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This Is Why You Should Stick With The Girl That Loves You

This Is Why You Should Stick With The Girl That Loves You

Things get tough in life and sometimes the only thing that you think might save you is to cut all ties with people that love you and run away without ever looking back. In life, it is sometimes way easier to leave than to stay and fight. Sometimes, we’re just too tired to get back up.

But, no matter how tough the situation gets, no matter if you think there is no way out, you’re not allowed to give up. You’re not allowed to turn into the coward and run away. You never know when your inner hero will swim to the surface. You’re obliged to stay and fight back at all the bad things life throws in front of us.

What if I told you to stay alive is easy, in fact? To stay alive you just need somebody who’ll tell you that shit happens in life and that everything is going to be OK at the end of the day.

You should stick to that somebody and that’s the same reason, among many others, why you should stick with the girl that loves you.

You should stick with the girl that loves you because she’s always been down for you.

She’s only been about you since forever. She has chosen you so many times till now, and she’s been forever loyal to you. No matter the situation, she was always down for you, and she’ll always be down for you because she loves you, and that’s why you should stick to her.

See also: You Should Choose The Person You LOVE Every Single Day – Or LEAVE

You should stick with the girl that loves you because she understands you.

She’s the type of the girl that you don’t have to explain anything to—she gets everything on her own. She understands where you are coming from, she understands your past, and she knows why you react the way you do.

Because she’s been with you for a long time, she’s able to read your emotions based on your reactions and, to be honest, she’s only one to be able to do such a thing. She’s the only one that gets you that good and that’s why you should stick with her.

You should stick with the girl that loves you because she’ll always find a way to forgive you.

The love she feels is really intense, and therefore, every heartbreak somebody puts her through is also intense. But regardless of that, she always finds a way to forgive. But she only forgives those she really loves.

No matter how much you hurt her or how many times you make her cry, she’ll find a way to forgive the person she loves, and that’s why you should never let her go.

See also: 8 Simple Signs Of True Love From A Woman

You should stick with the girl that loves you because you’re her only choice.

Regardless of how many others want her, irrelevant if she has had a past with somebody else or not, she only has eyes for you now. If others threw stars under her feet, you’d still be her first choice. She’d always chose you, and that’s why you should stick with her.

You should stick with the girl that loves you because she’s with you from dusk till dawn.

She won’t run away when things get shady, as she didn’t do a single time until now. When things seem the hardest, when the nights are the darkest and the longest, when you think you don’t get to see the morning, she’ll be there for you. She’ll stick with you, and that’s why you should never let her go.