This Is For The Ones Fighting Battles They Don’t Talk About
This is for the ones who wear a smile as their shield. Nobody can see how you feel. Nobody knows your past or what you …
This is for the ones who wear a smile as their shield. Nobody can see how you feel. Nobody knows your past or what you …
It took me a while to see this. For so long, you were my standard. You were the one who I measured my worth upon. …
You’re a mess, and nothing’s going right. Your eyes are swollen from all the crying, and your body is too tired get out of bed …
I know that you are crazy about this guy. And naturally, the only thing you really want is for him to feel the same way …
Yes, she will wait. She will wait because she sees something in you, although she doesn’t trust you. Don’t think that she cannot live without …
I don’t care about your exes, your one-night-stands or your casual hookups, as long as I know that I am your now, your tomorrow and …
You miss him. I know you do. You miss his cute, boyish smile and the way he would adorably grin from ear to ear when …
It’s an everlasting debate: Should I follow my head this time or my (who knows for how many times broken) heart? If we rely too …
If you think that I’m still crying over you, you have no idea how wrong you are. Yes, I loved you, but sometimes just loving …
When she hugs you, that hug will last a bit longer. When she kisses you, she will do it with passion, always asking for one …