walk will always remind you that you’re home, and that will be enough to make your day.

Quirky people are not even aware of their abilities to improve someone’s day by simply saying a thing or two.

They are also really good at comforting others because they simply know to find triggers that will make you feel better instantly.

Quirky people are loyal to the core

I know, people think that quirky people easily get bored with their partners because it’s in their nature to explore. But, this is not true.

When they love someone, they will make sure to find a way to keep things interesting, and they will be loyal to the core.

They don’t like lies, deception, or fakeness. If they don’t like something about you, they will tell you. But, they also expect you to tell them if they are being annoying or something else.

Quirky people understand other people’s emotions, and they don’t get offended if you tell them that you would like to have some time for yourself.

They will not get jelly immediately, thinking that you are about to cheat on them or thinking about leaving them. If you trust them, they will trust you back and that is all there is to it.

They enjoy life

Quirky people enjoy life like no one else is capable of enjoying it. They find joy in little things, and they are always optimistic about their goals. They will not let you give up if you feel weak at the moment.

No matter what you choose to do, they will always support your choices if that is what makes you happy at the moment.

They will not accuse you of being immature or weird because they know how it feels when other people judge you for doing something you like, even though it’s considered unusual.

They will understand your cravings, and they will help you fulfill your dreams because your happiness means their own.

They are highly creative

People who are highly creative have this need to implement their creativity in every area of their life. They are creative when it comes to conversations, their job, the hottest make-out positions, gifts, outfits, and the list goes on and on.

Without a doubt, quirky people give the best, thoughtful gifts.

They would never buy something for the sake of doing it. Instead, they think about finding a perfect gift for weeks. They prefer DIY gifts or something unique.

They express their creativity in various ways and each one of them is equally mesmerizing. Being in a relationship with a creative, quirky person is one of the best things in the world.

Why? Because it’s simply impossible to fall into a rut with them. They will never stop trying to impress you with their romantic gestures like leaving a love note in the bathroom next to your head in the morning or making a scrapbook.

Their creativity is exactly what makes them unique and simply amazing because one cannot get bored of it.

They have limited interest in other people’s opinions

These people appreciate other people’s opinions but they are not people pleasers and they don’t seek other people’s approval. Let me tell you something.

There’s something unapologetically HOT about people who don’t give a damn about what others think. Quirky people certainly don’t because if it weren’t so, they wouldn’t be called quirky, right?

One of the best things about them is the fact that they will never let other people influence their relationship or life. If they really like someone, they will not worry about what others are telling them about that one person.

In other words, other people have limited access to their mindset because they cannot change their minds that easily. People with quirky personalities have limited interest in other people’s opinions which is really refreshing in a romantic relationship.

This means that you always know where you stand with them. You also know that they are being themselves 100% of the time and external factors simply cannot influence them.

They speak their mind

There are too many people in this world who are afraid to express their opinions or do what their heart desires instead of what they “should” do.

However, this doesn’t apply to people with quirky personalities because they speak their minds in the most authentic and interesting way.

If they don’t like your behavior or your outfit, they will tell you that but not because they want to subtly “insult” you yet because they are completely honest and they want to help you.

Being in a relationship with a quirky person means that there will be seldom or no overthinking. These people don’t know how to hold grudges even if their life depended on it.

They can’t be mad at you for longer than 10 seconds (okay, maybe 20). They also hate gossiping because it’s a huge waste of time for them.

And yes, they are completely appalled by people who lie to them, so don’t even try to do that because if you do, you might lose them forever.

Quirky people have a special set of skills

People with quirky personalities constantly work on updating their list of special skills. This includes strange eating habits and living arrangements, easily talking their way out of any trouble, having too many questions, and so on.

They are also amazing listeners because they’re interested in everything around them. They want to know how something functions, what is its purpose, and why you do the things you usually do.

In other words, it’s practically impossible to feel bored when hanging out with them. Truth be told, sometimes they will annoy you with too many questions but this annoyance will instantly turn into fun.

Another special skill of people with quirky personalities is knowing how to make their partner feel special. Different types of hugs, random kisses, and surprises will be your daily routine in a relationship with a quirky person.

They have many skills and the biggest one of all is being funny and amusing without even trying. Not many people can brag about that.

They are great team players

One of the biggest reasons why quirky people make the best partners is the fact that they are great team players. They have this tendency to make you feel like the two of you together are fighting against the rest of the world.

They will always be there for you when you need them. They will help you with all tasks (including those that they usually aren’t interested in).

When a quirky person likes you, they see you as their partner in crime & weirdness, best friend, and lover all in one. Even though they can be stubborn at times, they are still great team players.

They know how to compromise and they always have your back. Even if the whole world is against you, they will still stand by your side because you are their special human being.

They feel this need to protect you from negative people and those who are doing you wrong because they don’t have problems speaking their minds. That’s why they simply rock!

They are open-minded

There’s nothing hotter than an open-minded young woman or man. I keep repeating this in hope that other people will also recognize this as one of the hottest qualities a romantic partner can have.

People with quirky personalities are open-minded when it comes to sexual preferences, different types of lifestyles, appearances, different mindsets, activities, and so on.

If you suggest doing something unconventional together or you express a desire to start a new hobby that others would find weird, a quirky person will be your biggest support.

They never discard any ideas just because others don’t like them. They listen to their intuition and reason.

Their open-mindedness is truly an inspiring force that motivates you to look at things from a different perspective instead of judging a thing or a person immediately.

They are kids at heart

If you ask a quirky person to go dance with you in the rain, they will do it without questioning anything. When they eat their favorite food, they can’t help but booty shake while doing so.

There are lots of other cute things that quirky people do and they do it because they’re still kids at heart. This doesn’t mean that they are acting childish.

Being a kid at heart means being an adult who has preserved their child spirit which is really rare and one of the most beautiful traits. People who are kids at heart are imaginative, creative, and they see the world in a completely different light.

Sometimes, they see the world from a child’s perspective which makes them even more fun to be around.

Here’s a confession.

My quirkiness has evolved to the extent of talking to inanimate objects like a teddy bear. I’m perfectly aware of the fact that the teddy bear is not alive but I can’t help but change my voice when mimicking him.

Some people find it extremely weird while others find it cute and I seriously couldn’t care less. Here’s another confession. The reason why I’m doing it is for entertainment purposes.

Just imagine a teddy bear saying something like this in the middle of your conversation with someone: “I can’t bear you two!” You would die laughing, right? I hope this example helped you understand the quirky mindset better.

You can be who you are with them

Feeling free to be who you are with someone is priceless and everyone knows that. The world is full of people who are pretending to be who they aren’t and who are scared to show their true colors.

This cannot happen if your partner is a quirky person. Why? Because you can be who you are with them.

They will like all your quirks and flaws and they will inspire you to show your true personality. They will help you embrace your imperfections and boost your self-love.

Wrapping It Up

Idiosyncrasies are what make us different and unique. Quirky people are some of the most exciting individuals to be around. They have a great sense of humor, they are open-minded, and, most importantly, you can be who you are with them.

They have lots of amazing qualities that make them the best partners. Quirky is the new hot and I’m sure it will stay like that for a while (until some new subgenre of quirkiness arises).