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An Open Letter To My Future Spouse

An Open Letter To My Future Spouse

Dearest Husband-to-Be,

Where to begin? You have decided to stick with me throughout my crazy adventure with Cerebral Palsy, and you have chosen to love me for me.

I will thank you a ton as you stand there and wait for me, as I take my sweet little time walking down the aisle to you in my LiteGait walker, in my beautiful, short, white dress in the mountains of Tennessee.

Thank you for being that special one who never saw my disability as an obstacle but instead, saw it for its beauty, just like I see my condition as something that is beautiful and something that is inspiring to others.

Thank you for loving me despite my situation and thank you for being my by side when times get rough. You’ve held my hand through the storm and never let it go despite society telling you that’s exactly what you should do. You ignored them and stood by my side.

Thank you for being so patient with me. Thank you for being so gentle with me. Thank you for lifting me in and out of your car and different places just because you loved me and wanted to show me the world.

Thank you for seeing my true beauty for what it is. Thank you for not being embarrassed when we’re sitting in a restaurant, and I catch a spastic attack, and soda pop spills all over me. Thank you for being willing to put up with me and my challenges. Thank you for everything you’ll do for me.

I know some days may not be easy with the journey of dealing with Cerebral Palsy and everything that goes along with it. Thank you for being the strong man I know you are but most of all, I want to thank you for being you.

I love you forever more and always.

Your Wife-to-be

by Tylia Flores