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Birthday Wishes For Brother: 150+ Wishes For His Special Day

Birthday Wishes For Brother: 150+ Wishes For His Special Day

So, your brother’s birthday is coming up soon? He is your best friend, life companion, and your biggest support.

The bond you share is unbreakable. That’s why you want to wish him a happy birthday with a touching message from the heart.

This post will help you find the best birthday wishes for your brother. We’ve put together a collection of birthday wishes for little brothers, older brothers, and for brothers-in-law.

Pick a birthday wish that is the most appropriate for your brother and show him how much you love him and how much he means to you.

Heartfelt birthday wishes for brother

1. A brother forever and a friend for always. We will share a special bond until the last hour. Happy Birthday, brother!

2. There are people who are brothers, and there are some who are friends. But very few are both. Wish you a great birthday, dear brother!

3. Gifts and cakes are nice. But nothing is nicer than having you in our family. Have the nicest birthday ahead, brother.

4. Whenever I needed a supportive friend, you were always at my side to shield me. I thank God for giving me a loving brother like you. Happy birthday and have a great year ahead.

5. You have always fended off anyone who ever came close to hurting me, you wanted to punch the nose of the person who broke my heart, thank you, bro and have a happy birthday!

6. Let’s bring back those happy moments of our life, brother. I will bring the food and you make the drinks. Happiest of birthdays to you!

7. It was beautiful watching you grow up from a young boy to a big man. I’m happy to have you as a big part of my life. Have a joyful birthday!

8. The best brother in the world is the one who I grew up with and that person is you, bro. May you enjoy this birthday of yours to the fullest!

9. Having you as a brother topples every sad thing that happens in my life because you never let me down. Happy birthday to you, bro!

10. With every birthday, you seem to be getting more special to us. It could be because our family becomes more important to us with every growing year. On your birthday, I want you to know how important you are for all of us. Happy Birthday, brother!

11. Now that you are away in college, I want you to know that I really miss you, I hope we can hang out again soon. Happy Birthday, brother!

12. You, my brother, will always be my hero, with a cape or without. Thanks for being so protective of me. Have a super-duper birthday!

13. There is not much I want to say other than I am forever going to be grateful for the chance to have a brother like you. I wish you all the best on your birthday today.

14. Things have gotten a whole lot better ever since you came along. You may still be little but someday you will be strong, enjoy your birthday!

15. Wishing happy birthday to the best brother in this world.

16. Thank you brother for all the memories of our childhood days. Without you the world would have been colorless to me.

17. Without any doubt, I can tell you are the best brother. I hope your dreams come true this year, and you have the most fun-filled birthday ahead.

18. Wishing you a euphoric journey towards adulthood. Have a lovely year ahead, brother. Happy Birthday!

19. Thank you for being my biggest supporter and mentor in every phase of life. You have a fixed deposit of love in my life. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead, brother. Happy Birthday!

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20. Brother, can you remember all those childhood memories of ours? Those memories are always fresh in my mind and many more wonderful memories are yet to come. You are the greatest brother. Happy Birthday.

21. Happy birthday to the coolest brother! The day is brighter and more fun when you’re around.

22. Hooray it’s your birthday! Probably the only thing that we didn’t have to share as kids! Today it’s all about you – have fun and enjoy your special day!

23. Thank you for making me happy by always being a part of the family pictures. Happy birthday, dear brother!

24. You have always been a role model in my life, brother. You are so caring, supportive, loving, and protective. Wishing you a great year ahead!

25. I wish you sunshine, rays of hope, and showers of good luck in every coming day of your life. Dear brother, I could never imagine my life without you. Happiest of birthdays to you!

26. Happy Birthday! My childhood would have been so boring without you to share it with. Thanks for all the awesome adventures we’ve been on, and I can’t wait for the many more fun times to come… starting with celebrating your birthday!

27. Happy birthday bro! I feel blessed to have a brother and buddy rolled into one. May your special day be loaded with happiness and love.

28. You are the only one who helped me a lot, guided me a lot, and never gave up when even I was not confident. Thanks for being with me all the way. Happy Birthday.

29. Happy Birthday, brother. You are not only the most wonderful brother in the world, but also my best friend.

30. It was an awesome experience to grow up with you. I can recall all the memories that we shared together. We laughed together and cried together. All these things are to remind you – Happy Birthday.

31. On your birthday I wish you lots of joy, fun, happiness, love, and all that stuff that doesn’t cost a thing… Have a good one!

