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Even Though We Weren’t Meant To Last Forever, You Were Special To Me

Even Though We Weren’t Meant To Last Forever, You Were Special To Me

I knew we were never supposed to work out. I knew from the moment you walked into my life that you weren’t going to be there for long. But I still want to thank you.

I want to thank you for finding me. I want to thank you for making my life beautiful for a moment.

I want to thank you for all the hugs and kisses you gave me and for all the sincere moments we had together.

I want to thank you for letting me be who I really was around you. I want to thank you for not caring how my hair looked or how I was dressed. Thank you for seeing me for who I really was.

Thank you for being there for me even though we were never meant to be with each other. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes, for no particular reason, people just separate, like we did.

Now that everything is over, I finally understand that we weren’t meant for each other. You have another perfect half for you and I have mine waiting for me as well.

You were just a fun part of my life and I thank you for that.

But, even though we were only temporary, I fell for you. I fell in love with you and I wanted to be with you. And when we ended, I was hurting, I thought my world was going to fall apart.

I couldn’t stop thinking what it would be if I had done things differently.

I couldn’t stop asking myself why this perfect little world we had together had to fall apart, why our beautiful corner where we felt safe was gone all of a sudden.

I spent a lot of sleepless nights trying to heal my broken heart because I couldn’t understand where we had gone wrong.

I couldn’t understand why something so good had to be over so soon. I was still thinking about you and I wasn’t ready to let you go.

I didn’t allow myself to have the closure I deserved.

I couldn’t see that you weren’t supposed to be my forever person. That’s why I gave myself a hard time trying to forget about you.

But now, I thank you for not being the one because if you had stayed, I would never meet the man I was supposed to meet.

I would never meet my soulmate who would show me what true and endless love feels like.

I wanted to have love so badly that I didn’t want to accept that you weren’t supposed to spend the rest of your life with me.

I was blinded by the idea of love and I was missing it so badly that I deserted logic and didn’t want to see the truth.

That got me nothing but heartbreak. That made me live in an illusion of you and me forever until the end.

That’s why I missed something that was right in front of me. I couldn’t understand that after having something good and letting it go, I could have something even better.

You know, real love is not just loving someone. Real love is loving yourself, too. Real love is liking the person you are and the person you are when you are with him.

It took me a long time to understand that, so thank you for leaving me and giving me another chance to meet the man I was supposed to meet from the day I came into this world.

Our love story was nice and cute, but it wasn’t real and that is okay because now I know you were just a part of my life’s journey that made me realize I shouldn’t change for or adjust to anyone.

I should be who I am and I should be proud of that and know that one day I would find someone who would be proud of me, too. And I did.

I made one huge mistake that deceived me. I forgot to follow my heart. I followed my instincts and my wishes. I followed what I thought was right.

I completely ignored the person who lies within me and I tried to be something that I’m not only to be perfect for you.

In that process, I failed myself and I forgot who I was. It took one broken heart and a lot of tears to bring myself back.

Thank you for making that possible.

Even though we were never meant to be, you still mean the world to me.

I will never forget all the happy moments we had together. Every time I go to the places you took me, I will think of you and the feeling of happiness you gave me.

I will never forget every time I hugged you how I never wanted to let you go. I will never forget the way you made me laugh and the way you made me forget my troubles even for a second.

Although you were only in my life temporarily, you changed me.

You made me realize what I really need and I found what I need because of you. That’s why you will always have a special place in my heart.

You helped me become the person I am today.

Thank you for that.