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8 Things You Should Never Do While Having Sex

8 Things You Should Never Do While Having Sex

When you have sex, especially if it is the first time with a new guy, you want everything to be perfect. But wishes are one thing and reality is something else. That’s why I made a list of the things you should never do while having sex.

If you follow these simple rules, you won’t risk losing a guy over some small mistake and you will be able to enjoy your sex life for as long as you want.

Don’t act like a starfish

You see, when a man wants to sleep with you, he craves some action. That’s why you shouldn’t act like a starfish, just lying there and letting him do all the work.

He wants to see some feedback, he wants to know that you are enjoying it too. But if you keep your mouth shut and just let him do whatever he wants, he will soon get tired of you.

No man wants a partner who is not dynamic in bed. I mean, that is the only place where you can be as wild and as crazy as you want, so why not use it?

Don’t focus only on an orgasm

If you focus only on an orgasm, you won’t be able to enjoy all those other things to do with sex. You need to put some effort in to actually reach one and that is not possible without all those little things that go along with sexual intercourse.

Try to talk to your man, ask him what he would want you to do to him, tease him, change your rhythm and blow his mind with your moves. When you see him totally excited, wanting more of you, you will get to feel all those pleasant feelings that let you reach an orgasm.
And when that happens, you will be proud of yourself because you satisfied your partner and yourself at the same time. I don’t need to tell you that he will ask for more as soon as he’s been up for some air!

Don’t neglect kissing or hugging

Many people often forget to kiss or hug their partner during sexual intercourse. Maybe they do that because they are focused on getting pleasure of another kind but they should know that is not the most important thing at all.

When you make love to someone, you should take it slow. Give yourself time and kiss your partner from head to toe. Kiss them by teasing them and whisper some naughty things in their ear. Make their whole body shiver by only one touch of yours.

Make them crave another touch, another kiss and another moan. Make them scream and beg for more. Making love is an art form, so you should just loosen yourself up and act that you are the best at it.

Don’t repeat the same moves

You see, when you have sex with the same partner all the time, you can get bored because of the same moves.

That’s why you should put some spark into your sex life. Surprise him with some new moves and show him that you can be the dominant one. Show him that you are crazy when you get turned on and that you are willing to try anything that will bring pleasure to both of you.

A real man will know to cherish that and trust me, he will go the extra mile to make you pleased and happy as well. You see how a little bit of effort pays off?

Don’t express your love for the first time

If you sleep with a man, don’t do anything that could shock him in a negative way. That includes not telling him that you love him in the middle of things.

There are so many ways where you could express your love to a man for the first time and that shouldn’t be while you are having sex. He might get confused and tell you that he loves you as well just because he feels great at that moment.

You should tell him that in a normal situation and not a situation like this.

Don’t overreact

If you are not comfortable with doing something, just don’t do it. Maybe your partner will find it great and maybe it will bring a spark to your sex life but it is all in vain if you don’t feel good about it. Don’t try new things if you can’t handle them.

Stay in your comfort zone until you decide it is time to step out of it. That means that experimenting with some positions from the Kama Sutra will have to wait because you don’t feel like doing them right now.

When the right time comes, you will be proud of yourself for trying something new and you will feel great for making it work.

Don’t act like you are filming a porn movie

When you have sex with your partner, you should keep in mind that things will be better if you show some respect for him and for yourself as well.

Don’t act like you are an actress in a porn movie, letting him do anything that he wants just to get pleasure. You should know that sex should be a positive experience for both of you. So, don’t do things you will regret later. Let it be something where you and your partner will exchange your experiences but in a nice way.

I am not saying that you should act like a nun but there needs to be some line that you won’t cross. In the end, it is all about how both of you feel. So work on that and the rest will come naturally.

Don’t talk too much

Some talking to bring a spark into the room is good but asking constant questions is a huge turn-off. The point of talking during sex is to turn a guy on and not to turn him off.

So you better watch what you say. There will come a time when you will just enjoy it and you won’t be able to talk at all since you will be having the best time of your life. It is all about timing so if you have some experience already you will know what to do and when to talk and if you don’t, you will just feel it by your partner’s reaction.