32. Happy birthday to my brilliant brother – today we celebrate you! I hope you have a great day and that the coming year is the best yet!

33. When I cried you were the one to wipe away my tears. When I laughed, you were the one to laugh with me. Thanks for being my true companion. Happy Birthday, brother.

34. Everything might change but my bond with you remains the same. Many happy returns of the day, brother.

35. This is a special day to express my gratitude and love that I have for you. You are a man whom I trust as a friend and admire as a person. Happy Birthday!

36. There’s never a dull moment with you in the house, thanks for all the fun and laughter you bring into our lives! May your birthday be full of joy, and may the year ahead be your best one yet! Happy Birthday!

37. Live your life to the full, every bit of it. Don’t let fear keep you from doing things you’ve been longing to do. I’m here to cheer you on! Happy birthday, may all your dreams come true!

38. Dear brother, we have shared not only clothes and things but also love and affection over the years. I hope we continue the same way in the coming years. Happy birthday, and a happy year ahead.

39. We love each other, our bond is solid, and nobody can break our relationship. You are the best gift that I have ever received from our parents. Many happy returns of the day, brother.

40. Let me tell you the truth. You were and are my hero. I work hard to become like you. Dear brother, you make us proud. Wishing you the best birthday and a successful year.

41. We always fought and then forgave and loved each other. I hope to continue this tradition for years to come. May God grant you everything you wish on this birthday, brother.

42. I’m so thankful to have a brother like you to share life’s ups and downs with. Thanks for always being there for me and making each day so much fun! I hope you have a very happy birthday!

43. I hope this next year is smooth sailing. You deserve a break! Best of wishes to you as you celebrate your birthday, and here’s to a bright future.

44. Time changes everything. The dumb, cheeky little brother is now a fine handsome man. There is nothing that could make me happier than seeing your success. Happy birthday my little brother.

45. No one else I know can make me laugh as hard, make me as angry, or make me as happy as my big brother. Happy birthday to the one I love the most.

46. Happy birthday to my wild and crazy big brother. Thanks for keeping mom and dad busy dealing with your antics when we were kids sot I was never punished!

47. I am really lucky for being blessed with a wonderful brother with whom I can share everything. Have a wonderful birthday, my dearest brother.

48. No treasure compares to the love of a brother. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, dear brother.

49. An older brother is the best teacher and guide in the world. Dear brother, thanks for all the guidance and words of wisdom. Happy Birthday!

50. Brother, don’t think too much about the past or where you are because I believe you are destined to be great. On your birthday, I hope you reflect and understand that you are at a turning point in your life. Happy Birthday.

51. As you grow a year older, focus on where you are going rather than your past. This is a turning point for you. I believe in you more than you can comprehend. Have an insightful birthday.

52. When I need a good friend, I get you. You shield all my troubles. Thanks for being such a caring brother. I love you so much and wish you a joyful day.

53. I am the luckiest person in the world to have a loving and caring brother like you. You have been an awesome friend, support, and a guide in my life. Wishing you the happiest birthday ever.

54. Happy birthday to my special brother! Your presence in my life makes it much more joyful and colorful! Wishing you all the most precious things that life can bring!

55. Superheroes are one in a million. Great brothers like you are one in a lifetime. Happy Birthday my bro.

56. Happy birthday to someone who was always stuck being Robin to my Batman, robber to my cop, Indian to my cowboy… You will always be my favorite sidekick. I love you, brother!

57. To my fun-loving and crazy elder brother, you have always been there for me no matter what. I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you.

58. We don’t always agree on everything, but it is your opinion I value the most. Hopefully, you have a high opinion of this message. You are special and you are valued. Happy birthday, sweet brother! May today and all of your tomorrows be better than those of your past.

59. Since the first day I saw you as a little baby, I knew you were here to ruin my life. Always crying and asking for attention. Who would’ve known that years later we would be the best of friends, always looking out for one another? I am so thankful for how our relationship has developed. Here’s to you on your big day! Happy Birthday!

60. From North to South, East to West, there is no other man like you in the world. You have great character, kindness, and devotion. Here’s to you, dear brother. May today be the start of the best of years ahead. Happy Birthday!

61. Brothers are meant to bring laughs, pranks, and share fond memories. You have done all of the above plus more! Happy Birthday!

62. When I was little I never understood why our parents always stood by your side. Back then I was really envious of you. But I see it all now. Big brothers are the one who always get the blame and should always keep the little ones out of trouble. I will always be there for you. Happy birthday and hope you have the best party ever!

