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A Letter To Me Before I Became A Mom

A Letter To Me Before I Became A Mom

Hey you, are you having coffee tonight with your friends? Cherish that moment. Stay focused and truly listen to everything they have to say.

Listen to the story about the third heartbreak your flirty friend had this week, and really, really try to help her feel better.

There will come the time you won’t be able to care for your own heartbreaks and their talks about reckless nights out will annoy you more than anything else.

Care for them, give them all you’ve got, because when the time comes, they will be there for you, with their hearts and souls, ready to help and raise you up anytime you cave under the pressure.

They will listen to the endless little troubles you are having with your kiddos and they will constantly praise you for being “such a good mom.” They are worth absolutely everything you have to offer. Remember that at all times.

Maybe tonight is date night for you and your hubby. Yes, wear that tight red dress, absofuckinglutely.

The heels and lipstick too. Have a night to remember. Go somewhere and dance your hearts out. Make love, passionately, all night long.

In your future, there are many, many sleepless nights that will be a product of a very different kind of love – you two taking care of your babies.

He will do anything for you and them. He will support you through your deliveries, rock the babies to sleep, and bring you dinner.

He will work harder than ever, so you can buy all the baby stuff – and damn, is it expensive!

You will want to show him how much you love him, you will want to give him everything, but sometimes there will just be nothing left to give. Do it now.

Go to the movies or cuddle up on the sofa and watch mindless TV shows for hours straight. Don’t go anywhere, just chill out talking to each other. Also, go everywhere; there won’t be much opportunity for that once the babies come.

Everything becomes much more complicated.

Haven’t seen your mother for a while? Well, visit her this instant.

Bring her favorite cookies from that place you once visited together. You know, the one where you were arguing because of something you can’t even remember now?

Never argue with her for such silly reasons.

She will keep you alive. She will cook and clean and bathe you after you go through a rough time delivering your first child.

Nothing anyone does after you’ve had children of your own will be as helpful as the things she does.

She knows you and she loves your children as if they were her own. Show appreciation every day, in everything you say.

Never disrespect your mom. She is the one who did for you everything that you now do for your children. Keep that in mind every second of every day. She is irreplaceable.

Never, ever, at any cost be the reason behind her tears. When you have your babies, it will break you to realize she shed so many tears for you already.

Being a mother sounds so simple and beautiful to you now, right?

You get married, have your babies, bathe and feed them and stuff. Yes, you do those things. You should know though, nothing you have ever done is similar to being a mom.

It is the simplest, most natural thing and yet the most complex range of emotions comes out of it. Motherhood. It will change you.

Your face will be different. That little spark in your eyes you have when something exciting happens will be there all the time, as long as your babies are happy and healthy.

Your mouth will stiffen anytime you want to yell at them for painting on the sofa or running through the house with muddy feet.

Your forehead will become wrinklier every day, out of all the worry for them that you carry in your heart.

You must also know this: You have never laughed or cried. You think you have, but the moment they hand you your little bundle of joy, everything will become clear. You’ve only felt things half-heartedly up to this point.

Go around and smell everything you love. Smell the grass after the rain, smell those red roses in your grandma’s backyard.

Go smell Chanel 5 on your mother’s shirt, your favorite chocolate.

Heck, if you’re up for it, even go and smell the sea. Nothing, and I mean nothing will come close to the smell of your babies’ heads and their little baby-breath mouths.

Every time you catch yourself breathing in their scent you will cry instantly.

You will cry because you will be so happy to have felt such a strong emotion, but also because you’ll become aware that it can’t last forever.

And hey! You’ll be amazing. You’ll be so brave. You’ll laugh in the face of any kind of misfortune and do it all for your children.

Stop hating yourself. Stop thinking you are unworthy. For whatever you are doing right now, I thank you.

It will help you become the person you’ll need to be in order to fill a complex mother role.

I know you are not going to college right now. Don’t worry. You’ll manage to graduate even with two beautiful little girls driving you nuts.

After calming a sick baby for an hour, you’re going to sit down and study and pass all your exams on the first try with the highest grades.

You’ll even bring them to exams sometimes, because there won’t be anyone to take care of them for you more times than not.

It’s all going to work out just fine. You can manage. You’ll grow stronger each and every day.

I didn’t mean to tell you this, but I guess you’ll find out anyway.

Your girls are beautiful. They are just like their dad. Headstrong, funny, quick on their toes. They never rest, so prepare for that.

You will share your heart and soul with them, offering every little piece of you like it’s nothing. And they will take it and love you for it.

They’ll cry when you leave the room and run after you wherever you go. You ’ll need time alone, but once you get it, you’ll miss them like crazy.

They are a part of you now. A bigger, stronger, prettier part. Nothing you are doing right now will stop them from loving you. You should know that, and remember to love yourself as well.

Good luck,
Me after becoming a mom