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I Am A Brutally Soft Woman (And I Won’t Change For Anyone)

I Am A Brutally Soft Woman (And I Won’t Change For Anyone)

I am a brutally soft woman. (Nayyirah Waheed)

Here’s the thing you should know about me: I’m not like any other girl you’ve met before.

I can promise you that. I’m the woman who’s been through it all.

At moments it felt like I was never going to be back on my feet again but here I am. I fought and I survived.

The past didn’t turn out how I imagined it would be, but that doesn’t mean my future won’t.

Nevertheless, I’ve decided to let my past go so I can move forward – because I deserve it.

I deserve to be accepted and appreciated. That’s why I’ve decided to accept all the things that make me – me.

I’m not perfect but I’m a hell of a woman. Now I know my worth, I’m sure that everyone who enters my life will know it too.

I know how to love deeply; I understand better than anyone. I don’t hold back my feelings. I’m passionate yet considerate.

I’m not afraid of being vulnerable and I’m not afraid of calling you on your BS.

I’m excited about life even though I’ve known pain. Not a thing can break my spirit. I always keep pushing forward.

My beauty comes from my self-acceptance. There’s nothing more beautiful than being yourself and I had to learn this the hard way. But it was worth it.

My kind of love is timeless. It almost feels like it belongs to some older time.

A time without dating apps and virtual love. Instead, my kind of love is full of handwritten letters and holding hands when we’re seventy.

I love being protected and cared for. I love being passionate about the one I love. I’m the most loyal person I know.

My heart is tender, but my soul is brave. I’m a gentle warrior. Fierce enough to protect and gentle enough to mend what’s broken.

I am a brutally soft woman. The rare kind. Sometimes I’m messy and indulge too much but it reminds me how good it is to be a human and make mistakes.

To make mistakes is to live. I embrace all parts of life and all parts of me. Everything I was once insecure about, I now carry with pride.

Every scar is a reminder I chose myself after all. It’s a reminder I didn’t give up. And I never will. No matter what life throws at me, I will be prepared.

I’m done going back to people who hurt me. I’m done with people holding me back.

I refuse to be someone’s doormat. Someone they can use to please their selfish needs.

If you don’t accept my boundaries, you don’t respect me. If you can’t accept me as I am, our relationship won’t make sense.

If you can’t see how beautiful my heart is, how pure my soul is, you don’t deserve me.

I’m happy because I know what I want. I don’t depend on anyone. If I choose to be with you, it’s because I want you, not because I need you.

And if we ever part ways, my world won’t stop. I’ve learned that every blessing comes in disguise.

I’ve learned to always have hope and that hope is an underestimated thing. To have hope means to be unafraid.

That’s what I am. Fearless. No one can destroy what they can’t control.

Being brutally soft means being honest with yourself. It means accepting your vulnerability and your flaws and being proud of everything that’s good in you.

The life purpose of that kind of woman is to show everyone their life is important and meaningful.

She wants them to be reminded of that every time they see her. She wants to be a walking reminder for everyone who forgets their worth.

Love yourself, because you’re important. You’re someone’s everything.

You, a beautiful, untamable and kind woman – you’re someone’s saving grace.

And you don’t even know it. That’s why you should always be yourself. Just in case.