63. I can vividly recall the day you were born. You were so little and beautiful and I adored you. But I will never forget all the times we fought and argued, although it was all out of love. I never want to forget all those childhood memories, both good and bad, they made our bond so strong. You are the best. Happy Birthday!

64. Back when we were younger I always wanted to wear your clothes. They gave me so much confidence and I felt like I was you, strong and independent. You always motivated me to work harder and our shenanigans were the best things in my childhood. May this be your best birthday ever. Happy Birthday!

65. Having you as my big brother made me feel like I had my own personal bodyguard. Although I didn’t appreciate it at the time, you kept all the jerks away, and kept me from falling into the wrong crowd. You are one-in-a-million and I hope you have the best birthday ever!

66. On your birthday, I pray that God blesses you with good luck, happiness, love, good health, and success in every aspect of your life because you truly deserve it. I wish you a very happy birthday.

67. Everyday I pray to God for your good health and life. Happy birthday brother, make this day memorable with positivity around.

68. You’ve earned yourself a day of uninterrupted pleasure of reading and unending beverages! Perhaps with a side of birthday cake as well. Hope you enjoy your day, brother. Life wouldn’t be the same without your shining presence.

69. Okay, so maybe this is the year that I let you blow out the candles on your birthday cake all by yourself. Happy Birthday.

70. On your birthday, let us promise to never be separated from each other’s heart despite the distance between us. My best wishes for you.

71. Happy birthday to the most amazing brother. May God shower you with love and decorate your life with the colors of the rainbow.

72. An amazing brother like you deserves all the praise, gifts, and love in the world. This is why, on this special day of yours, I plan on giving you all three, in quantities larger than you could have ever imagined! Happy Birthday!

73. The link that we have is strong, the bond that people have is so powerful. I’m grateful to have you as my younger brother. I’ll always be here for you until the end.

74. Happy Birthday. Cheers to you, dear brother! Wishing you a fun-filled birthday celebration and an awesome year ahead.

75. Happy Birthday, dear brother! May you live all the days of your life, each second, each minute, and every day, to the fullest. And may you be showered with blessings and good fortune your whole life through.

76. Happy Birthday, to my sweet brother. May God bless you with all his warmth and care. May your birthday bring loads of joy and fun to your world.

77. There’s no brother better than you. Of course, you’re the only brother I’ve ever had, so I wouldn’t know the difference. Actually, I know you’re the best. Happy Birthday, bro!

78. You and I make an unstoppable team. Our duo wouldn’t have been so funny without you. Enjoy your birthday, dearest brother.

79. My lovely brother, you are my dose of laughter each day, you are my source of inspiration. I cannot imagine my life without you. I wish you a great year ahead.

80. Those childhood days when we fought and laughed together will always be the best memories of my life. I hope we make many more such moments this year. Today is your special day, happy birthday, bro.

81. A sibling’s biggest achievement is when their brother becomes a dear friend. And you are my best friend for life. Happy birthday, my handsome brother.

82. Brother, you are my strength that always helps me to fight against all the odds of my life. I love you so much. Happy Birthday.

83. Bro, throughout your life your valuable advice has guided me. Your love is the most precious item to me and your words are my guidance. Happy Birthday.

84. You have been my shadow. Thanks for supporting and loving me at every step of the way. Wishing you a lovely birthday and a successful year.

85. The day you were born, I thought a share of my love would be transferred to you. Although true, you deserved it, my little brother. Happy birthday to the most favorite person in the family.

86. Every brother is special, but for me there is no other brother who can be compared to your qualities and abilities. On this special day, I wish you a happy birthday.

87. Bro, you are the only person in this entire world who can turn my tears into a big smile. All I want to say is – I love you. Wishing you the happiest birthday.

88. Brother, there are so many sweet memories of our old days that can easily make great stories. I can remember all of them because I cherish them forever. Have a happy birthday.

89. Happy Birthday, bro. Can you remember how we used to smile in the old days? You still have that pleasant style of smiling and that’s why I love you brother.

90. Thanks for being the perfect companion on the ride of BROTHERHOOD. I always feel out of this world when we are together. Happy Birthday.

91. We have spent wonderful times watching cartoons and never getting bored. Thanks for those lovely and funny times, dearest brother. Happy birthday, enjoy the day!

92. You came as an extra member of our family. Your birthday has to be extra special. Enjoy your birthday, and have a great year ahead.

