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A Letter To The One Still Waiting For Love To Come Into Her Life

A Letter To The One Still Waiting For Love To Come Into Her Life

Dear You,

Being single doesn’t mean something bad. Even if you are alone you can still feel good in your own skin.

Please bear in mind that you don’t need a man to complete you. You are already a whole . That is what you are and please don’t forget that.

You are worthy and enough and you deserve to be loved like that. And when the right one comes, he will see that.

Trust me, you won’t need to say a word, he will see it when he looks into your eyes because they are the mirror of your soul. He will see everything that he was looking for all this time. And with you, he will become complete.

Maybe the right man won’t come today or in a week but he will come eventually. He has to because you are destined to be together. So, while you wait for him, make sure that you do good things for yourself. Remember that you are a work in progress and that there are so many things that you can do to improve yourself.

And when he comes, you can teach him everything that you learned while you were single. You will be able to tell him about your fears, your darkest secrets but also about the things that make you smile.

You will feel that he is the man you have been waiting for so long and that he will truly understand how you feel. You will fall in love with him in a blink of an eye and you will never let him slip away. Because he is the right one, and he was surely worth the wait.

When he comes, tell him about your experiences. Teach him new things and let him teach you some that you don’t know. Help each other. Work for each other. And always make sure that you tell each other how you love the other one.



But while you are waiting for him, enjoy your loneliness. Because you need to feel good when you are alone, you need to learn how to be okay with your own thoughts.

Try to find happiness in every new day. Smile to a stranger in the street, help a child to cross the street, enroll a cooking class. I know you always wanted to try that. The point is that you feel good in your own skin, no matter how tight it sometimes can be.

When you defeat all your fears and overcome all your problems alone, it will be easier to do it with someone else later. When you make a strong foundation in your life for all the important things, everything that comes later will be easier.

Make sure that you are happy with all your decisions. Make sure that you don’t regret some things in your life. And if you do, let it be just a couple of them. Don’t act like people would want it but follow your heart. Please bear in mind that your heart will always show you the right way.

And that same heart will take you to the right man. You will meet him when you least expect it. Maybe it will happen in the street while you wait for the bus. Maybe he will be the stranger who you will see at the bar or the man who will just smile at you in the street. For no reason. But for a reason.

And when you see him, you will know it is him.

You will know he is the one you have been waiting for such a long time. And he will be even better than you pictured him. To you, he will simply be perfect.

You will see the same story as yours in his eyes. You will see that he was waiting for you so much time. And he will be thankful he finally found you. He will feel that he found his twin flame, his soulmate.

And only then, when he hugs you and when you feel the warmth of his body, and his heart beating that calls your name, you will feel the peace within. You will feel the love that you craved so much, the one that feels like home.

See also: Stay Single Until You Find A Man Who Has A PhD In LOVE