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Home Alone During The Pandemic? Here’s What You Can Do

Home Alone During The Pandemic? Here’s What You Can Do

Self-isolation is difficult for all of us, but for those of us who are going through it alone, it can be even harder. We might be feeling lonelier than usual and maybe even a little terrified.

Thinking about it all the time can make the experience even more miserable. However, quarantining alone doesn’t mean that we are actually alone in all of this.

While we’re all dealing with it in our own ways, it’s equally hard for all of us – trust me. Here are some tips to help you spend your time in quarantine more effectively and to overcome loneliness.

1. Meditate or try yoga

These are the best stress reduction techniques. Frankly, I think that practicing meditation and yoga would be great for all of us right now.

We all need some peaceful moments during this turbulent time. Meditation has many benefits that can be seen in your mental, as well as your physical wellness.

2. Stay-at-home solo date

Prepare your favorite meal and open up that bottle of wine you’ve been saving for a special occasion because staying healthy is the most special occasion there is right now.

Oh, and light some candles. Now, take yourself on a date.

It’ll help you to fall in love with yourself again and to overcome the fear of being alone. Maybe you’ll understand the importance of solo dates and you’ll start to take yourself out on dates more often.

3. DON’T text your ex

I get that you are feeling lonely and that you are not sure how to cope with that loneliness. But please, don’t let those feelings make you do something you’ll regret.

Sending an “I miss you“ text to your ex would be a big mistake. Your feelings are controlling you and you aren’t thinking clearly. You don’t miss them, you just don’t want to be alone.

Hang in there –  this will all be over very soon.

4. Try dating apps

Quarantine doesn’t need to stop you dating. Just because you can’t go out and meet people, it doesn’t mean that your dating life has ended.

There are many dating apps you can use to meet someone. Many people are also going through all of this alone, so maybe they would also like to meet someone to talk to.

Who knows, maybe you’ll find your soulmate in one of those apps?

5. Keep yourself busy

The most important thing is to find something to do. If you keep yourself occupied, you won’t think about all the bad stuff. 

Trust me, the more time you spend laying around and scrolling through the internet, the more you’ll be depressed. It’ll only bring you dark thoughts and some really bad, pessimistic energy.

There is always something to do around the house. If you are bored with all your household chores, you can be productive in some other way.

There are plenty of DIY projects and crafts online that can make your life in isolation a lot more interesting.  

6. Stick to your daily routine

Don’t let this mess up your daily routine. Just because you are at home all the time, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to take a shower every morning or to dress well.

You must think about your life after the pandemic. You have to stick to your routine because once this is all over it’ll help you to continue with your life and daily obligations.

7. Stay active

Just because you can’t go to the gym, that’s no excuse not to work out. You can still exercise at home. Find some exercises to do with the equipment you have at home.

This can also be a great way to stay productive. If you have any extra space in your garage or anywhere in your house, you can turn it into your own personal gym.

8. Stay in touch with your loved ones

Use social media to keep in touch with your family and friends. Visit other people’s profiles and see how they are spending their days in quarantine.

Don’t be jealous of others because they are spending their days in quarantine with their family or partners. Believe me, this is equally difficult for all of us.

9. Sleep more

Yes, you should sleep more but that doesn’t mean that you should sleep all day long and become lazy. Focus on getting enough sleep (but don’t prioritize it) and rest.

During the pandemic, we all need to keep our immunity up and sleeping is great for improving your immune system.

Most importantly, don’t feel sorry for yourself. In a way, we are all in this together. You aren’t completely alone. I’m thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.