93. You are such a cutie that you deserve the best. Not just today but forever. Wishing you a happy birthday, brother!

94. You always fought with me growing up and made me cry every time. I cannot forget how naughty and annoying you were, but I can say I loved you then, and I love you now. Happy Birthday, dear brother.

95. Our parents have taught us to appreciate even the little things in life. On this special day, I appreciate you for being so sweet and funny. Enjoy your birthday!

96. I never missed your birthday little bro and have seen the candles adding up on your cake every year. I hope you blow out more than 100 candles one day. Happiest birthday to you.

97. The moment you came to our family, I knew there was going to be an adventure. But I love being a part of such adventures. Thank you, brother, have a great birthday.

98. We are like water and fish, so inseparable. I hope we continue to be the same forever. Happy birthday, and may God bless you with unlimited happiness.

99. I recall the day you were born; you were so tiny. I held you in my hand and haven’t stopped loving you since then. I wish you good luck. Happy Birthday, brother.

100. This is the one thing I like; you cannot be above me no matter how much you grow. I am your elder sibling, and you have to do whatever I say. I got the cake, but you better share it with me. Just kidding, have a great birthday brother.

101. I treasure you for being such a rare member of our family. I am happy you were born into our family years ago. Let’s celebrate and have unlimited fun on your birthday.

Funny birthday wishes for brother

1. Happy birthday bro! May your day be more beautiful than a unicorn farting rainbows!

2. May the number of candles on your cake increase so much that the birthday cake cannot be seen. Happy Birthday, bro.

3. In life “you have to appreciate the little things”, so on this day I appreciate you my little bro, even though you’re usually so annoying! Hope you have a great birthday!

4. Happy Birthday, brother! They say that the older you get, the smarter you become. But as we keep on doing the same stupid things we did as kids, I guess we are the exception to that rule.

5. Happy birthday to a brother who is smart, funny, witty, charming… and reminds me a lot of myself!

6. I wish a very happy birthday to the second favorite child of my mother.

7. Listen Bro! Our parents love me more than you. They didn’t have a baby boy, so they bought you from a shop. But I love you so much, after all, you are my only bro; Have a blissful birthday.

8. You know how most people, on your birthday, tell you, “My goodness, you never seem to age.” Well, I’m not one of them. Happy Birthday, old fart!

9. Happy Birthday! Don’t count the candles on your cake or the wrinkles on your face. Just be glad that you’re not down for the count.I made you a birthday cake to celebrate, but I couldn’t light the candles. It turns out the fire department requires a permit for bonfires.

10. Happy Birthday. At your age, you should really try to see everything as larger than life…starting with LARGE print.

11. You know at your age you’re not getting any easier to live with – let’s start with the fact that we have to wait in line longer while you show cashiers your AARP card.

12. They say that with age comes wisdom. I’m not so sure…I’ve met a lot of really stupid old people. So far, you’re not one of them. Happy Birthday.

13. First the army recruiters and now the AARP — you must know you’re a wanted man. Happy Birthday!

14. Someone your age shouldn’t say “chill” unless they’re talking about the weather. Happy birthday brother, we love you, no matter how old you get.

15. First goes the memory, then your eyesight, and then…I forgot. But, have a great birthday.

16. Don’t worry about your age. You are still younger than your next birthday. Have a special day!

17. Happy Birthday! At our age, I don’t know why people expect us to remember their birthdays. On a good day, we’re lucky if we even remember where our car keys are!

18. A big thanks to your birthday, your birthday cake candles are giving us so much warmth to counter this chilling cold. Thanks again and happy birthday!

19. Happy Birthday! Considering all the candles on your cake, I hope you remembered to top up your fire insurance.

20. You should be proud of your age. This year you are wiser, smarter, and very close to reaping the benefits of senior discounts at restaurants. Happy Bday!

21. Yes, you’re getting older and wrinklier every day, but it could be worse…you could still have an acne problem! Happy Birthday!

22. Don’t worry about getting so old. I will have the fire extinguisher ready in case your birthday cake gets out of control. Love you my ancient brother!

Happy birthday wishes for brother-in-law

Some brothers-in-law are just like our blood brothers, our best friends, and protectors. That’s why they also deserve one of these heartwarming birthday messages.

Pick the best birthday wish and show him how much he actually means to you.

1. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day and I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that I feel honored that I get to be a part of your family.

2. It’s been great getting to know you over the years. You’ve been a great brother-in-law. So here’s wishing you the best of birthdays!

3. Happy Birthday, dear brother-in-law. My husband wouldn’t be the same man he is without all those childhood adventures you both went on. Thank you for helping make my husband the great guy he is.

