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A Man Has A Problem With Wife’s Content On Social Media And Wonders If He’s Wrong

A Man Has A Problem With Wife’s Content On Social Media And Wonders If He’s Wrong

Your hubby should be full of understanding and support your choices, even encourage you to pursue your dream job. Right?

Well, it’ll depend on many different factors. People tend to have various preferences regarding their dream job, so someone’s dream job could seem inappropriate to their SO. If you need a reality check, Reddit is a great place to go. 

The “sharent” problem

A user named throwrasutwy, shared his story and perspective on AITA subreddit.

“My wife wants to be an influencer on TikTok and YouTube. She has been creating mommy content and content about her day to day life. When she told me this is something she wanted to do I didn’t have a problem with I only said that I don’t want our children (4m, 2f) in ANY of her content.

Fairly reasonable I would say, the man cares about the safety and privacy of his kids and I couldn’t agree more. He made it clear that she could do whatever she liked as long as the kids were not part of her content.

The man thought the simple warning would work it out, but after a while, he checked her channels, and to his great surprise he found his kids’ faces in her content and got furious.

“I told her straight up she needs to remove all of her content, she said that she knew I wouldn’t agree but she doesn’t think this is a big deal.” 

He explained why he doesn’t like to see the kids on social media: that kind of visibility makes them a “product” that brings profit and people (his wife actually!) start “acting” their ways of overcoming challenges of parenthood. He backs up his opinion with a good example:

“… she posted a video of her getting our 2 yr old out of a tantrum and how she deals with it but how is your first instinct to record and hold a camera whilst our baby is crying.”

A divorce threat

When throwrasutwy asked his wife to remove the content, she was upset and didn’t want to give up on her dream. She couldn’t just erase everything she worked hard on, for months. The man was a hard shell:

“…if you don’t delete it I will consider a divorce.”

The Reddit poster continued explaining he wouldn’t mind if his children were on Instagram or Facebook posts, but videos are different. They are exposing some intimate aspects of kids’ lives that he finds inappropriate to be shared. But the wife wouldn’t give up on her dream:

“She told her friends and even hinted on her social media accounts that she has an over controlling and narcissistic husband that doesn’t want her on social media… ”

Her friends started making fun of him and at some point, he wasn’t sure if he was being over-controlling or narcissistic.

After some people asked about the type of content his wife shared he added more details explaining that most of the videos showed her playing, or feeding the kids but still there were:

“the 2 types of videos I have problems with is her recording our children tantrums and our 2 yr old still doesn’t like clothes, we are trying to get her to wear them more but our house can be hot so she is in diaper alot. I don’t like the videos of our daughter in her diapers.”

Community support

As you can probably imagine, the Reddit community supported his reaction. Someone wrote:

“NTA – people who make profits from their kid’s misery are the AHs here, and it seems like your wife is more interested in being a TikTok celebrity than being a caring wife and mother.

No one should ever be shilling out their kids for likes and imaginary internet points.”

Everyone was disgusted by the way some influencers are exploiting their own children, and advised him to get a lawyer and protect his children. Some people said she wasn’t respecting his boundaries, and called his wife disrespectful, exploitative, and the one who’s being narcissistic.

Another person shared the not-so-known fact: most of the followers of influencer moms are not other moms but creeps who like to look at kids.

I entirely share the public opinion found on Reddit. Kids are the most precious treasure and we must always make sure to protect them. I hope these two will find a common ground and come to a solution that will satisfy both sides.

If you’re too concerned for the privacy of your own kids, make sure to read the full thread.