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To My Best Friend Who Stood By Me When No One Else Did

To My Best Friend Who Stood By Me When No One Else Did

Staying next to someone who is having it great in life is not such a big deal. Let’s face it—you can party, laugh, dance and have a great time next to almost anyone.

However, not escaping from a sinking boat is an act of heroism. Not abandoning someone who has reached a breaking point and not leaving them hanging when they need you the most is proof of real friendship.

And that is exactly what you’ve been doing lately. You’ve stuck by my side, even at times when I was impossible to handle. You didn’t walk away from me at my lowest, and that is something I can never thank you enough for doing.

After everything we’ve been through together and after you being the only one who has stuck with me through my depression, I have no doubt that you are the only person in this world I can call a true friend. That you are my person, my teammate and my partner in crime.

The only one who has stood by my side through sickness and health, through the good and bad days. The only one who has loved me the same at my best and at my worst, no matter what.

For all of these years, you’ve believed in me, when no one else did—including myself. You kept pushing me forward and never even thought of giving up on me.

So, thank you. Thank you for making me wonder what I did to deserve having a friend like you.

Thank you for accompanying me through this journey called life. Thank you for the endless love and support you keep on giving me. For being my guardian angel, my savior and my protector.

Thank you for all the fights and for each time you were brutally honest enough to open my eyes by telling me a truth I didn’t want to hear. For all the times you called me out on something I did and made me take responsibility for my actions.

Thank you for being strong enough to pick up my shattered pieces every time I was about to completely break. For being there to catch me every time I was about to fall.

Thank you for all those times you wiped my tears and for every time you put a smile back on my face. For trying hard to make me happy and for being the comrade I needed in all of my struggles.

Thank you for taking care of me. For every text and phone call in which you were just checking up to see if I was OK.

For knowing me better than I know myself and for recognizing my every emotion, before I even had to say it out loud. For sharing my every sadness and happiness, as if they were your own.

Thank you for always being the light at the end of my tunnel. For being the sunshine in my gloomy days and for never allowing me lose hope in a better tomorrow.

Thank you for being there through each one of my break-ups and family emergencies. For all the little things you do for me every day, without even being aware how much they mean to me.

Thank you for putting up with me when I am unbearable, for holding my hand and telling me that everything will be alright when I see no way out. For being the wind to my wings and a silver lining to my clouds.

Thank you for your friendship and for all the love you’ve been giving me. Thank you for being you and for inspiring me to become the best possible version of myself.

Because if it weren’t for you, I would never have become the strong woman I am today. If it weren’t for you, a long time ago I would have lost all my faith that there is something good in everyone.

If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be this confident and badass. I wouldn’t know that I am capable of achieving everything I set my mind to, and I wouldn’t believe in myself the way I do.

Thank you for being my family and the sister I never had. Thank you for all your happy birthday letters. For being my other half and my soulmate.

I love you.