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How To Flirt On Instagram And Land Yourself A Date

How To Flirt On Instagram And Land Yourself A Date

Okay, let’s get real. We often use Instagram as a dating app. There, I said it! I am sorry, Mark Zuckerberg, it is what it is.

You sometimes find yourself stalking someone’s profile, analyzing their pictures and stories while trying to figure out how to talk to them. Well, you’re not alone.

This is a reality for many people, but don’t worry, I got your back! Just listen to me and you will master your ways to slide into their DMs and stay there. 

I know that the whole Instagram concept can be kinda tricky because one wrong step can take you into “seen land” or even worse, a block list. 

However, my Instagram flirting tactics secured me a man so I think I know what I’m talking about! But before we start, I have a question! What does your IG profile look like?

1. Your profile is a window to your life

Try to look at your profile from someone else’s perspective and see if you would accept your request in their place. 

First impressions always matter and this might be your only chance to get their attention or a reply back. If you don’t have a profile picture of yourself, your bio is empty, and your profile is locked, don’t expect them to accept your request. 

Personally, when I get a request from someone with a profile like that, I don’t even think twice but decline it immediately. So make sure your profile looks attractive, and if they do accept your request, don’t like all of their pictures immediately just because you’re excited, take it slow.

2. Chill out with likes

Calm down, I get you, you don’t know how to get their attention. Trust me, there are better ways to do it than attacking the like button. 

Don’t get me wrong. Liking a few of their recent photos is a great way to get noticed at first but it can also come across as annoying or even weird

I had situations where guys would like all of my photos in a span of a couple of minutes, and mind you, I always had a pretty big collection of posts. Even worse would be if they liked them in the middle of the night, choosing only the ones I posted while on the beach.

Honestly, it’s giving Joe Goldberg energy. Don’t be that guy that will end up in a girls’ group chat as a “creepy midnight stalker”. Instead, play it cool, and if you wouldn’t bother someone like that when you meet them in person, then why do it online?

3. Act like you would in real life

If you saw someone you like in public, would you approach them and start harassing them, saying inappropriate things? Well, let’s hope not! 

People can get weird on social media because they get too comfortable and give themselves more freedom. Don’t hide behind your profile and think you suddenly became someone else and then give completely different energy in person.

Always remember that just because it’s an online world, it doesn’t mean it’s not real. Being genuine and respectful will take you further than pretending you are something you’re not.

I once went on a date with someone who seemed perfect over messages. However, when we finally met in person he was a weirdo and even attacked the waiter just because he didn’t put ice in his drink! Safe to say I was shocked and never went out with him again.

4. Don’t force things

The best flow is the natural flow and honestly, this goes for everything in your life. My friends and I would often try to figure out what is the logic behind someone who repeatedly sends you a follow request and just doesn’t give up.

If I denied it yesterday and 10 times before, why do you think I changed my mind? This can only make you more repulsive, not the other way around. 

The same goes for messaging. You slide into their DMs but they leave you on seen or only give you dead-end responses? Please, get the sign. 

5. Kind words can unlock an iron door

This is definitely my life motto. From my experience, and this goes for every aspect of life, carefully chosen words will often get you what you want. You just need to know how to craft them in the right way.

This is how I reserved myself a date with anyone I wanted, and eventually even married a guy I met on IG!

I wouldn’t just react with a fire emoji on his selfie, I took it to the next level. I would wait for him to post something about things he did or loved and then take it as a chance to start a conversation.

“Omg! I didn’t know you also loved that TV show. It’s my favorite!” Something like this would always keep a conversation going for quite a while. It’s also proven that people are more willing to respond to you when you ask them a question.

So instead of only congratulating them for their achievement, ask them to tell you more about that experience. You can even ask for advice on something they’re good at. If people like something, then it must be talking about themselves.

Always remember to keep it casual and don’t be too pushy. Tiny mistakes can cost you a lot. It may seem like a lot of things to keep an eye out for, but practice makes perfect!