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I Promise You I Will Be The Man Who Will Protect You, Instead Of Abusing You

I Promise You I Will Be The Man Who Will Protect You, Instead Of Abusing You

I know you’ve been through a lot. You’ve handled some things that not every woman can handle. You thought you had love, but actually, all you had was pain and suffering. You thought you had a real man by your side, but actually, you had a coward who used every opportunity to abuse you in every way possible.

This guy brought you nothing but suffering. He diminished you in every way possible and he made your life a living hell.

He abused you emotionally and physically and after that, he even tried to manipulate you into thinking everything that was going on was exclusively your fault. Even when he showed signs of remorse, he tried to convince you that you caused him to be like that and that you provoked him into abusing you.

And of course, all of this changed you.

This man played with your head and he ruined your confidence. He turned you into this negative and insecure women you never were. He convinced you that you are not worthy of anyone’s love and respect and that you are basically good for nothing.

Although you’ve finally realized that this abuse was never your fault, you still blame yourself. You think you are guilty for not stopping it earlier and for putting up with it for so long. You think you are obviously too weak to handle life and to fight for yourself.

You feel guilty you loved your abuser for so long.

And most of all, this caused you to lose trust in every man who comes near you. It caused you to think all men are the same and that you will never find your happiness when it comes to love. It caused you to give up on love and to stop believing in a better tomorrow.

And I know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times and I know you don’t believe me, but I really am different and I would never put you through the things this guy has.

Because I think that a real man can’t abuse his woman. And if he does, he is everything but a man.

I guarantee you I am the man who will heal all of your wounds, if you just decide to give me a chance. That I will regain your confidence, your faith in love and most importantly, that I will teach you to love yourself again.

I promise you I will support you and be there for you, no matter what. That I will never leave your side and that I will love you at your worst as well.

I promise you I will be your best friend and lover. That I will always care for you and your needs and that you will always be my priority.

I promise you I will put all of my strength and effort into making you happy because I could never feel good about myself for making you miserable.

I promise you I will be the man who will see your worth. That I will be the man who will see past your pain and past everything you’ve been through. Because I know how valuable you are and I know that you have a lot to offer.

And most of all, I promise you I will be the man who will protect you from everything and everyone that comes into your way.

Instead of cutting your wings, I will be the wind to them. Instead of making you weak, I will be your biggest strength. Instead of holding you down, I will always push you forward. And instead of discouraging you, I will always believe in you.

Because that is what all real men do.

I know you don’t believe a word I am saying. I know you assume I am just telling you all of this to get into your heart and head and so I could take better advantage of you.

But I am just asking you to give me a chance to prove that everything I promised you is true.

Just give me a chance to regain your faith in men and to regain your faith in yourself.

Just give me a chance to love you and I will do the rest.

by Owen Scott