Is there anything more painful than realizing that you’re no longer compatible with your partner and becoming aware that you’re just wasting your time with them?
When you look them in the eye, you see that the initial passion has vanished a long time ago.
You start questioning why you even started anything with them in the first place.
You cry, and you’re stuck on a dead-end street. And then you hear that little voice whispering to you: “You still love him/her.
Don’t fool yourself that you don’t!”
No matter how much you convince yourself that you don’t have feelings for them, deep down in your heart you know that you do.
You’re still madly in love with them even though you know they are not good for you and making a decision to break up with them seems impossible.
I feel you. There’s nothing more difficult and complicated than being forced to give up on something that you still have feelings for.
But, no matter how much you hesitated to take the first step, you know that this is the only right thing to do!
The sooner you let go of what makes you feel imprisoned, the sooner you will sense relief
Don’t let these feelings of attachment rule your mind and destroy your opportunity for a new start – for a new chapter of your book called ‘life’ because you owe it to yourself and to others who love you.
You need to force yourself to detach from the feelings you have for the person.
You need to let go because there is no point in blocking your own happiness.
Deciding to move on is the only way to freedom, and no matter how hard it will be, you need to find the courage within yourself and persevere (and that’s why I’m here to help you).
To make the process as bearable as possible, here are 5 tips to help you break up with a person you’re still madly in love with.
1. Make sure that you break up with your partner in person

I know that it might seem easier to break up via phone, but, believe me, this is the worst thing you could do.
When you’re not face-to-face with the person you want to break up with, your breakup is not real, and therefore, it is not valid.
The much stronger option is to break up with your partner in person because that way, you will be able to confront your own feelings, look them in the eye, and say what you really mean about your relationship.
You will feel the burden of your decision which is essential when it comes to accepting the breakup and moving on. However, if you still choose to do it via phone, feel free to check these break-up text messages.
2. Stick to your decision no matter what

Sometimes it is extra hard to break up with your partner if they themselves are too weak to handle it.
But, you have to stick to your decision no matter what, and resist the temptation to give them another chance because that way, you will only run in circles.
Remember that you are the master of your own happiness, and if you don’t fight for it, you will just keep being miserable and unhappy in a fake relationship.
Also remember that the emotions you and your partner will be going through are just a part of every breakup, and it is normal to feel that way.
Over time, it will be much easier for you to accept things as they are.
3. Remind yourself why you ended things
During your breakup and every time you feel sad about it, just remind yourself why you ended things in the first place.
Was it because they didn’t give you enough attention or treated you the way you deserve? Was it because you simply didn’t get along anymore?
Think about it, and try to imagine how you would feel had you stayed in such a relationship.
You would probably feel miserable, and far away from genuine happiness and the relationship that you deserve.
4. Establish rules for your breakup

One of the most important things when it comes to breakups is to establish certain rules.
The best one would be the no contact rule because it is not healthy to be in constant communication right after a breakup.
You both need time for yourselves, and the more you spend time apart without contacting each other, the easier it will be.
When you feel like you can’t resist texting your partner, redirect your thoughts to something else.
Do things you like—go for a walk, cuddle with your pet, or talk to your close friend and tell them how you feel.
Just do not contact your ex because that way, you’ll never get out of the confusing labyrinth you’re in.
5. Make yourself your number one priority, and focus on yourself

Breakups are extremely difficult to handle, and that is why people tend to forget to take care of themselves during the grief period.
You need to make yourself your number one priority, and focus only on yourself and the tasks you have to accomplish during the day.
It is the only way to help yourself alleviate the pain you are feeling and distract yourself from the breakup.
Discover the healing power of hot baths, exercise, drink plenty of water, listen to soothing music, and relax.
And remember that you will not feel this way forever.
Sooner than you think, you will find yourself completely recovered and blessed for making this necessary decision that is essential to your well-being and happiness.