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Never Date A Guy Who Isn’t Sure About You

Never Date A Guy Who Isn’t Sure About You

You only have one life to live and you sure as hell shouldn’t waste it on someone who isn’t sure about you.

Don’t date a guy who’ll make you stare at the phone in the morning and ask yourself if he’s going to text you because there will be a guy whose message will light up the screen of your phone before you even wake up.

Don’t date a guy who’s going to make you scared that he’ll stop texting you back or that he’ll start being short with you because there will be a guy who’ll be calling just to hear your voice and who’ll have a whole week planned in advance.

Don’t date a guy who’ll make you doubt if he’s available for you or not—or a guy to whom you’ll think twice before texting because you’re afraid you’ll wait hours for a reply—because there will be a guy who’ll text first, a guy who’ll eagerly wait for your message and a guy who will never get tired of texting you.

Don’t date a guy that will make you call your friends to analyze his actions because there will be a guy who won’t sent you mixed signals, a guy who’s going to make sure you’re aware where you stand with him and how much you mean to him.

Don’t date a guy who’ll make you question if you have a future with him because there will be a guy who’ll make sure you know he already made a space for you in his life.

Don’t date a guy who’ll make you wonder if you’re the only one for him because there will be a guy who’ll only have eyes for you, a guy to whom you’ll be #1.

Don’t date a guy with whom you’ll have to hold back your emotions or to whom you won’t be able to express your desires because there will be a guy who’ll want you more than you want him and who’ll tell you how much he misses you before you get to do it.

Don’t date a guy who’ll make you guard your heart because there will be a guy who’ll make you feel like you’re free to fall and who’ll show you that he’ll be there for you when you start falling for him.


Don’t date a guy whose behavior you’ll have to explain to your friends and family because there will be a guy who’ll stand next to you in front of your family and proudly hold your hand.

And most importantly, don’t date a guy who isn’t sure about you because you’ll become unsure about yourself as well. Don’t date a guy who won’t think you’re not good enough because he’ll make you doubt if you’re good enough as well.

Instead, date a guy won’t leave any space for doubts…a guy who’ll make everything about you two crystal clear…a guy who’ll make you feel like you’re everything he has ever wanted in his life, like you’re the girl he’s been searching for his entire life.

Don’t welcome into your life someone who’ll make you hesitate before you text him, someone who’s good morning text you’ll be waiting for till the afternoon, someone who won’t be interested in hearing from you or who won’t bother making plans that involve you.

Instead, welcome into your life someone who’ll make you feel like his world revolves around you, someone who’ll keep showing you by his actions that he’s serious about you two, someone who won’t break your heart. Date someone who’s sure about you.

When you date a guy who is sure about you, you don’t worry about competing with other women because he has already announced that you’re the winner and no one else stands a chance. – Rania Naim

Never settle for a man who’ll treat you like you’re not worthy. Never date a man who’ll make you doubt yourself or a man who’ll make you question your entire relationship.

Don’t date a guy around whom you’ll have to guard your heart. Instead, wait for someone who’ll guard your heart, someone who will never have any intention of breaking it or letting anyone else break it either.

You only have one life to live, so share it with someone who is sure about you.