4. Cheers to you, brother-in-law! You’ve made it another year. Just remember, you’re not another year older you are another year better!

5. You know I wouldn’t miss my brother-in-law’s birthday, right? I’m just wishing you a happy birthday a bit late because I figure you might as well spread the birthday wishes out a bit! Happy belated birthday, I hope it was a good one!

6. I have a great brother-in-law and everyone knows. Because I tell them! And I figure I should tell you as well. You’re a great guy and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

7. Sometimes a brother-in-law can be just as good as a brother by birth. Thanks for being a great brother. I hope your birthday is amazing!

8. Having you as my brother-in-law is a blessing, we are all gathered here for you. This is your Big Day, and we hope that we all can make it amazing!

9. You are a year older, but I hope you will stay as jolly as ever. Happy birthday to you, my dear brother. We may not be related by blood, but you are truly loved. Happy birthday to you, my dear brother in law.

10. To my brother-in-law, I wish all the best for your birthday. May you have success in every sphere of your life. I hope you always keep that childlike sense of joy and wonder in the years to come.

11. My sister always told me about how great a guy you are. I can tell she is totally in love with you and I’m so happy she found her perfect match. I hope your birthday is as happy as you make my sister!

12. Your family welcomed me with open arms and I’ll never forget that. I’ll work hard to make sure your sister has the life she deserves. Happy birthday brother-in-law and thanks again for welcoming me into your family.

13. I hope your birthday is as happy and fun as you are my dear brother-in-law! You are a great guy and I hope you have a wonderful birthday! May the Lord bless you.

14. I’m not really great at birthday wishes, but I just want to say that you are a pretty amazing brother-in-law. I hope you have a great birthday ahead.

15. Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law. I hope your birthday is filled with all the things you enjoy and love and that the year following is filled with all the luck you deserve.

16. Your birthday is a good time to remind you that even though you are my brother-in-law, I consider you a blood brother. I’ve always got your back if you need anything. Happy Birthday.

17. A very happy birthday to you brother-in-law. I hope this birthday marks the beginning of the best time of your life.

18. Happy Birthday, brother-in-law! I never had a brother growing up, so it’s great to finally have one. Thanks for making my life more fun than ever.

19. Thanks for being such a cool brother-in-law. I couldn’t have asked for a more chill and welcoming brother-in-law! Thanks for all the cool tricks and treats.

20. We are not just related to each other because of the word ‘in-law’, but also because of admiration, understanding, and respect. Happy birthday to a brother-in-law who I am deeply fond of.

21. Dear brother-in-law, I hope you have a great day and I hope that all of your dreams come true. I wish you strength, love, happiness, and an amazing future with my sister!

22. God gives awesome brothers-in-law to people who don’t have real brothers. And God did exactly that with me too. Happy Birthday.

23. Not everyone gets to celebrate their birthday, so get dressed and let’s celebrate, for this is a once a year occasion and you do not go out that much. Happy birthday to you, dude!

24. Everyone can be a brother to their siblings. But it takes a man of character and generosity to be a loving brother to his in-laws. Happy birthday to one such brother-in-law.

25. Sometimes everyone needs to be reminded how great they are and a birthday is the perfect time to do it. So, happy birthday brother-in-law, keep being awesome!

26. I’m really happy that we were able to become friends. I know in-law relationships can be a bit rocky. So here’s to new brothers! Happy Birthday.

27. A lot of the time in-laws don’t get along. I’m sure glad we are the exception! Happy birthday bro, I hope you have a good one!

28. We’re definitely different but I’m glad we could become good friends. I’m happy to have such a great brother-in-law. I hope your birthday is as fantastic as you!

29. Happy birthday, keep rocking on brother-in-law. I hope your birthday is fantastic and the year following it is even better.

30. You were always super welcoming to me even before I became your brother-in-law. I really appreciate that. Happy birthday and thanks for making me feel like part of the family.

31. I wish you all the best for the coming year. I hope it’s filled with happiness and satisfaction. Happy birthday to my favorite brother-in-law.

32. Well bro-in-law, your birthday rolled around again. It’s not easy getting older, but at least we can have a few beers together and enjoy some good food. Looking forward to hanging out with you on your birthday.

Your brother is one of the most important people in your life. He means so much to you and you want only the best for him and you want to tell ]him that, especially on his birthday.

We hope this collection will help you to find some special birthday wishes for your brother that will truly express what you want to say to him.