10 Most Common Thoughts He Has When You Ignore His Texts
Unanswered texts are something that can set into motion a whole avalanche of thoughts—and not just for women. Men are not immune to being ignored …
Unanswered texts are something that can set into motion a whole avalanche of thoughts—and not just for women. Men are not immune to being ignored …
There’s nothing worse than staying in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy . But, the majority of us have done it and will keep …
They’ve been played before by men who run from commitment as if it’s going to kill them. First place in the life of someone they …
When you first meet a guy, you can’t actually know if he will be good in bed or sex with him will be a total …
Deep inside, we all crave love. We all want to be loved because we weren’t designed to be alone. There is this insatiable need that …
Unicorns—mythical creatures who live under a rainbow. Ring a bell? Isn’t this exactly the same as a nice and caring guy, not a complete douche, …
I know people have put you down – they’ve put me down too. I know your fight – I have fought it myself. Know that …
What does a single woman do? She enjoys her own damn company. Every single girl out there needs to hear the following: Being single doesn’t …
A Femme fatale is a strong woman who knows what she wants and how she wants it. She has the ability to seduce any man …
When a man falls in love, he will do just about anything for you rather than telling you upfront. It sounds a bit illogical, but …